Mapping Support on Nostr: Do you enjoy recreation on #BLM land? Here is an interactive map covering all BLM ...
Do you enjoy recreation on #BLM land?
Here is an interactive map covering all BLM land and with lots of #GIS layers you can turn on/off/restack.
Want to make your own custom map link? Turn on geolocation? Search? Get details for a campground? You can lean how to do that and a lot more if you read the “Map tips” link in the upper left corner.
#hiking #mountainbiking #trails #camping #horseriding #trailriding
Open #GISsurfer map,-118.706245&zoom=12&basemap=USA_basemap&overlay=BLM_land_shaded,All_stream_river_lake,BLM_land_outline,State_boundary,BLM_recreation_facility,BLM-G_trail_not_assessed,BLM_trail_not_assessed&data=
Here is an interactive map covering all BLM land and with lots of #GIS layers you can turn on/off/restack.
Want to make your own custom map link? Turn on geolocation? Search? Get details for a campground? You can lean how to do that and a lot more if you read the “Map tips” link in the upper left corner.
#hiking #mountainbiking #trails #camping #horseriding #trailriding
Open #GISsurfer map,-118.706245&zoom=12&basemap=USA_basemap&overlay=BLM_land_shaded,All_stream_river_lake,BLM_land_outline,State_boundary,BLM_recreation_facility,BLM-G_trail_not_assessed,BLM_trail_not_assessed&data=