rev.hodl on Nostr: Red Clover in the Bitcoin mining dehydrator ...
Red Clover in the Bitcoin mining dehydrator
I was able to get around to picking some red clover before the sheep are it all up. Processed it in the Bitcoin mining dehydrator and now it is preserved for use in some peach cider later this summer.
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #grownostr #meshtadel #selfsovereignty #foraging #redclover #clover #bitcoin #bitcoinmining #plebminer #homemining #dehydrator

I was able to get around to picking some red clover before the sheep are it all up. Processed it in the Bitcoin mining dehydrator and now it is preserved for use in some peach cider later this summer.
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #grownostr #meshtadel #selfsovereignty #foraging #redclover #clover #bitcoin #bitcoinmining #plebminer #homemining #dehydrator
quoting nevent1q…m9ukHere is a montage of what's been processed by the Bitcoin mining dehydrator lately. Didn't get any pictures of the yarrow but here's a look at everything else.
Wild Rose
White Clover
Now with summer in full swing I feel like I need two dehydrators to keep up with all there is to harvest. Got my eyes on elder flower, red clover, gooseberry, dill, oregano, oyster mushrooms and on and on...
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #grownostr #selfsovereignty #foraging #wildforaged #dehydrator #plebminer #bitcoinmining