BroccoliRiceTofu on Nostr: THE REUNION OF DARKENSS Chapter VIII. The years went on slowly, and relatively things ...
Chapter VIII.
The years went on slowly, and relatively things didn't change much. There was the occasional news story that would shock the world, a civil war would start in a foreign country or a large terrorist attack would occur. No one would think twice, society was desensitized by now. With more violent games being created for kids combined with the overstimulation of social platforms, society just accepted this is the norm.
In 2020 things did take a large turn. The virus that shook the world, shut down economies. This immediately changed the way people interacted. No longer were people getting together or going to work, everything was done in a virtual realm. It shifted the culture in a huge way. Everything was easier in this artificial world. Even the basics like shopping, visiting family or even going to church became acceptable to do online. People moved to where they wanted to live versus where their family or friends resided. People wanted this pandemic to end, and for life to begin again. People desperately waited for the “return to normal " that had been promised.
The New Era was not pushing for this ‘return to normal’ but rather the switch to ‘new normal’. One of the few independent newsagents that still posted on flow weas sharing a story that everyone thought was just a conspiracy. The government was tracking everything. They were listening in on all the virtual encounters and conversations being had. The government tracked everything including your innermost desires. This data was stored and the New Era began profiteering by sharing data with ad agencies.
With all the social pressures, a law was passed that year to provide relief . Unemployment, food stamps, interest rate reductions, and even childcare were promised to be key functions. No one knew exactly who wrote the full bill, for it was too long to read. Conspiracy theorist independent journalists were sharing the idea that the law would shift the personal data that was stored. It would no longer be considered personal, and items like medical records were added into statistical data in order to prevent future pandemics. If any device that was connected to the internet, the flow would be able to access this information. In the details users were now defined as ‘willing participants’ and by using the platform you agreed to these terms.
The government also would retain fees paid for data from social platforms, like the flow, in order to pay for the agency created to track and monitor data. The debates in congress reinforced that this law was rooted in the safety of Ameria, in even more ways than just pandemics going forward.
The fear of homegrown terrorism and individuals that would cause anarchy grew. The more the news networks pushed the narrative the more this fear spread like wildfire. The New Era promised to the people that they found a way not only to keep social media safe, but help keep that safety in real life situations. They now had the agency, they had the agents, and they had the platform to make it happen.
Chapter VIII.
The years went on slowly, and relatively things didn't change much. There was the occasional news story that would shock the world, a civil war would start in a foreign country or a large terrorist attack would occur. No one would think twice, society was desensitized by now. With more violent games being created for kids combined with the overstimulation of social platforms, society just accepted this is the norm.
In 2020 things did take a large turn. The virus that shook the world, shut down economies. This immediately changed the way people interacted. No longer were people getting together or going to work, everything was done in a virtual realm. It shifted the culture in a huge way. Everything was easier in this artificial world. Even the basics like shopping, visiting family or even going to church became acceptable to do online. People moved to where they wanted to live versus where their family or friends resided. People wanted this pandemic to end, and for life to begin again. People desperately waited for the “return to normal " that had been promised.
The New Era was not pushing for this ‘return to normal’ but rather the switch to ‘new normal’. One of the few independent newsagents that still posted on flow weas sharing a story that everyone thought was just a conspiracy. The government was tracking everything. They were listening in on all the virtual encounters and conversations being had. The government tracked everything including your innermost desires. This data was stored and the New Era began profiteering by sharing data with ad agencies.
With all the social pressures, a law was passed that year to provide relief . Unemployment, food stamps, interest rate reductions, and even childcare were promised to be key functions. No one knew exactly who wrote the full bill, for it was too long to read. Conspiracy theorist independent journalists were sharing the idea that the law would shift the personal data that was stored. It would no longer be considered personal, and items like medical records were added into statistical data in order to prevent future pandemics. If any device that was connected to the internet, the flow would be able to access this information. In the details users were now defined as ‘willing participants’ and by using the platform you agreed to these terms.
The government also would retain fees paid for data from social platforms, like the flow, in order to pay for the agency created to track and monitor data. The debates in congress reinforced that this law was rooted in the safety of Ameria, in even more ways than just pandemics going forward.
The fear of homegrown terrorism and individuals that would cause anarchy grew. The more the news networks pushed the narrative the more this fear spread like wildfire. The New Era promised to the people that they found a way not only to keep social media safe, but help keep that safety in real life situations. They now had the agency, they had the agents, and they had the platform to make it happen.