What is Nostr?
Canadian Crone /
2024-03-09 23:20:57
in reply to nevent1q…y7rj

Canadian Crone on Nostr: npub1u3l5q…n0c9l #ABDanielleSmithIsUnfitToLead what percentage of eligible ...

npub1u3l5qvp767vyglc4tlrknkkpkp2kq6u4wekcq698ywzwmzqx2mvs0n0c9l (npub1u3l…0c9l) #ABDanielleSmithIsUnfitToLead what percentage of eligible Albertans elected her? How many showed up to vote? In Ontario, the #CriminallyCorruptFordGovernment was given a majority government with 18% of the vote because 57% of eligible voters decided not to show up.
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