Melania’s $40m Amazon deal: another sign Bezos is capitulating to Donald Trump | Margaret Sullivan (nprofile…fw9w)
✍️ Jeff Bezos's company Amazon has made a $40m deal to produce a documentary on Melania Trump, sparking concerns about the impact on editorial independence and the role of the free press in a democracy.
👉 Amazon has made a $40m deal to produce a documentary on Melania Trump
👉 The deal has sparked concerns about the impact on editorial independence and the role of the free press in a democracy
👉 Ann Telnaes, a cartoonist at the Washington Post, quit her job over the killing of her political cartoon
#JeffBezos #DonaldTrump #MelaniaTrump #AnnTelnaes #MartyBaron #JoshMarshall #MargaretSullivan #NewYorkTimes #WashingtonPost #Amazon #politics
quoting nevent1q… (nprofile…fw9w)
Sadly, the Amazon-Melania deal has much the same flavor as the rest of Trump appeasement moves – not just by Bezos but by others of his ilkThe language in a New York Times article was extremely restrained as it described Jeff Bezos’s evolving stance regarding Donald Trump.The Amazon founder and the president-elect had had a rocky relationship in the past, “but in recent months, Amazon and Mr. Bezos have taken steps to repair it”.Margaret Sullivan is a Guardian US columnist Continue reading...