Graham Sutherland / Polynomial on Nostr: my rechargeable desk fan's button kept sticking down so I took it apart and managed ...
my rechargeable desk fan's button kept sticking down so I took it apart and managed to unstick it, albeit without really figuring out why it got stuck in the first place.
it stuck again today so I took it apart and looked carefully to identify the problem. and it's battery swelling! it's really minor, but I noticed the board's mounting plate was slightly curved, and that 1mm of expansion eats 90% of the push button's travel so it gets stuck easily.
fixed by sanding the button plunger a bit.
it stuck again today so I took it apart and looked carefully to identify the problem. and it's battery swelling! it's really minor, but I noticed the board's mounting plate was slightly curved, and that 1mm of expansion eats 90% of the push button's travel so it gets stuck easily.
fixed by sanding the button plunger a bit.