What is Nostr?
The Matrix.org Foundation /
2024-02-13 12:42:52
in reply to nevent1q…xyj4

The Matrix.org Foundation on Nostr: npub1slyc6…ut8j7 * Verification UX in Element is a disaster, and being reworked in ...

npub1slyc6w2fy6t7sk7e5caxclu2dn629l35n4tkjyxzrqndkpq86x2sfut8j7 (npub1sly…t8j7)
* Verification UX in Element is a disaster, and being reworked in EX: https://github.com/element-hq/element-meta/blob/develop/docs/FTUE.md
* Element Android failing to compute a recovery key is clearly a bug too.

Your other complaints about Element UX (e.g. user discovery by email; specifying the server URL) are also very familiar.

It's not true to say vector.im uses "the very same dark patterns as LinkedIn" for contact discovery though; https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/blob/hs/hash-identity/proposals/2134-identity-hash-lookup.md explains how it works (and is strictly opt-in).
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