techriot on Nostr: Rumors Of War. I wonder which government and her operatives are stoking these fires ...
Rumors Of War.
I wonder which government and her operatives are stoking these fires of discontent? One can only speculate. Let's see shall we? The Chinese, I think, were close to the Burmese military junta, therefore, one can only speculate who's on the other side of the fight. I don't like to call any names, so I'll just keep mi mouth shut.
#^Birmanie : la junte impose un service militaire de deux ans
Burma: Junta Imposes Two-Year Military Service On Men & Women.
It's in French, so dust off the translators.
La loi, adoptée en 2010, n’avait encore jamais été appliquée. Elle impose aux hommes de 18 à 35 ans et aux femmes de 18 à 27 ans de servir dans l’armée au moins deux ans.
The law, adopted in 2010, had never before been applied. It requires men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 to serve in the army for at least two years.
I wonder which government and her operatives are stoking these fires of discontent? One can only speculate. Let's see shall we? The Chinese, I think, were close to the Burmese military junta, therefore, one can only speculate who's on the other side of the fight. I don't like to call any names, so I'll just keep mi mouth shut.
#^Birmanie : la junte impose un service militaire de deux ans
Burma: Junta Imposes Two-Year Military Service On Men & Women.
It's in French, so dust off the translators.
La loi, adoptée en 2010, n’avait encore jamais été appliquée. Elle impose aux hommes de 18 à 35 ans et aux femmes de 18 à 27 ans de servir dans l’armée au moins deux ans.
The law, adopted in 2010, had never before been applied. It requires men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 to serve in the army for at least two years.