Pray for me on Nostr: #[0] in a recent episode of XYZ live you asked “how universal is Christianity, as ...
Nolzy (npub1hfh…x3wj) in a recent episode of XYZ live you asked “how universal is Christianity, as you would practice it?” It seemed like you were genuinely curious and I thought I might have something to add.
Christianity is for everyone, as in everyone of all races should be evangelised. Christian claims that salvation is for all peoples who believe in Jesus. Christianity will and does make people better and creates a society with a more rational worldview. Other worldviews are invariably superstitious and result in demonic behaviour. So even for people who different ethnicities, we should hope that they become Christian because if they do they’ll be less awful. Unlike other religions (and I include big 🏳️🌈) Christianity commands that we don’t lie, cheat, steal, or fuck other people’s wives. The times of greatest civility for black man have been under the white Christian boot.
However, and this is the big distinction (compared to other religions) is that Christianity has a distinction between church and state. It’s the role of the church to shape the culture, conscience, and morality of the people but they don’t write the laws or enforce them. It’s up to the king to kill the bankers and deport the aliens. Christianity doesn’t dictate a tax policy because, outside of universal morals, it understands that governing innately different groups requires different laws. Christianity provides a system of morality, but doesn’t dictate to cultures (ethics groups) how they should govern themselves.
The bible is clear that different people groups exist, God created these differences, they matter, and those differences aren’t to be erased or abolished. The project of abolishing ethic groups is a satanic attack on God’s creation. This does not mean that we are to worship the refugee. The bible has clear categories for the temporary visitors verses the parasite. One is to be treated with respect (as long as they abide by the law), the other gets the boot. All the verses about slobbering over migrants and loving trannies are vast distortions by fags in robes. I am happy to answer literally any quote they throw at you. Christianity is neither pacifist, communist, or anti-nationalist
In summary, I don’t want to have to live with savages. I do what I can to create a society where I don’t have to live with them. I know they’d be less hazardous to my health if they were Christian. In the ideal world they’d be Christian outside my country.
Attached is the opening to the Augsburg Confession the document the Protestant presented to the Emperor explaining their beliefs in 1580. Link: . In it they support and encourage the emperor to kill the Turk and keep him out of Europe. This is still the statement of belief for modern confessional Lutherans. You might like Lutheranism as it is extremely concise, precise, and grug-brained. Luther was a turbo autist and he speaks to my language.
Feel free to hit me up with any other questions you might have. Crux_Invictus (npub1cvh…wx2e) is another lutheran Australian who can answer your questions
If you’d like to know more two podcasts I can recommend are The Godcast ( Godcast (GOWAD half) (npub1ljy…a0ge) & SuperLutheran (Avignon Half) (npub1tm5…zt6m) ) and Stone Choir. The Godcast are explicitly our guys, and Stone Choir have just finished a series on race, IQ, and Christianity.
Lastly, as a point of history you may enjoy learning about the Afrikaners Broederbond and the long history of proud White calvinists South Africans.
Christianity is for everyone, as in everyone of all races should be evangelised. Christian claims that salvation is for all peoples who believe in Jesus. Christianity will and does make people better and creates a society with a more rational worldview. Other worldviews are invariably superstitious and result in demonic behaviour. So even for people who different ethnicities, we should hope that they become Christian because if they do they’ll be less awful. Unlike other religions (and I include big 🏳️🌈) Christianity commands that we don’t lie, cheat, steal, or fuck other people’s wives. The times of greatest civility for black man have been under the white Christian boot.
However, and this is the big distinction (compared to other religions) is that Christianity has a distinction between church and state. It’s the role of the church to shape the culture, conscience, and morality of the people but they don’t write the laws or enforce them. It’s up to the king to kill the bankers and deport the aliens. Christianity doesn’t dictate a tax policy because, outside of universal morals, it understands that governing innately different groups requires different laws. Christianity provides a system of morality, but doesn’t dictate to cultures (ethics groups) how they should govern themselves.
The bible is clear that different people groups exist, God created these differences, they matter, and those differences aren’t to be erased or abolished. The project of abolishing ethic groups is a satanic attack on God’s creation. This does not mean that we are to worship the refugee. The bible has clear categories for the temporary visitors verses the parasite. One is to be treated with respect (as long as they abide by the law), the other gets the boot. All the verses about slobbering over migrants and loving trannies are vast distortions by fags in robes. I am happy to answer literally any quote they throw at you. Christianity is neither pacifist, communist, or anti-nationalist
In summary, I don’t want to have to live with savages. I do what I can to create a society where I don’t have to live with them. I know they’d be less hazardous to my health if they were Christian. In the ideal world they’d be Christian outside my country.
Attached is the opening to the Augsburg Confession the document the Protestant presented to the Emperor explaining their beliefs in 1580. Link: . In it they support and encourage the emperor to kill the Turk and keep him out of Europe. This is still the statement of belief for modern confessional Lutherans. You might like Lutheranism as it is extremely concise, precise, and grug-brained. Luther was a turbo autist and he speaks to my language.
Feel free to hit me up with any other questions you might have. Crux_Invictus (npub1cvh…wx2e) is another lutheran Australian who can answer your questions
If you’d like to know more two podcasts I can recommend are The Godcast ( Godcast (GOWAD half) (npub1ljy…a0ge) & SuperLutheran (Avignon Half) (npub1tm5…zt6m) ) and Stone Choir. The Godcast are explicitly our guys, and Stone Choir have just finished a series on race, IQ, and Christianity.
Lastly, as a point of history you may enjoy learning about the Afrikaners Broederbond and the long history of proud White calvinists South Africans.