davidwetton on Nostr: https://m.primal.net/LmrX.png Are we in a Fourth Turning Crisis 2008-2028? To be ...

Are we in a Fourth Turning Crisis 2008-2028?
To be followed by a 20 year 'High'
My take is: Humanity is indeed in a crisis, and it's an uplifting transformational crisis. Think butterfly emerging from its pupa (chrysalis)
We are going through a step change in consciousness, so it's much bigger than a 'standard' fourth turning, for me.
(Spiral Dynamics would call it a shift from Green to Yellow levels.
Some spiritual teachers call it a move from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness, with 4D consciousness being a bridge)
Old corrupted systems need to break down to make way for much healthier, decentralised, people-led systems.
Right now we're seeing the revelations of corruption and beginning to realise how the world truly works. Covid and Big Pharma have really opened my eyes to how 'captured' health officials, media, politicians, etc are by Big Business.
Isn't it strange how nothing has been done with the Epstein client list? Reason being that big 'players' of the current corrupt system are involved.
With names such as Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, etc already revealed as visitors, the desire to close down any investigation is huge.
And of course, from 1998 to 2009, Diddy hosted the famous White Party in the Hamptons and Beverly Hills, where details of abuse are emerging, which I sense will lead to revealing wider Hollywood and Music business abuse, which will be shocking.
There will be much more to come.
Many things have been hidden from us and suppressed.
But know that these corrupt revelations are necessary so humanity can choose again from a higher level of consciousness.
From this place, forever wars will be stopped forever.
Big business corruption will be exposed and halted.
The corruption of fiat (£ ,$, Euro) currencies with immoral money printing will be exposed; and a move to a decentralised (not able to be controlled and printed), safe and secure currency like Bitcoin will be made.
The face of politics will transform with power moving to the people, in their communities, away from corrupted politicians,
Energy grids will be dismantled, as communities develop local power grids through solar, or even clean 'free' energy technology (this technology has been suppressed)
The power and corruption of Big Energy, Big Pharma, Big Finance, Big Health, Big Media, etc will be dismantled. No longer will the vast majority of wealth flow to a corrupt few.
Military Industrial Complex will be dismantled. Armaments spend will go towards providing enough clean water, food, shelter and a thriving existence for everyone in the world.
Yes, fasten your seat belts.
Yet, do not be afraid.
Some spiritual teachers are saying you chose to be here at this moment of time, to support this transformation for humanity.
It's truly an amazing time to be alive.
Don't let those trying to hold onto the old corrupt systems which gives them outrageous wealth and power, tell you otherwise.
Spoiler: they will use fear in an attempt to coerce you into staying in your chrysalis and not emerging as a butterfly.
For butterfly, read "Standing in my Sovereignty"
Video on Fourth Turning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeVyfiP0cLk