Thiago Vangishi on Nostr: Humanity as a whole has been degrading over the years, with average IQ decreasing, ...
Humanity as a whole has been degrading over the years, with average IQ decreasing, bone structures generally becoming poorly formed and fragile, average height decreasing, hormone levels ridiculously low and having various metabolic and mental illnesses becoming “normal”.
“*By 2024, more than 800 million adults were living with diabetes, representing a more than fourfold increase since 1990*”
“***1 in 3 people suffer from insulin resistance and can cause depression*” (**
“*More than 1.3 billion people will have diabetes in the world by 2050*” (
“*A new study released by Lancet, with data from 2022, shows that more than a billion people live with obesity in the world*” (
All this due to a single factor: diet. I’m not referring to a diet full of processed foods, as this has already been proven to destroy the health of those who eat it. I’m referring to the modern diet, with carbohydrates (from any source, even from fruit) being the main macronutrient, little animal protein and practically no saturated fat of animal origin. This diet implementation has been systematically occurring for decades. Sugar conglomerates seeking profits? Government institutions (after all, they need voters to be stupid and vote for them), evil spiritual interference wanting to destroy or distort their path? I don’t know, I’ll leave the conspiracy theories to you!
The modern diet or diet is extremely inflammatory, and inflammation over a long period of time leads to autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and Hashimoto’s.
Absolutely any food in the plant kingdom will harm you, no matter how asymptomatic it may be. Plants are living beings and do not want to die and be eaten. To defend themselves from this, they did not evolve legs like animals. They specifically developed chemical mechanisms such as *oxalates, phytoalexins, glucosinolates, polyphenols, antinutrients* and many others that act to repel anything that wants to eat them, being fatal (as in the case of mushrooms), causing discomfort and the animal or insect discovering that the plant is not edible, releasing unpleasant smells or, in many cases, a combination of these factors. Not to mention genetically modified foods (almost the entire plant kingdom is genetically modified) that work as a steroid for the plants' defenses. - Lack of focus
- Poor decision-making
- Difficulty in establishing and maintaining relationships
- Difficulty getting pregnant and difficult pregnancy
- Low testosterone (medical reference values are low)
- Alzheimer's
- Diabetes
- Dementia
- Chances of developing autism when mothers do not eat meat and fat properly during pregnancy
- Worsening of the degree of autism when the child does not eat meat and fat (food selectivity)
- Insomnia and other sleep problems
- Lack of energy
- Poorly formed and fragile bone structure
- Lack of willpower
- Depression
Not having full physical and mental capacity harms you in many different ways, these are just a few examples that not only directly impact one person but everyone else around them.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to break out of this cycle of destruction, ***Carnivore Diet***.
I am not here to recommend a diet, eating plan or cure for your health problems, nor can I do so, as I am not a doctor (most doctors don't even know where the pancreas is, a mechanic is more useful in your life than a doctor, but that is a topic for another text.).
I came to present you with logic and facts in a very simplified way, from there you can do your own research and decide what is best for you.
## Defining the carnivore diet
Simply put, the carnivore diet is an elimination diet, where carbohydrates (including fruits), vegetable fats (soy, canola, cotton, peanuts, etc.), processed products and any type of plant, be it spices or teas, are completely removed.
### What is allowed on the carnivore diet?
- Animal protein
- Beef, preferably fatty cuts (including offal, liver, heart, kidneys, these cuts have more vitamins than anything else in the world)
- Lamb
- Eggs
- Fish and seafood
- Animal fat
- Butter
- Beef fat and tallow
- Salt
- No... salt does not cause high blood pressure. (explained later about salt and high consumption of saturated fats)
From now on I will list some facts that disprove the false accusations made against **eating exclusively meat and fat.
# “Human beings are omnivores”
*“Our ancestors were gatherers and hunters*
To determine the proportion of animal foods in our ancestors’ diets, we can look at the amount of δ15 nitrogen in their fossils. By looking at levels of this isotope, researchers can infer where animals reside in the food chain, identifying their protein sources. Herbivores typically have δ15N levels of 3–7 percent, carnivores show levels of 6–12 percent, and omnivores exhibit levels in between. When samples from Neanderthals and early modern humans were analyzed, they showed levels of 12 percent and 13.5 percent, respectively, even higher than those of other known carnivores, such as hyenas and wolves. And from an energy efficiency standpoint, hunting large animals makes the most sense. Gathering plants and chasing small animals provides far fewer calories and nutrients relative to the energy invested. In more recently studied indigenous peoples, we have observed a similar pattern that clearly indicates a preference for animal foods over plant foods. For example, in Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s studies of the Eskimos.
*“…fat, not protein, seemed to play a very important role in hunters’ decisions about which animals (male or female) to kill and which body parts to discard or carry away.”*
Why were our ancestors and more recent indigenous peoples so interested in finding fat? At a very basic level, it was probably about calories. By weight, fat provides more than twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Furthermore, human metabolism makes fat an exceptionally valuable and necessary food. If we think of ourselves as automobiles that need fuel for our metabolic engines, we should not put protein in our gas tank. For best results, our metabolic engine runs most efficiently on fat or carbohydrates.
Eating animal foods has been a vital part of our evolution since the beginning. Katherine Milton, a researcher at UC Berkeley, came to the same conclusion in her paper “The Critical Role Played by Animal Source Foods in Human Evolution,” which states:
“Without routine access to animal-source foods, it is highly unlikely that evolving humans could have achieved their unusually large and complex brains while simultaneously continuing their evolutionary trajectory as large, active, and highly social primates. As human evolution progressed, young children in particular, with their rapidly expanding large brains and higher metabolic and nutritional demands relative to adults, would have benefited from concentrated, high-quality foods such as meat." -
Skeletons from Greece and Turkey reveal that 12,000 years ago, the average height of hunter-gatherers was five feet, nine inches for men and five feet, five inches for women. But with the adoption of agriculture, adult height plummeted—ending any hope these poor herders had of dunking a basketball or playing competitive volleyball, if such sports had existed at the time. By 3000 B.C., men in this region of the world were only five feet, three inches tall, and women were five feet, reflecting a massive decline in their overall nutritional status. Many studies in diverse populations show a strong correlation between
adult height and nutritional quality. A study analyzing male height in 105 countries came to the following conclusion:
“In taller nations…consumption of plant proteins declines sharply at the expense of animal proteins, especially those from dairy products. Its highest consumption rates can be found in Northern and Central Europe, with the global peak in male height in the Netherlands (184 cm).”
In addition to the decline in height, there is also evidence that Native Americans buried at Dickson Mounds suffered from increased bacterial infections. These infections leave scars on the outer surface of the bone, known as the periosteum, with the tibia being especially susceptible to such damage due to its limited blood flow. Examination of tibias from skeletons found in the mounds shows that after agriculture, the number of such periosteal lesions increased threefold, with a staggering eighty-four percent of bones from this period demonstrating this pathology. The lesions also tended to be more severe and to appear earlier in life in the bones of post-agricultural peoples.
# Cholesterol
Many “doctors” say that consuming saturated fat is harmful to your health, “your veins and arteries will clog with excess fat” “you will have a heart attack if you consume "I eat a lot of fat" and many other nonsense, and in exchange recommends that you replace fatty cuts of meat with lean meat and do everything with vegetable oil that causes cancer and makes men effeminate.
Your brain is basically composed of fat and water, your neurons are made and repaired with fat, your cells, the basic unit of life, are composed of fat and protein, many of your hormones, especially sexual ones, are made from fat, there is no logical reason not to consume saturated fat other than several false "scientific articles".
"The power plant of the cell is the mitochondria, which converts what we eat into energy. Ketones are an energy source derived from fat. Mitochondria prefer fat as energy (ketones) because transforming ketones into energy costs the mitochondria half the effort of using sugar (glucose) for energy." -
"With the help of saturated fats, calcium is properly stored in our bones. The interaction between calcium, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone regulates calcium levels in the body.
When there are calcium imbalances in the blood, our bones release calcium into the
blood to find homeostasis." -
"The body needs cholesterol to support muscle repair and other cellular functions. This is why when there is cardiovascular disease, we see increased amounts of cholesterol in the area. Cholesterol is not there causing the problem, but the boat carrying fat was docked there for cholesterol and other nutrients to help fight the problem. Plaque is the body's attempt to deal with injury within the blood vessels." - *National Library of Medicine, “Cholesterol,” 2019*
"Initially, the Plaque helps blood vessels stay strong and helps the vessels maintain their shape. But with the perpetual cycle of uncontrolled inflammation and leftover debris from cellular repair (cholesterol), over time plaque begins to grow and harden, reducing blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Both inflammation and repair require copious amounts of cholesterol and fats. So the body keeps sending these fatty substances to the site of the plaque — until either repair wins (plaque becomes sclerotic scars in the heart muscle, causing heart failure) or inflammation wins (atherosclerotic heart attack)" -
Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease -
"Study finds that eating refined carbohydrates led to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity" -
# “Meat causes cancer”
Most of the misconceptions that red meat causes cancer come from a report by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which was released in 2015. Unfortunately, this report has been widely misrepresented by the mainstream media and is based on some very questionable interpretations of the science it claims to review.
A closer look at a 2018 report on its findings reveals that only 14 of the 800 studies were considered in its final conclusions—and every single study was observational epidemiology. Why the other 786 were excluded remains a mystery, and this group included many interventional animal studies that clearly did not show a link between red meat and cancer. Of the fourteen epidemiological studies that were included in the IARC report, eight showed no link between meat consumption and the development of colon cancer. Of the remaining six studies, only one showed a statistically significant correlation between meat and cancer.
In epidemiological research, one looks for correlation between two things and the strength of the correlation. Having just one study out of 800 that shows meat causes cancer is a mere fluke and becomes statistically insignificant.
Interestingly, this was a study by Seventh-day Adventists in America — a religious group that advocates a plant-based diet.
# Microbiota and Fiber
I have seen several people and “doctors” saying that eating only meat would destroy your microbiota. And I have come to the conclusion that neither “doctors” nor most people know what a microbiota is.
Microbiota is the set of several types of bacteria (millions) that exist in your stomach with the function of breaking down molecules of certain types of food that the body itself cannot get, fiber for example. Many times through the process of fermentation, which is why you have gas after eating your beloved oatmeal.
People unconsciously believe that the microbiota is something fixed and unchangeable, but guess what… it is not.
Your microbiota is determined by what you eat. If you love eating oatmeal, your The microbiota will have a specific set of bacteria that can break down the oat molecule into a size that the body can absorb.
If you follow a carnivorous diet, your microbiota will adapt to digest meat.
### Fiber
Nutritional guidelines recommend large amounts of fiber in our diet, but what they don't tell you is that we only absorb around 6% of all the vegetable fiber we eat. In other words, it's insignificant!
Another argument used by doctors and nutritionists is that it helps you go to the bathroom, but this is also a lie. Fiber doesn't help you evacuate, it forces you to do so. With the huge amount of undigestible food in your stomach (fiber), the intestine begins to force contractions, making this fecal matter go down, making you go to the bathroom.
They also raise the argument that fibers are broken down into short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate (butyric acid), propionate (propionic acid) and acetate (acetic acid). Butyrate is essential because it is the preferred fuel source for the endothelial cells of the large intestine.
Butter, cream, and cheese contain butyrate in its absorbable form. Butter is the best source of butyric acid, or butyrate. In fact, the origins of the word butyric acid come from the Latin word *butyro*—the same origins as the word butter.
“In 2012, a study in the Journal of Gastroenterology showed that reducing fiber (a precursor to short-chain fatty acids) helped participants with chronic constipation. The study lasted six months, and after two weeks without fiber, these participants were allowed to increase fiber as needed. These participants felt so much relief after two weeks without fiber that they continued without fiber for the entire six-month period. Of the high-fiber, low-fiber, and no-fiber groups, the zero-fiber participants had the highest bowel movement frequency.” -
### Bioavailability
I said that our body can only absorb 6% of all the fiber we ingest. This is bioavailability, how much the body can absorb nutrients from a given food.
Meat is the most bioavailable food on the planet!
Grains and vegetables are not only not very bioavailable, but they also contain a huge amount of antinutrients. So if you eat a steak with some beans, you will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the beans, and the antinutrients in them will make it impossible to absorb a large amount of nutrients from the steak.
# Lack of nutrients and antioxidants in a carnivorous diet
A major concern with the carnivorous diet is the lack of vitamin C, which would consequently lead to scurvy.
Vitamin C plays an important role in the breakdown and transport of glucose into cells. In 2000 and 2001, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C effectively doubled. In fact, every 10 to 15 years, there has been a large increase in the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, as happened in 1974 and 1989. Interestingly, also in 1974, sugar prices became so high that high fructose corn syrup was introduced into the US market. Could the increase in readily available glucose foods and foods with high fructose corn syrup be a reason why we need more vitamin C? The question remains…. But this is not a cause for concern for the carnivore, liver is rich in vitamin C. You could easily reach the daily recommendation with liver or any cut of steak. 200-300g of steak already meets your needs and if the theory that the more sugar you eat, the more vitamin C you will get is true, then the more sugar you will eat is true. C is necessary if true, you could easily exceed the daily requirement.
Meat and seafood are rich in ALL the nutrients that humans need to thrive.
### Antioxidants
It is commonly said that fruits are rich in antioxidants but again this is a hoax, they are actually PRO-oxidants. These are substances that activate the mRF2 pathway of our immune system which causes the body to produce natural antioxidants.
The body produces antioxidants, but many occur naturally in foods, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Manganese are all natural antioxidants.
High concentrations of antioxidants can be harmful. Remember that high concentrations of antioxidants can increase oxidation and even protect against cancer cells.
# Salt
Consuming too much salt does not increase blood pressure and therefore increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies show no evidence that limiting salt intake reduces the risk of heart disease.
A 2011 study found that diets low in salt may actually increase the risk of death from heart attacks and strokes. Most importantly, they do not prevent high blood pressure.
This is not a dietary issue specifically, but there are things that can I would like to present that is against common sense when talking about the sun.
It is common sense to say that the sun causes skin cancer and that we should not expose ourselves to it or, if we are exposed to the sun, use sunscreen, but no study proves that using sunscreen protects us from melanoma and basal cell carcinoma. The types of fatal melanomas usually occur in areas of the body that never see the sun, such as the soles of the feet.
In 1978, the first sunscreen was launched, and the market grew rapidly, along with cases of melanoma.
Several studies show that sunscreens cause leaky gut (one of the main factors in chronic inflammation), hormonal dysfunction and neurological dysfunction.
If your concern when going out in the sun is skin cancer, don't worry, your own body's natural antioxidants will protect you. When they can no longer protect you, your skin starts to burn. (If you have to stay in the sun for work, for example, a good way to protect yourself is to rub coconut oil on your skin or just cover yourself with a few extra layers of thin clothing and a hat).
Sunscreen gives you the false sense of protection by blocking the sunburn, so you stay out longer than your skin can handle, but sunscreens can only block 4% of UVA and UVB rays.
Interestingly, vitamin D deficiency is linked to increased cancer risks. It's a big contradiction to say that the greatest provider of vit. D causes cancer…
Important roles of vitamin D:
- **Regulation of Bone Metabolism**
- Facilitates the **absorption of calcium and phosphorus** in the intestine.
- Promotes bone mineralization and prevents diseases such as **osteoporosis**, **rickets** (in children) and **osteomalacia** (in adults).
- **Immune Function**
- Modulates the immune system, helping to reduce inflammation and strengthen the defense against infections, including **colds**, **flu** and other diseases.
- May help reduce the incidence of autoimmune diseases such as **multiple sclerosis** and **rheumatoid arthritis**. - **Muscle Health**
- Contributes to muscle strength and the prevention of weakness, especially in the elderly.
- Reduces the risk of falls and fractures.
- **Cardiovascular Function**
- May help regulate blood pressure and heart function, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- **Hormonal Balance**
- Influences the production of hormones, including those associated with fertility and the functioning of the endocrine system.
- Plays a role in insulin metabolism and glucose sensitivity.
- **Brain Function and Mental Health**
- Participates in mood regulation, which may reduce the risk of **depression** and improve mental health.
- Has been associated with the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, such as **Alzheimer's**.
- **Anticancer Role**
- Evidence suggests that vitamin D may inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, especially in breast, prostate and colon cancers. - **Role in General Metabolism**
- Contributes to metabolic health, regulating cellular growth and repair processes.
I tried to present everything in the simplest and most understandable way possible, but there are things that require prior knowledge to truly understand. Below is a list of books that will show you everything I have shown you in a more technical and in-depth way.
### Book Recommendations
All of my arguments have studies to validate them. Feel free to read them all and draw your own conclusions about what is best for you and your life.
“*By 2024, more than 800 million adults were living with diabetes, representing a more than fourfold increase since 1990*”
“***1 in 3 people suffer from insulin resistance and can cause depression*” (**
“*More than 1.3 billion people will have diabetes in the world by 2050*” (
“*A new study released by Lancet, with data from 2022, shows that more than a billion people live with obesity in the world*” (
All this due to a single factor: diet. I’m not referring to a diet full of processed foods, as this has already been proven to destroy the health of those who eat it. I’m referring to the modern diet, with carbohydrates (from any source, even from fruit) being the main macronutrient, little animal protein and practically no saturated fat of animal origin. This diet implementation has been systematically occurring for decades. Sugar conglomerates seeking profits? Government institutions (after all, they need voters to be stupid and vote for them), evil spiritual interference wanting to destroy or distort their path? I don’t know, I’ll leave the conspiracy theories to you!
The modern diet or diet is extremely inflammatory, and inflammation over a long period of time leads to autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and Hashimoto’s.
Absolutely any food in the plant kingdom will harm you, no matter how asymptomatic it may be. Plants are living beings and do not want to die and be eaten. To defend themselves from this, they did not evolve legs like animals. They specifically developed chemical mechanisms such as *oxalates, phytoalexins, glucosinolates, polyphenols, antinutrients* and many others that act to repel anything that wants to eat them, being fatal (as in the case of mushrooms), causing discomfort and the animal or insect discovering that the plant is not edible, releasing unpleasant smells or, in many cases, a combination of these factors. Not to mention genetically modified foods (almost the entire plant kingdom is genetically modified) that work as a steroid for the plants' defenses. - Lack of focus
- Poor decision-making
- Difficulty in establishing and maintaining relationships
- Difficulty getting pregnant and difficult pregnancy
- Low testosterone (medical reference values are low)
- Alzheimer's
- Diabetes
- Dementia
- Chances of developing autism when mothers do not eat meat and fat properly during pregnancy
- Worsening of the degree of autism when the child does not eat meat and fat (food selectivity)
- Insomnia and other sleep problems
- Lack of energy
- Poorly formed and fragile bone structure
- Lack of willpower
- Depression
Not having full physical and mental capacity harms you in many different ways, these are just a few examples that not only directly impact one person but everyone else around them.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to break out of this cycle of destruction, ***Carnivore Diet***.
I am not here to recommend a diet, eating plan or cure for your health problems, nor can I do so, as I am not a doctor (most doctors don't even know where the pancreas is, a mechanic is more useful in your life than a doctor, but that is a topic for another text.).
I came to present you with logic and facts in a very simplified way, from there you can do your own research and decide what is best for you.
## Defining the carnivore diet
Simply put, the carnivore diet is an elimination diet, where carbohydrates (including fruits), vegetable fats (soy, canola, cotton, peanuts, etc.), processed products and any type of plant, be it spices or teas, are completely removed.
### What is allowed on the carnivore diet?
- Animal protein
- Beef, preferably fatty cuts (including offal, liver, heart, kidneys, these cuts have more vitamins than anything else in the world)
- Lamb
- Eggs
- Fish and seafood
- Animal fat
- Butter
- Beef fat and tallow
- Salt
- No... salt does not cause high blood pressure. (explained later about salt and high consumption of saturated fats)
From now on I will list some facts that disprove the false accusations made against **eating exclusively meat and fat.
# “Human beings are omnivores”
*“Our ancestors were gatherers and hunters*
To determine the proportion of animal foods in our ancestors’ diets, we can look at the amount of δ15 nitrogen in their fossils. By looking at levels of this isotope, researchers can infer where animals reside in the food chain, identifying their protein sources. Herbivores typically have δ15N levels of 3–7 percent, carnivores show levels of 6–12 percent, and omnivores exhibit levels in between. When samples from Neanderthals and early modern humans were analyzed, they showed levels of 12 percent and 13.5 percent, respectively, even higher than those of other known carnivores, such as hyenas and wolves. And from an energy efficiency standpoint, hunting large animals makes the most sense. Gathering plants and chasing small animals provides far fewer calories and nutrients relative to the energy invested. In more recently studied indigenous peoples, we have observed a similar pattern that clearly indicates a preference for animal foods over plant foods. For example, in Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s studies of the Eskimos.
*“…fat, not protein, seemed to play a very important role in hunters’ decisions about which animals (male or female) to kill and which body parts to discard or carry away.”*
Why were our ancestors and more recent indigenous peoples so interested in finding fat? At a very basic level, it was probably about calories. By weight, fat provides more than twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Furthermore, human metabolism makes fat an exceptionally valuable and necessary food. If we think of ourselves as automobiles that need fuel for our metabolic engines, we should not put protein in our gas tank. For best results, our metabolic engine runs most efficiently on fat or carbohydrates.
Eating animal foods has been a vital part of our evolution since the beginning. Katherine Milton, a researcher at UC Berkeley, came to the same conclusion in her paper “The Critical Role Played by Animal Source Foods in Human Evolution,” which states:
“Without routine access to animal-source foods, it is highly unlikely that evolving humans could have achieved their unusually large and complex brains while simultaneously continuing their evolutionary trajectory as large, active, and highly social primates. As human evolution progressed, young children in particular, with their rapidly expanding large brains and higher metabolic and nutritional demands relative to adults, would have benefited from concentrated, high-quality foods such as meat." -
Skeletons from Greece and Turkey reveal that 12,000 years ago, the average height of hunter-gatherers was five feet, nine inches for men and five feet, five inches for women. But with the adoption of agriculture, adult height plummeted—ending any hope these poor herders had of dunking a basketball or playing competitive volleyball, if such sports had existed at the time. By 3000 B.C., men in this region of the world were only five feet, three inches tall, and women were five feet, reflecting a massive decline in their overall nutritional status. Many studies in diverse populations show a strong correlation between
adult height and nutritional quality. A study analyzing male height in 105 countries came to the following conclusion:
“In taller nations…consumption of plant proteins declines sharply at the expense of animal proteins, especially those from dairy products. Its highest consumption rates can be found in Northern and Central Europe, with the global peak in male height in the Netherlands (184 cm).”
In addition to the decline in height, there is also evidence that Native Americans buried at Dickson Mounds suffered from increased bacterial infections. These infections leave scars on the outer surface of the bone, known as the periosteum, with the tibia being especially susceptible to such damage due to its limited blood flow. Examination of tibias from skeletons found in the mounds shows that after agriculture, the number of such periosteal lesions increased threefold, with a staggering eighty-four percent of bones from this period demonstrating this pathology. The lesions also tended to be more severe and to appear earlier in life in the bones of post-agricultural peoples.
# Cholesterol
Many “doctors” say that consuming saturated fat is harmful to your health, “your veins and arteries will clog with excess fat” “you will have a heart attack if you consume "I eat a lot of fat" and many other nonsense, and in exchange recommends that you replace fatty cuts of meat with lean meat and do everything with vegetable oil that causes cancer and makes men effeminate.
Your brain is basically composed of fat and water, your neurons are made and repaired with fat, your cells, the basic unit of life, are composed of fat and protein, many of your hormones, especially sexual ones, are made from fat, there is no logical reason not to consume saturated fat other than several false "scientific articles".
"The power plant of the cell is the mitochondria, which converts what we eat into energy. Ketones are an energy source derived from fat. Mitochondria prefer fat as energy (ketones) because transforming ketones into energy costs the mitochondria half the effort of using sugar (glucose) for energy." -
"With the help of saturated fats, calcium is properly stored in our bones. The interaction between calcium, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone regulates calcium levels in the body.
When there are calcium imbalances in the blood, our bones release calcium into the
blood to find homeostasis." -
"The body needs cholesterol to support muscle repair and other cellular functions. This is why when there is cardiovascular disease, we see increased amounts of cholesterol in the area. Cholesterol is not there causing the problem, but the boat carrying fat was docked there for cholesterol and other nutrients to help fight the problem. Plaque is the body's attempt to deal with injury within the blood vessels." - *National Library of Medicine, “Cholesterol,” 2019*
"Initially, the Plaque helps blood vessels stay strong and helps the vessels maintain their shape. But with the perpetual cycle of uncontrolled inflammation and leftover debris from cellular repair (cholesterol), over time plaque begins to grow and harden, reducing blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Both inflammation and repair require copious amounts of cholesterol and fats. So the body keeps sending these fatty substances to the site of the plaque — until either repair wins (plaque becomes sclerotic scars in the heart muscle, causing heart failure) or inflammation wins (atherosclerotic heart attack)" -
Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease -
"Study finds that eating refined carbohydrates led to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity" -
# “Meat causes cancer”
Most of the misconceptions that red meat causes cancer come from a report by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which was released in 2015. Unfortunately, this report has been widely misrepresented by the mainstream media and is based on some very questionable interpretations of the science it claims to review.
A closer look at a 2018 report on its findings reveals that only 14 of the 800 studies were considered in its final conclusions—and every single study was observational epidemiology. Why the other 786 were excluded remains a mystery, and this group included many interventional animal studies that clearly did not show a link between red meat and cancer. Of the fourteen epidemiological studies that were included in the IARC report, eight showed no link between meat consumption and the development of colon cancer. Of the remaining six studies, only one showed a statistically significant correlation between meat and cancer.
In epidemiological research, one looks for correlation between two things and the strength of the correlation. Having just one study out of 800 that shows meat causes cancer is a mere fluke and becomes statistically insignificant.
Interestingly, this was a study by Seventh-day Adventists in America — a religious group that advocates a plant-based diet.
# Microbiota and Fiber
I have seen several people and “doctors” saying that eating only meat would destroy your microbiota. And I have come to the conclusion that neither “doctors” nor most people know what a microbiota is.
Microbiota is the set of several types of bacteria (millions) that exist in your stomach with the function of breaking down molecules of certain types of food that the body itself cannot get, fiber for example. Many times through the process of fermentation, which is why you have gas after eating your beloved oatmeal.
People unconsciously believe that the microbiota is something fixed and unchangeable, but guess what… it is not.
Your microbiota is determined by what you eat. If you love eating oatmeal, your The microbiota will have a specific set of bacteria that can break down the oat molecule into a size that the body can absorb.
If you follow a carnivorous diet, your microbiota will adapt to digest meat.
### Fiber
Nutritional guidelines recommend large amounts of fiber in our diet, but what they don't tell you is that we only absorb around 6% of all the vegetable fiber we eat. In other words, it's insignificant!
Another argument used by doctors and nutritionists is that it helps you go to the bathroom, but this is also a lie. Fiber doesn't help you evacuate, it forces you to do so. With the huge amount of undigestible food in your stomach (fiber), the intestine begins to force contractions, making this fecal matter go down, making you go to the bathroom.
They also raise the argument that fibers are broken down into short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate (butyric acid), propionate (propionic acid) and acetate (acetic acid). Butyrate is essential because it is the preferred fuel source for the endothelial cells of the large intestine.
Butter, cream, and cheese contain butyrate in its absorbable form. Butter is the best source of butyric acid, or butyrate. In fact, the origins of the word butyric acid come from the Latin word *butyro*—the same origins as the word butter.
“In 2012, a study in the Journal of Gastroenterology showed that reducing fiber (a precursor to short-chain fatty acids) helped participants with chronic constipation. The study lasted six months, and after two weeks without fiber, these participants were allowed to increase fiber as needed. These participants felt so much relief after two weeks without fiber that they continued without fiber for the entire six-month period. Of the high-fiber, low-fiber, and no-fiber groups, the zero-fiber participants had the highest bowel movement frequency.” -
### Bioavailability
I said that our body can only absorb 6% of all the fiber we ingest. This is bioavailability, how much the body can absorb nutrients from a given food.
Meat is the most bioavailable food on the planet!
Grains and vegetables are not only not very bioavailable, but they also contain a huge amount of antinutrients. So if you eat a steak with some beans, you will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the beans, and the antinutrients in them will make it impossible to absorb a large amount of nutrients from the steak.
# Lack of nutrients and antioxidants in a carnivorous diet
A major concern with the carnivorous diet is the lack of vitamin C, which would consequently lead to scurvy.
Vitamin C plays an important role in the breakdown and transport of glucose into cells. In 2000 and 2001, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C effectively doubled. In fact, every 10 to 15 years, there has been a large increase in the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, as happened in 1974 and 1989. Interestingly, also in 1974, sugar prices became so high that high fructose corn syrup was introduced into the US market. Could the increase in readily available glucose foods and foods with high fructose corn syrup be a reason why we need more vitamin C? The question remains…. But this is not a cause for concern for the carnivore, liver is rich in vitamin C. You could easily reach the daily recommendation with liver or any cut of steak. 200-300g of steak already meets your needs and if the theory that the more sugar you eat, the more vitamin C you will get is true, then the more sugar you will eat is true. C is necessary if true, you could easily exceed the daily requirement.
Meat and seafood are rich in ALL the nutrients that humans need to thrive.
### Antioxidants
It is commonly said that fruits are rich in antioxidants but again this is a hoax, they are actually PRO-oxidants. These are substances that activate the mRF2 pathway of our immune system which causes the body to produce natural antioxidants.
The body produces antioxidants, but many occur naturally in foods, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Manganese are all natural antioxidants.
High concentrations of antioxidants can be harmful. Remember that high concentrations of antioxidants can increase oxidation and even protect against cancer cells.
# Salt
Consuming too much salt does not increase blood pressure and therefore increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies show no evidence that limiting salt intake reduces the risk of heart disease.
A 2011 study found that diets low in salt may actually increase the risk of death from heart attacks and strokes. Most importantly, they do not prevent high blood pressure.
This is not a dietary issue specifically, but there are things that can I would like to present that is against common sense when talking about the sun.
It is common sense to say that the sun causes skin cancer and that we should not expose ourselves to it or, if we are exposed to the sun, use sunscreen, but no study proves that using sunscreen protects us from melanoma and basal cell carcinoma. The types of fatal melanomas usually occur in areas of the body that never see the sun, such as the soles of the feet.
In 1978, the first sunscreen was launched, and the market grew rapidly, along with cases of melanoma.
Several studies show that sunscreens cause leaky gut (one of the main factors in chronic inflammation), hormonal dysfunction and neurological dysfunction.
If your concern when going out in the sun is skin cancer, don't worry, your own body's natural antioxidants will protect you. When they can no longer protect you, your skin starts to burn. (If you have to stay in the sun for work, for example, a good way to protect yourself is to rub coconut oil on your skin or just cover yourself with a few extra layers of thin clothing and a hat).
Sunscreen gives you the false sense of protection by blocking the sunburn, so you stay out longer than your skin can handle, but sunscreens can only block 4% of UVA and UVB rays.
Interestingly, vitamin D deficiency is linked to increased cancer risks. It's a big contradiction to say that the greatest provider of vit. D causes cancer…
Important roles of vitamin D:
- **Regulation of Bone Metabolism**
- Facilitates the **absorption of calcium and phosphorus** in the intestine.
- Promotes bone mineralization and prevents diseases such as **osteoporosis**, **rickets** (in children) and **osteomalacia** (in adults).
- **Immune Function**
- Modulates the immune system, helping to reduce inflammation and strengthen the defense against infections, including **colds**, **flu** and other diseases.
- May help reduce the incidence of autoimmune diseases such as **multiple sclerosis** and **rheumatoid arthritis**. - **Muscle Health**
- Contributes to muscle strength and the prevention of weakness, especially in the elderly.
- Reduces the risk of falls and fractures.
- **Cardiovascular Function**
- May help regulate blood pressure and heart function, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- **Hormonal Balance**
- Influences the production of hormones, including those associated with fertility and the functioning of the endocrine system.
- Plays a role in insulin metabolism and glucose sensitivity.
- **Brain Function and Mental Health**
- Participates in mood regulation, which may reduce the risk of **depression** and improve mental health.
- Has been associated with the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, such as **Alzheimer's**.
- **Anticancer Role**
- Evidence suggests that vitamin D may inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, especially in breast, prostate and colon cancers. - **Role in General Metabolism**
- Contributes to metabolic health, regulating cellular growth and repair processes.
I tried to present everything in the simplest and most understandable way possible, but there are things that require prior knowledge to truly understand. Below is a list of books that will show you everything I have shown you in a more technical and in-depth way.
### Book Recommendations
All of my arguments have studies to validate them. Feel free to read them all and draw your own conclusions about what is best for you and your life.