What is Nostr?
johngoddard / John Goddard
2023-10-23 07:47:49

johngoddard on Nostr: THE WAR IS ON OUR SHORES Every city street is flooded with supporters of Palestine. ...


Every city street is flooded with supporters of Palestine.

And in the blink of an eye the talking heads on TV morphed from Constitutional law experts into military strategists and historians.

I notice that I’m being force-fed a certain narrative by the Australian mainstream media about this war, even though it’s happening on the other side of the world (and should theoretically be of little interest to both them and me).

By this stage I’m smart enough to know why this is happening, however.

And now Albanese is flying to America to discuss the war with a dementia patient.

Part of me thinks that Albanese’s probably grateful the war broke out when it did.

It’s a welcome distraction from his numerous failures, of which the $500 million spent on a referendum which was clearly doomed is just one.

But he shouldn’t be running off to America to discuss an irrelevant conflict in the middle of the desert.

We have real problems at home that he’s been ignoring for the past 18 months.

Australians hoped that he would have the time to deal with these once October 14 had passed, but I’m not sure that he knows how to do anything beyond create compelling spectacles.

This is evidenced by the fact that everything is more expensive than it’s ever been.

Last year a visit to the doctor was free, now it’s $100.

Remember when he said that your power bill would go down by $250?

And remember how Dan Andrews spent $600 million on not hosting the Commonwealth Games?

When you properly think about what the government has done to us since 2020, you realise that these people actively treat you with contempt.

They waste all of your money, forcing you to eat beans out of a can to make sure you have enough money to keep the lights on.

This situation should make you want to riot in the streets.

But they’ve completely neutered you through regulations, oppression, and propaganda.

Australians are like the mental patients in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest – opting to be trapped inside a prison because it’s easier than facing the chaos of freedom.

The communists have absolutely wrecked middle class Australia. They should be taking drastic action to fix it, but they don’t care because there’s no negative consequences to failing as a politician.

So instead of concentrating on the things that matter to Australians, they’ll keep being distracted by business class flights and fund-raising dinners.

But I think we have a bigger issue than our broken economy.

Conflict on our shores

It looks like every Western nation has been invaded without anybody noticing.

I didn’t think I’d ever see the steps of the Opera House desecrated by the blood thirsty chants of barbarians.

And I didn’t think I’d ever hear calls for Jihad being chanted in the streets of London.

The ABC will probably say that I’m bigoted, but I don’t actually want this third world dispute to erupt here.

And I think that recent immigrants should cut ties with the barbaric warlords back home.

There’s a reason that Australia is better than the countries that they came from: our culture.

So it’s in their best interests to assimilate and learn our way of life.

But it doesn’t look like they want to.

It looks like they want to riot in the streets and fight in a war.

Which is fine: they’re free to go back to whichever backwards desert nation they came from to do that.

But don’t do it here.

Not on my shores.

And as if that wasn’t enough, we now have people calling for violent decolonisation of Australians by equating the aboriginal plight with the Palestinian plight.

But I’ve never seen weapons of war directed at aboriginals, only welfare payments.

So it’s not really that easy to compare the two.

But that doesn’t stop people like Briggs, Mayo, and Langton espousing dangerous rhetoric to raise tensions.

It feels to me like we’re inching towards our own civil war moment.

People are getting poorer, conflict is erupting overseas, and racial tensions are being stoked by people who should know better.

I’ve heard people say that it couldn’t happen in Australia. Their only argument in support of this contention is that this is Australia, and things like that ‘just don’t happen here’.

But if you think that we’re immune to civil unrest then you’re naïve and deserve what’s coming.

We’re a nation comprised of humans. There is no doubt that we are susceptible to the one thing that has been constant through human history: conflict.

We might be able to avoid it if someone steps up into a leadership position.

But every politician is more concerned with extracting value out of the populous than they are with actually doing something of value.

So we’ll keeping heading towards the abyss.

Doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before us.
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