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2023-05-10 09:34:38

popescu on Nostr: Parasitic parenting We're gonna do a source & translation thing, because I don't ...

Parasitic parenting

We're gonna do a source & translation thing, because I don't feel like taking thei time to produce actual English equivalent for literary Romanian expression on one hand, and you're as helpless as newborn kittens on the other (ie, machine translation's just about worthless for anything worth translating in the first place, though admittedly it works well enough for all the dumb shit that needn't be translated at all).
So... first, the source :
diana_coman ajuta in sensul ca a. nu mai tot trimit listele alea de vertices si triunghiuri pt ce e oricum mereu la fel b. face acolo cs ca are deja forma regulata si gata
diana_coman deci da, ajuta
diana_coman da' nu-mi dau seama daca ne-o parea rau dupa aia sau ceva, cum sa zic
mircea_popescu pia atunci hai sa facem asa. cerul e mereu aceelasi mesh, fa-l ca un sferoid turtit. si texturi punem dupa locatie, sau "cer" sau "ceiling" ce e
mircea_popescu auzi, fa-l tu ca un sfert de sfera si va fi foarte ok.
diana_coman lol, cum tu un sfert ?
diana_coman trebuie sa acopere totusi acolo
mircea_popescu deci o sfera sectionata nu la mijloc, ci r/2 distanta e centru
diana_coman a, a, nu un sfert ci ca partea de mai sus
diana_coman hm, sa vad ca stiu ca cs are pt sfera si pt hemisfera da' am asa o banuiala ca e bou si n-are parametru sa ii zici cat vrei
mircea_popescu pai un sfert lol :)
mircea_popescu tai in patru felii si iei una
mircea_popescu doar ca tai plane paralele
diana_coman ahaha, asa-s sferturile la tine? oricare 1 din 4? lolz
mircea_popescu pai ce-ti pasa de cs daca-i dai tu mesh ?
diana_coman pai la cer mai sus ai zis ca sa nu-i dau?
diana_coman deci : daca ii dam mesh oricum, poate fi orice
mircea_popescu pai ii dai ~o data~. nu ? il tot pui sa-si faca ca bou' ?
diana_coman tu, da' "o data" ala ca adica ce, ii fac acolo hard-coded zici?
mircea_popescu exact
diana_coman ca de incarcat tot le incarca
diana_coman ugh
mircea_popescu nush, nu insist.
mircea_popescu io doarzic, bine ?
diana_coman ma rog, presupun ca intr-un final o sa ma chiar uit cat dracu' e de mare in fapt meshul si daca-l fac pe server si daca nu e urias il si trimit si termin
mircea_popescu da' io nici intr-un caz nu vreau sa-l trimiti de fiecare data. ca ie stupid ce plm
diana_coman ca pana la urma de ce e fix asta fix sa ma trezesc apoi ca ma impiedic in el sau ceva
mircea_popescu nu e doar asta. si caracterul il dai gen o data.
mircea_popescu fa-l sa fie un singur obiect mereu, si nui ti-l tot cere atunci. nu ?
diana_coman pai teoretic fiind *acelasi mesh* nu-l trimiti de fiecare data ca na, are fisierul si deci nu-l mai cere, nu?
diana_coman aia, asa
mircea_popescu asa da. asa ar fi f bine.
diana_coman dar na, il trimit odata *per client*, drept
mircea_popescu deci" i-l dai de fiecare data" da' aia inseamna ca tre' sa ceara, si tu nu il schimbi deci el nu il cere.
diana_coman exact
mircea_popescu io zic ca asa ar fi ideal. leverage si ce design frumos avem noi fix pentru a fi util asa.
diana_coman cam asa
mircea_popescu noa. asa io zic ca e f bine.
diana_coman bine, tb deci sa schimb ierarhia aia da' aia e oricum in lucru asa ca nici nu ma asteptam sa n-am de schimbat la ea, nu e incotro
mircea_popescu si apa ca i-o tot dai per sector nu conteaza daca zici ca e douar 2 tri, si gata.
mircea_popescu pai noa, astea-s schimbari foarte benefice imo
diana_coman da, practic cu asta atunci chiar sunt linistita ca sunt toate in fapt decise real pe server si deci putem schimba daca e ce si cum vrem
mircea_popescu si e si frumos ca nu tot calculeaza dobi
diana_coman iar clientul pune ce i se da si basta
mircea_popescu sa vezi ca taie juma din load din asta
diana_coman ahaha
diana_coman dar hai, ca la load era rapid deja
diana_coman ce astepta sa primeasca fisierele si atat
mircea_popescu pai si ce daca e rapid nu se poate taia jumate ?
diana_coman lol, ba chiar si asa, un sfert de sfera!
mircea_popescu vai ce haterita si invidioasa pe succesu meu te-ai facut
mircea_popescu tu, io am si instafan! tu ai ?
mircea_popescu noa ? ATUNCI CE MAI VB!
diana_coman intre timp ma rontaie pe creier ca in fapt ar tb la generatorul de texturi sa ii pun sa genereze totodata si normalmap
mircea_popescu pai ar.
mircea_popescu dat fiindca
diana_coman pt ca e si util real si se si poate si e algoritm in ma-sa, si si si
diana_coman da
mircea_popescu da.
diana_coman da' am facut lista proaspata azi dimineata ca teoretic "nu era nimic" si tot creste, lol
mircea_popescu asa, asa.
diana_coman ah, am vazut ca ai fanfan
diana_coman i-ai schimbat si viata, ca acu' pune poze cu tine nu cu altul
mircea_popescu ceva arabel lol,
mircea_popescu uneori ma si intreb stii, plm, pustime din teheran. da peste trilema. ce plm hemoragie cerebrala
mircea_popescu daca ma gindesc la mine in cluj gen 1991... tu infarct faceam
diana_coman tu, mie astia tot imi par asa de... feminini in ma-sa, cum sa si zic
diana_coman ca nu fac si ei infarct masculin sa puna mana sa faca ceva de nervi
mircea_popescu apai is foarte muieratici. ca copchii bizantini in epoca iegzact.
diana_coman ci fac asa feminin ca lesina la tine pe prag si iti canta osanale
mircea_popescu asa, ce frumos era, mai retii /
mircea_popescu acu' mnoa, se tem sa nu cumva sa violeze pe vre-una.
diana_coman iaca, scrii tu pt femei da' 90% din "ele" sunt din astia, pfft
mircea_popescu aia ar fi grav. sa nu faca nic tata ziua nu e problema. numa' sa nu fie vre-una plinsa pe undeva ca ei nu i-o venit.
mircea_popescu da lol, ne cracanam de ris prin casa ca 90% din readership e fix asa, soymale 15-30
diana_coman dadad, se "tem" ca adica ce bine e sa aiba scuza aia, cum sa zic
mircea_popescu ie. ca femeia-i facuta din vise si nori, poti s-o omori asa, fara sa-ti dai seama.
mircea_popescu fantasme.
diana_coman ce pot zice, macar nu ma aia la cap pe mine astia ca m-ar si enerva
mircea_popescu ma rog, acu' fair is fair, s-o apucat ala sa puna tot musulmance in situatii compromitatoare si poze de prin trilema, nu poti zice ca nu face
mircea_popescu cu dumbphonu', ma rog, da "face"
diana_coman eu nu pricep ce facut e ala ca pui poze, da' in fine, multe din astea nu pricep eu
mircea_popescu nu ne e dat noua sa pricepem totul
diana_coman asa, asa
mircea_popescu si asta nu e chiar asa rau cum suna
mircea_popescu nici io nu pricep, da'... plm, teheranu' lor, sa si-l aia.
diana_coman ooo, nici nu, chiar sunt unele chestii de sper sa nu ajung sa le chiar pricep, lol
mircea_popescu ce sa si faca ?
mircea_popescu e o chestie deschisa asa. ce sa faca ? se baga in boko haram ?
diana_coman lasa ca gasisem si eu unul de scria de grafica asa chiar cu cap si coada si sens si matematica, pfuai. Am tot cautat sa-i gasesc un email, ceva, neam, da' am gasit - e din egipt, bun, da' ...e clar cu totul in blender, ugh
mircea_popescu io is de acord cu obiectia, "pune poze cu tine nu cu altul." bun. sa faca ifarct asa ca barbatii, macar ca baietii. sa faca ceva. bun, ce ?
diana_coman adica descrie si algoritm si tot dupa care ca-cum sa faci din "nodes" si nu stiu ce, sa tot plimbi cu mouse-ul in blender, ugh
diana_coman si lucreaza pt ei chiar
mircea_popescu apai nu ma mir.
mircea_popescu tu, daca vrei sa lucreze pentru noi vezi ce cere. io is pentru sa evaluam un egiptean
diana_coman pai sa iasa din casa, sa dea un party si sa faca poze la el cu fete ori ma rog, la fete, nabii
mircea_popescu ahahahahaah
diana_coman sa se duca la coltul strazii si sa faca poze daca chiar e asa greu
mircea_popescu meri tu
mircea_popescu tu nu esti normala la cap. tu vrei sa VORBEASCA CU O FATA ?!
diana_coman da, precum s-a exprimat unu' revenit anul trecut ca a vazut younghands "tu tot asa ai ramas de pui lumea la treaba"
mircea_popescu dilia vietii, SI AIA SA VORBEASCA CU EL !?
mircea_popescu tu de pe ce planeta esit, astia n-or mai vorbit de 20 de ani.
diana_coman pai atunci sa clipoceasca numai din mobil la ea, in fine
diana_coman da' macar asa cu directie, cum sa zic
diana_coman sa-si faca o instalatie cu 10 brate cu mobile si merge cu aia pe strada de face cate 10 poze simultan din diverse unghiuri
mircea_popescu tu se caca pe ei. si pe-aici, merge sclava la ceva pisi, "imi place de tine, cine esti ?" alea. aia "maimi mami!! MAMI!!!!!" fuge dupa ma-sa.
diana_coman poftim
mircea_popescu aia ar fi ceva.
diana_coman pai zau, am stat si-am "gandit" aici 3 minute da' el "n-are ce sa faca", cacat cu perje
mircea_popescu da' pe bune acuma, tu nu stii ca nu te-ai dus sa incerci. da' nu is capabili sa interactioneze social cu necunoscuti. s-o pierdut aia.
mircea_popescu meri si vezi daca nu ma crezi, vorbeste cu una.
diana_coman zici ca or reveni la "nu ne-a facut nimeni cunostinta"?
diana_coman o fi, tot parte din revenire, lol
mircea_popescu iar aialalta, ca-si face robotel... ma rog, cum e diferit de clipocit ? ca "l-o facut el" ? pai tot din bucati il face, nu e ca si cum il face din sine.
mircea_popescu fix acolo, da. nu IS CAPABILI sa negocieze social cu necunoscuti. daca-i ceri directions pare 100% ok, daca-i iesi din cele 2-3 scripturi de-astea de 2-3 replici e 0%.
mircea_popescu nu au nici o conceptie de limita, nici o practica sociala, nimic.
diana_coman apai in afara cazului cand il face din matele proprii, tot nu e din sine, da' macar nu e reteta existenta, cum sa zic, acolo de clasa 1
mircea_popescu aia zic, ca nu mai e posibil. acum si ca sa se descurce cu un robinet ce n-o mai vazut intra pe reddit sa vada.
diana_coman mda, aia cred pt ca si de unde experienta aia cu negociat ca na, nu e voie nu se poate nu aia nu ailalta
mircea_popescu nu mai au incredere in ei insisi sa faca ceva ei pentru ei. deloc.
mircea_popescu ca noa, cam toti astia de ~20 or crescut fara parinti
diana_coman mda, cam aia e de fapt. Doar acu' cateva zile chiar i-am zis unuia ca bai, tu esti "helpless" de fapt, aia-i problema ta, ce sa mai
diana_coman si mda
mircea_popescu prin care intelegem fara tati. ci cu doua pizde anxioase, una "mami" cealalta "tati" da' la fel de cum sa zic... nici maica-mea nici maica-ta nici a nimanui n-o fost veci asa ghei ca astea
diana_coman mai rau decat fara parinti ca daca erau fara, n-aveau incotro si trebuiau sa se dumireasca singuri cumva
mircea_popescu exact. or crescut cu paraziti.
mircea_popescu aia e. nitwits exact. nici macar orfani, ci parazitati emotional.
diana_coman cam asa, ugh
mircea_popescu si atunci n-au nici resursele, nici rezultatele practicii istotrice a acumularii resurselor.
mircea_popescu si iata. intr-adevar. mi-am scris articol pe azi, numa' bine.
diana_coman lol, tb sa gasesc cumva si eu o modalitate sa scot cod din conversatii.
mircea_popescu stii ?
mircea_popescu chiar ma gindeam aici, bai da' o exploatezi la singe, nu ase numa'.
And second, as it behooves it, the (summarizedii, centralizediii and homogenizediv ; but also checked for root failurev) transation :

"It helps in the sense that I don't have to keep sending descriptors for immutables, they're just built in place. I just can't tell if we won't live to regret it is all."
"Do it that way, the sky a flattened spheroid and textures will go in by location, sky or ceiling or whatever. make the flattened spheroid a quarter sphere and it'll be fine."

"What do you mean a quarter ? It's a dome, it's supposed to cover the rectangle."
"A sphere cut not in the middle, but half a radius away from the center."
"Ah you don't mean a proper quarter, just the topmost section"
"What do you think a quarter is ? Cut something in four parts and take one. Just, you cut parallel planes."

"That's your notion of a quarter ? Any of four non-equivalent pieces ?"
"What do you care about the client's doings if you give it out explicitly anyway ?"

"Didn't you just tell me not to give it explicitly ? If I do, sure, it can be whatever you want."
"But it's given once, not re-computed all the time."

"What's that once to mean ? Hard-coded in there ?"

"Otherwise it still gets loaded... ugh."
"I don't know. I'm not about to insist. I'm just saying things by the book here, theoretically."

"In the end I guess I'm going to check it for size. If it's not huge generate it server-side and be done with it."
"I don't want you to keep sending it over the wire. That's just dumb."

"If you want this one thing fixed it'll keep cropping up for being different."
"It's not just this one thing. The character mesh you send over just once, and other things. Make its hash immutable, it doesn't keep asking for it then, does it ?"

"At least in theory it being the same it won't be sent but once. Right, that."
"Alright, yes. That'd be very good."

"It still gets sent once per client, that's all."
"In this sense 'send it each time' becomes each time it's asked for, and its hash doesn't change so it doesn't get asked for."

"That's exact."
"I'd say it's also ideal. Leveraging the perfect design we have, made to support this very case and so on."
"Very good then. And water doesn't matter if you say it's just two triangles, and that's that."

"Alright, I'm going to have to alter the hierarchy model, but it was being worked on anyway so I didn't even expect it stays put, there's no way out."
"These are deeply beneficial changes in my opinion."

"Yes, this puts to rest the matter, everything's done server side and so usefully mutable. The client paints what it's given to paint and that's that."
"It also takes out all the spurious local calculations which is beautiful. Watch it'll cut half the load away."

"Hahaha. Come, come, the load's quick already. Net-bound only pretty much."
"So if it's quick it can't be halved ?"

"Sure, even quarter-sphered!"
"What a hateful person invidious of my success you've become.vi. Listen, you! I've even got a fan on instagram. Do you ? Well ? WHAT ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT!"

"Meanwhile it's eating me that the texture generator should also spit out normalmaps."
"It should. Given that therefore."vii
"It's both actually useful and definitely possible, and algorithmic and and and. Yep."

"I started a fresh to-do list this morning, for there was 'nothing left' theoretically, and I'm getting more sheets for it."
"Good, good."

"But yes, I've seen you've got a fanfan. Even changed his life for him, now he posts pictures with you instead of someone else."

"Some Arabic kidviii. Sometimes I wonder, you know... fuck, kiddos from Teheran. Rus into Trilema. Da fuck, cerebralo hemorrhage. If I think of myself back in 1991... It'd have stopped my ticker."

"Nevertheless they seem to me so... feminine, how shall I put it. They're not having a male heart attack to set themselves to doing something out of that fury."
"They're very girly, that's true. Like perio Byzantine kiddos exactly. How nice it was, do you recall ?"
"They do it very feminine-like, fainting on your doorstep and singing hossanahs."
"Whadday ya want, they're concerned they might rape some chick. That'd be regrettable. Doing nothing all day long's no problem, just as long as there's no cryied out chickie anywhere who didn't feel like it right then."

"Yeah, you write for women of which 90% are this kinda woman, pffft."
"Yea lol, it's a subject of constant amusement what large proprotion of the readership's exactly the 15 to 30yo soysexual."

"Yeah, yeah. They're 'concerned' in the sense of, what a great excuse it is."
"It is. Because woman's made of dreams and clouds, you can kill her just like that, without even realising it. Phantasmesix."

"At least they don't come bothering me."
"But, fair's fair, he took to posting muslim chicks in compromising situations and pictures culled from Trilema. Can't say he's not doing anything. With the phone, it's true, but it's still 'doing'."

"What kinda doing is that, posting pictures... but whatever, many such I don't understand."\
"It's not given us to understand everything."
"Hear, hear."
"Nor is it as bad a lot as it may sound. Their Teheran, let them mind it."

Very much so, there's things I hope never to come to understand."
"What could he do ? It's open enough. What ? Join Boko Haramx) ? I can subscribe to the objection, 'at least pictures of yourself rather than another', ok, let him have male heart attacks, or at least boyish, fine. let him do something. what ?"

"Forget it, I had found someone writing sensibly on graphics, math included, everything. I searched and searched for some contact, eventually it turns out guy's from Egypt, ok, and... fully invested in Blender of all things."
"I am not surprised. If you want him to work for us see what he wants. I'm not against evaluating some Egyptian."

"Get out of the house. Throw a party and shoot the girls piled up on him. Or girls in general, from a distance, bloody hell."
"Let him go out on the street corner and take pictures."
"Go away. You're unhealthy in the head. You want him to TALK TO A GIRL ?!"
"Yeah, I'm sure. Like some loser checking in to see if younghands maybe folded into his fold put it, 'you haven't changed, still putting people to work'."
"Nut of all time. HER TALK BACK TO HIM ?! Da fuck planet are you from, these idiots haven't talked in twenty years."
"Let him blink his dumbphone at her then, whatever. At least it should have some directionality, some intentionality. Something [that breaks the PD fantasy]. Let him build a ten arm robot and drive it down the street and take 10 simultaneous shots from angles. There, I spent two minutes with it, but he 'has not what to do' bullcrap."
"They'll just shit themselves. It's no different anywhere in the world. Slavegirl goes over to some kitten, 'hey, I like you, who are you ?' like God meant it. The 'victim' runs off, 'Mom!xi MOM!!!' immediately. Seriously, you don't know about it for lack of trying, but they're not capable of social interaction with unknowns. That's lost. Go check for yourself if you don't wish to believe me, try and talk to some girlie."

"You're saying it's running back to 'we were not introduced' ? I guess, part of the general... revolution."
"And on the other hand, making robots... I beg your pardon, how's it different from blinking ? He did it ''himself' ? Still made from parts, not like he can make it from 'himself' neh. The broader issue's right there : they lack the capability of social negotiation with unknowns. If you're limiting the interaction" to asking for directions or something it might seem 100% working ; but if you go out of the coupla preloaded scripts worth two-three replies each, it suddenly and irretrievably drops to 0%. They've no conception of limit, no social practice whatever, nothing at all."

"Ok, unless he makes it out of his own viscera it's not 'from himself' absolutely. But at least it's not a pre-existing recipe on the primary school level."
"That's what I'm saying is gone. Nowadays even a faucet he's not encountered before he'll phone-reddit to see 'examples'."
"That I can belive. Whence's that experience to come, this is not allowed that is not possible the other's bla bla."
"They've not the self-confidence to do something by themselves, for themselves. Not at all."
"Myeah, that's it isn't it. Days ago I told off one, 'dude, you're substantially helpless, that's what you are'.
"The entire cohort around 20 years old grew up without parents. By which we mean, without fathers. Two anxious cunts instead, one 'mami' the other 'papi' but both equally... how shall I put it, neither my mother nor yours nor nobody's ever was this fucking faggoty."

"Worse than without parents. If they were truly without they'd have figured it out as best they could under that pressure."
"Right you are, they grew up with parasites. Nitwits exactly. Not even orphans, merely parasitized emotionally."

"That'd be it, ew."
"Thus they've neither the resources, nor the results of the historical practice of accumulating resources. And there you go. Indeed I've written today's article, not bad."

"Lol. I've gotta find some way to squeeze code out of convos."
"You know ? I was just thinking, 'man, you're truly exploiting her, not just a little.'"

As the man once famously said... that should be good enough, anyways.
———Utterly inordinate amount of, and for absolutely no good reason. [↩]You're in luck, this term is formally defined!
Summary translation is that equivalent of a given text in a different language which includes some but not all points of the original with the explicit promise that given a measure for importance, all missing points will fall under it, and all points over will make it into the translation. [↩]You're in luck, this term is formally defined!
In the context of translation, centralization denotes the organization of the act of translation around an idea or philosophical proposition, such that all Gordian knots are forever cut and all ambiguities are reliably resolved in the same direction. [↩]You're in luck, this term is formally defined!
In the context of translation, homogenization is the process whereby implicit literary reference is kept to the same level for all nodes of the translation tree (this necessarily drags in the implication it won't be a very high level, as is the case with most equalizations), and therefore it has a lot in common with what simple minds fail to express usefully (or at all) when discussing their half-baked notions of "simplicity". [↩]You're in luck, this term is formally defined!
Checking for root failure is the process whereby an omniscient owner prevents the natural compounding of errors from ever exceeding a certain epsilon, and blocks their propagation up the tree of meaning. [↩]There's no way out of this, massive decade-old Gayromeo in-joke.
The gist of it being that some "Internet expert" (the period equivalent of the "social media influencer") with serious socialization issues (and all the rest of the... difficulties, let's say, stereotipically perceived as attendant in such circumstances) made some comments which were remarkably structured given their utter left-field nonsensical composition, and... it stuck.
So stuckily it stuck, in fact, that the whole world has to undergo "social distancing" because the (absent!) parents failed in their mission while all these Vali Perfus multiplied to the point there has to be some kinda societal response to their sheer inability to comprehend personal space. Or in other words : my private jokes are only private to me ; to you they're the very substance of your daily life. Well, "your", whatevers.
Your life is mine. [↩]The Romanian construction "dat fiindca" is circular in a comedic sense that can't be rendered in English because English has no humour (and barely any rhymes at all). It's just not a fun language, in any sense.
It's fucken dour. Just like you. [↩]Technically "arabel" is diminutive and perhaps even vaguely derogatory, denoting the slender build and complaisant social presentation of young Arab kids of reasonably middle class extraction such as'd be encountered in the (very narrow) Romanian social practice some years ago. [↩]As in, the sort of "imaginary" beings that suck one's life away. Vampires. [↩]Do you suppose the name comes from the niggardly miscomprehension of the French word "beaucoup", as in, "a whole lotta things forbidden" ? The "very useful" tardpedia doesn't deem this point worthy of their darkening elucidation, and... well... (I intended for a link to go in there, to whichever article where I went into detail as to how "a quote" exists "on the web" in hundreds of EXACT copies, but never ever with any more context, even to the ludicrous lengths that if the quote were to include a [...] token, out of the hundreds of google-paste quotists NOT ONE will have filled in the blank. After spending some time looking I didn't turn it up, so it stays... blank. [↩]"Mom!" being the exact opposite of "Mom ?". [↩]

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Category: Cocietate si Sultura

Thursday, 25 March, Year 13 d.Tr.
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