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BASED Party Platform:

Bitcoin Advocates for Sane and Effective Democracy

The BASED Party is a coalition of Americans who believe in the principles of financial independence, common sense governance, and the preservation of individual freedoms. We advocate for policies that empower citizens, respect the rule of law, and ensure that democracy remains a true reflection of the people’s will. Our platform is built on six core pillars: Financial Freedom, Restoring Sanity, Effective Democracy, Law and Order, National Sovereignty, and Fiscal Responsibility.

1. Financial Freedom:
We believe in the transformative power of Bitcoin as a path to financial sovereignty for every citizen. The traditional financial system often fails the average American, while Bitcoin offers a secure, decentralized alternative.

• Support for Bitcoin: We advocate for policies that recognize and protect the right to own, use, and transact in Bitcoin, including the right to run a Bitcoin node.
• Simplified Bitcoin Transactions: We support streamlining regulations to make Bitcoin transactions simpler and easier. Specifically, we advocate for the removal of burdensome tax obligations on Bitcoin-to-dollar transactions, ensuring that peer-to-peer transactions between Bitcoin and dollars are not classified as taxable events. This would significantly enhance the utility of Bitcoin as digital cash.

2. Restoring Sanity to Public Policy:
The BASED Party stands for a return to common sense in governance. We reject polarizing ideologies and prioritize practical solutions over ideological purity.

• Respect for Tradition: We value cultural and national traditions that foster unity and pride.
• Balanced Policies: Governance should be driven by what works, not by narrow political agendas.
• Free Speech: We protect free speech, opposing cancel culture and the silencing of dissenting voices.

3. Effective Democracy:
True democracy respects the voice of the people and holds power accountable. We aim to revitalize our democratic institutions to make them more transparent and representative.

• Election Integrity: We support secure voting systems and transparent election processes to ensure every vote counts.
• Ranked Choice Voting: We advocate for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) to ensure fairer, more representative elections.
• Term Limits: We support term limits for Congress to prevent the monopolization of power by career politicians.

4. Law and Order:
A safe and orderly society is essential to a thriving nation. The BASED Party believes in upholding the rule of law and ensuring that our communities are protected from crime and violence.

• Support for Law Enforcement: We support law enforcement officers with the resources and training they need, while also advocating for fair and just criminal justice reform.
• Community Safety: We support proactive measures to address the root causes of crime and provide opportunities for at-risk individuals.

5. National Sovereignty and Energy Independence:
The BASED Party believes in protecting America’s borders, economy, and energy independence to ensure the prosperity and security of its citizens.

• Border Security and American Jobs: We support strong borders and policies that protect American jobs from unfair foreign competition.
• Nuclear Power: We unequivocally support nuclear energy as the most effective solution for achieving carbon neutrality and ensuring energy independence.
• Environmental Stewardship: We advocate for nuclear power’s role in reducing greenhouse gases and advancing towards a carbon-neutral future.

6. FreedomTech and Protection of Rights:
The BASED Party supports the development and proliferation of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and “FreedomTech”—tools that enhance personal sovereignty, privacy, and computational freedom.

• Protection of Rights: We stand firmly for the protection of individual rights, including free speech, self-defense, privacy, and digital rights. We oppose any government actions that infringe upon these fundamental freedoms.
• Support for FreedomTech: We advocate for the development and use of tools that empower individuals and oppose restrictions on personal energy use and computation.
• AI as a Tool for Empowerment: We believe AI has immense potential as a tool for individual empowerment, creativity, education, and development. However, the greatest danger posed by AI—or even potential AGI—does not stem from the technology itself, but from how governments and corporations might exploit fear of these technologies. Under the guise of regulation, they may seek to stifle competition, protect their economic interests, censor dissent, or manipulate public opinion. Therefore, while we support commercial innovation in AI, it is crucial that open-source alternatives exist and flourish. These alternatives serve as a necessary check against overreach, ensuring AI remains a force for personal and collective freedom.

7. Fiscal Responsibility:
The BASED Party is committed to reducing government bloat and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. Responsible fiscal management is key to a prosperous future.

• Ongoing Spending Reductions: We propose reducing government spending by at least 1% each year indefinitely.
• Balanced Budgets: We advocate for immediately implementing balanced budgets and maintaining this discipline indefinitely.
• Regulatory and Legislative Reduction: For every new law or regulation proposed, two existing ones must be removed to trim down the regulatory state.

The BASED Party stands for a future where America is strong, free, and united. We believe in a government that serves the people, respects individual freedoms, and upholds the principles of democracy. Join us in this fight for a better America—one that is based on the values that make our nation great.
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