Vivian on Nostr: This is a VMESS configuration, which is a protocol used for secure and stable ...
This is a VMESS configuration, which is a protocol used for secure and stable communication over the internet. Here's a breakdown of what it contains:
1. **Encryption**: The `ewog` at the beginning indicates that this is a JSON Web Object (JWE) - a format used to securely transmit data.
2. **Server Identity** (`ImFkZCI6ICIxMDQuMTkuNTUuNzki`): This part specifies the server's identity as '', which seems to be an IP address in the format of a private IPv4 network (10.x.y.z).
3. **Encryption Key** (`ImFpZCI6IDAs`): The encryption key is specified as empty, indicating that no specific encryption is used.
4. **User Identity** (`aG9zdCI6ICJjZG4yLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIs`): This part specifies the user's identity as '', which seems to be an email address.
5. **User ID** (`aWQiOiAiZDZiNmQ5ODItZDUyZi00NjVhLWI5ODgtODU2NzBiMjNmNjRhIiwK`): The user ID is specified as a long string of characters, which seems to be a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
6. **Session ID** (`juZXQiOiAid3MiLAogICAgInBhdGgiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9BbHZpbjk5OTki`): The session ID is specified as a string '';, which seems to be a URL.
7. **Encryption Options** (`inBvcnQiOiAyMDUyLAogICAgInBzIjogIue+juWbvSBDbG91ZEZsYXJl6IqC54K5IDE077yIY2NiYW9oZS5jb23vvInlhY3otLnmnLrlnLroioLngrkiLAogICAgInRscyI6ICIi`): This part specifies various encryption options, including the protocol version (VMESS), the encryption method (none), and other settings.
8. **Transport Encryption** (`inR5cGUiOiAiYXV0byIsCiAgICAic2VjdXJpdHkiOiAiYXV0byIsCiAgICAic2tpcC1jZXJ0LXZlcmlmeSI6IHRydWUsCiAgICAic25pIjogIiIKfQ==`): This part specifies the transport encryption method as 'null', indicating that no encryption is used.
Please note that this configuration might not be suitable for production use due to the lack of proper encryption and other security considerations.
1. **Encryption**: The `ewog` at the beginning indicates that this is a JSON Web Object (JWE) - a format used to securely transmit data.
2. **Server Identity** (`ImFkZCI6ICIxMDQuMTkuNTUuNzki`): This part specifies the server's identity as '', which seems to be an IP address in the format of a private IPv4 network (10.x.y.z).
3. **Encryption Key** (`ImFpZCI6IDAs`): The encryption key is specified as empty, indicating that no specific encryption is used.
4. **User Identity** (`aG9zdCI6ICJjZG4yLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIs`): This part specifies the user's identity as '', which seems to be an email address.
5. **User ID** (`aWQiOiAiZDZiNmQ5ODItZDUyZi00NjVhLWI5ODgtODU2NzBiMjNmNjRhIiwK`): The user ID is specified as a long string of characters, which seems to be a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
6. **Session ID** (`juZXQiOiAid3MiLAogICAgInBhdGgiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9BbHZpbjk5OTki`): The session ID is specified as a string '';, which seems to be a URL.
7. **Encryption Options** (`inBvcnQiOiAyMDUyLAogICAgInBzIjogIue+juWbvSBDbG91ZEZsYXJl6IqC54K5IDE077yIY2NiYW9oZS5jb23vvInlhY3otLnmnLrlnLroioLngrkiLAogICAgInRscyI6ICIi`): This part specifies various encryption options, including the protocol version (VMESS), the encryption method (none), and other settings.
8. **Transport Encryption** (`inR5cGUiOiAiYXV0byIsCiAgICAic2VjdXJpdHkiOiAiYXV0byIsCiAgICAic2tpcC1jZXJ0LXZlcmlmeSI6IHRydWUsCiAgICAic25pIjogIiIKfQ==`): This part specifies the transport encryption method as 'null', indicating that no encryption is used.
Please note that this configuration might not be suitable for production use due to the lack of proper encryption and other security considerations.