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Turgon on Nostr: What is Post-Quantum Cryptography and Why is it Important? Post-quantum cryptography ...

What is Post-Quantum Cryptography and Why is it Important?

Post-quantum cryptography refers to encryption techniques designed to be secure even against the power of quantum computers. Current encryption methods such as RSA, DSA, and ECC rely on mathematical problems that are practically impossible for classical computers to solve. However, quantum computers have the potential to break these codes quickly. As a result, post-quantum cryptography focuses on using mathematical problems that even quantum computers find incredibly difficult to solve.

Alice and Bob’s Post-Quantum Security Adventure

To illustrate, let’s revisit our classic characters, Alice and Bob. Alice wants to send a secure message to Bob, but she knows that there’s a risk of Eve, a malicious eavesdropper equipped with a quantum computer, intercepting the message. Alice needs to use post-quantum encryption techniques to ensure her communication remains secure.

1. Lattice-Based Cryptography

- Scenario: Alice decides to use lattice-based cryptography to send a post-quantum secure message to Bob.
- How It Works: In lattice-based cryptography, Alice represents her message as a point within a large, multi-dimensional grid (lattice). She then sends Bob a "short vector" that helps him locate the correct point within this grid, allowing him to decode the message.

- Alice’s Steps:
1. Constructs a large, multi-dimensional lattice and encodes her message as a point within this grid.
2. Encrypts this point with a special key and sends it, along with a "short vector," to Bob.

- Bob’s Steps:
1. Uses the short vector and the key to navigate the lattice and find Alice’s original message.

- Eve’s Challenge: Even with a quantum computer, Eve faces an overwhelming mathematical challenge to decode the message. The complexity of the lattice makes it virtually impossible to determine the correct point without the proper vector and key.

2. Code-Based Cryptography

- Scenario: Alice and Bob use a code-based encryption technique to communicate.
- How It Works: Alice encodes her message using a random error-correcting code and sends it to Bob. While Bob has the necessary key to correct these errors, Eve cannot decipher the message without it.

- Alice’s Steps:
1. Takes her message and encodes it with random errors using a code-based encryption technique.
2. Sends the encoded message to Bob.

- Bob’s Steps:
1. Uses his secret decoding key to correct the errors and extract Alice’s original message.

- Eve’s Challenge: Without the error-correction key, Eve faces an insurmountable task in decoding Alice’s message, even with a quantum computer.

3. Hash-Based Signatures

- Scenario: Alice needs to send a digitally signed message to Bob to ensure its authenticity.
- How It Works: Alice generates a hash (a condensed representation) of her message and then uses her private key to create a digital signature. This signature, along with the original message, is sent to Bob, who can verify its authenticity using Alice's public key.

- Alice’s Steps:
1. Creates a hash of her message.
2. Signs the hash using her private key and sends both the message and the signature to Bob.

- Bob’s Steps:
1. Uses Alice’s public key to verify that the signature matches the hash, ensuring the message’s authenticity.

- Eve’s Challenge: The hash function is designed to be computationally infeasible to reverse, even for quantum computers, meaning Eve cannot forge Alice’s signature or tamper with the message.

Quantum Computers’ Cracking Abilities: Shor and Grover Algorithms

- Shor’s Algorithm: This quantum algorithm efficiently factors large numbers, which would compromise RSA and ECC encryption methods.
- Grover’s Algorithm: It accelerates the search process for finding pre-images of hash functions, but post-quantum cryptographic methods are constructed to withstand even this enhanced capability.

Hybrid Encryption: A Practical Approach

In practical applications, Alice and Bob may use a combination of post-quantum algorithms alongside traditional encryption methods to maximize security:
- Alice uses a post-quantum algorithm to encrypt a shared secret key.
- She then uses a classical encryption method, like AES, to encrypt the actual message using that key.

This hybrid approach provides protection against both current classical threats and future quantum threats.

The Real-World Importance and Applications of Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography is not just a theoretical concept; it has started to be implemented in various applications* . From financial transactions to secure communication, integrating post-quantum algorithms into existing systems offers early protection against the emerging quantum threat. This shift is essential to safeguard data against the possibility of future quantum attacks.


Post-quantum cryptography represents a critical advancement in safeguarding data against the potential dangers posed by quantum computers. Lattice-based, code-based, and hash-based encryption techniques provide layers of security that are designed to withstand even the most advanced quantum attacks. Through Alice and Bob’s journey, we've explored how these post-quantum algorithms function and why they are so vital for future-proofing our digital security.

As the capabilities of quantum computers continue to grow, the adoption of post-quantum cryptographic techniques will be an essential step in ensuring that our information remains protected. This isn't just a temporary fix but a foundational element in securing a future where quantum threats are a reality.

* For example: mullvad vpn, which I love to use, uses these algorithms practically. Not advertising

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