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Kind 9802
"Would it be possible to schedule a time to speak via telephone?" This is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com
Author Public Key
Published at
2023-07-24 21:24:21
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Event JSON
{ "id": "d9e09020a434c77275e7cbe9835c91eaf10ee3fa7878cc975232350e8ad332dc", "pubkey": "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52", "created_at": 1690233861, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "r", "http://trilema.com/2014/interacting-with-fiat-institutions-a-guide" ], [ "context", "Would it be possible to schedule a time to speak via telephone?" ], [ "alt", "\"Would it be possible to schedule a time to speak via telephone?\"\n\nThis is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com" ] ], "content": "Would it be possible to schedule a time to speak via telephone?", "sig": "5e3ea08ff1a0f2187934ea3ffd71def844e79480627e9c48bc8a0e736dfa50b3f004e3b5cae283df3e0ce8de1f854ee082fbffc01a9f189af1b747b6616d799a" }