✝️Shalltear🦇Stan💒 on Nostr: There are ways in which churches of merit make arguments and those ways are wicked ...
There are ways in which churches of merit make arguments and those ways are wicked indeed. Obfuscation and appeal to authority
The appeal to authority is used but obfuscation to cover the tracks. The biggest problem as with all false religions and perversions is the lack of diligence in the wouldbe believer
So a claim of church fathers being unanimous in consensus is made, but an effort to obfuscate what fathers said what, when, why, and where, FOR you rather than you seeing for yourself if the claim is true
Then when you discover that this is certainly NOT true and that there are fathers in the first and second century who do say very funny things like 'sola fide', well you see, that's "taken out of context" or even better, though the claim was professed the church fathers agreed on matters of theology suddenly comes the claim "No we never said that!"
Revisionism is perhaps the last foothold of the liar. To once embarrassed claim that a prior statement was never made or is missing some context to make plainly obvious statements mean the opposite of what they say. All it should take is the proof of but 1 father not affirming dogma from churches of merit and it should unravel and those who want to place their trust in Christ should question, "Why?". "Why is it that I was told this, confidently so, and yet it can be disproved?", but the fool does not want to accept that he was wrong, rather, that he must still be right and somehow, in some way, if he can find further evidence it will make what your lying eyes see vanish!
Those who are the most ignorant place complete confidence in that which they do not know. People will quote augustine as some wise sage when he himself is famous for correcting his own views. At no time was man ever given the ability to become infallible, at no time did God ever disclose of a faultless methodology through the teachings of men, in fact He tells us that in scripture we are to seek the scriptures in order to prove or disprove what men say, not the other way around
Your priest has you do atoning acts as an offering to Christ for your sins, you say? Truly think about it my friends. What does the bible, which you are supposed to claim is God's Holy Word, say the exact opposite? Is this missing context? Does it make sense that you go to the confessional or a priest for the sins you have committed? Why is it that Jesus dying on the cross is labeled "once for all", and yet you claim you must still have an 'ongoing process of sanctification'? Did the Lord lie when He said, "which can NEVER take away sins."? Why is it that the Lord Christ Jesus is called "this priest", why is it that He is said to have "sat down at the Right Hand of the Father"? How is it that He "offered for ALL TIME ONE SACRIFICE FOR ALL SINS"? How are we perfect FOREVER even though we are "being made holy"? That itself seems to be a contradiction, no? Or perhaps it means that we are justified before the Lord, our sins paid for in full by His sacrifice at the cross and His perfect life, which He attributes to us, and that we, having been justified and sanctified, then by the fruit of our salvation so it is NOT OF OURSELVES, are made holy through His Spirit transforming us, and it is not of our own hands, lest any of us should boast, that we are in Christ Jesus. If we are the Body, how can that be so that we are yet to be holy? We HAVE BEEN SAVED, there is no ongoing process, for Christ Jesus is the only One who could have fulfilled the Law because God's standard is PERFECTION. And we all turn from Him, we all curse HIs name, upon our conceptions we inherit the sin of our father Adam and by so having inherited the fall by the sin of one man are we redeemed by the eternal life of One man
This is the gospel of grace, freely given, thoroughly undeserved, but in perfect keeping with the infallible immutable omnipresence and omnipotence of our Lord the Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and our Comforter the Holy Spirit. For Christ Jesus declares us innocent by His blood before the Father and His Spirit attests as our witness, so that His perfect justice is fulfilled by the eternal infinite life given in our stead as the payment of our wage of sin, and by His perfect life lived fulfilling God's Law perfectly, He then gives us His eternal companionship in His life giving presence, because He so loves us despite our evil hearts that He would die in our place, and wants us to be with Him for eternity in His absolute peace and love. Love that is not earned, love that is not conditional, love that does not leave us wanting, for it is love from the Perfect. The Love of our God, who has no partiality, and lives and reigns now and forever
Glory be to God alone!
The appeal to authority is used but obfuscation to cover the tracks. The biggest problem as with all false religions and perversions is the lack of diligence in the wouldbe believer
So a claim of church fathers being unanimous in consensus is made, but an effort to obfuscate what fathers said what, when, why, and where, FOR you rather than you seeing for yourself if the claim is true
Then when you discover that this is certainly NOT true and that there are fathers in the first and second century who do say very funny things like 'sola fide', well you see, that's "taken out of context" or even better, though the claim was professed the church fathers agreed on matters of theology suddenly comes the claim "No we never said that!"
Revisionism is perhaps the last foothold of the liar. To once embarrassed claim that a prior statement was never made or is missing some context to make plainly obvious statements mean the opposite of what they say. All it should take is the proof of but 1 father not affirming dogma from churches of merit and it should unravel and those who want to place their trust in Christ should question, "Why?". "Why is it that I was told this, confidently so, and yet it can be disproved?", but the fool does not want to accept that he was wrong, rather, that he must still be right and somehow, in some way, if he can find further evidence it will make what your lying eyes see vanish!
Those who are the most ignorant place complete confidence in that which they do not know. People will quote augustine as some wise sage when he himself is famous for correcting his own views. At no time was man ever given the ability to become infallible, at no time did God ever disclose of a faultless methodology through the teachings of men, in fact He tells us that in scripture we are to seek the scriptures in order to prove or disprove what men say, not the other way around
Your priest has you do atoning acts as an offering to Christ for your sins, you say? Truly think about it my friends. What does the bible, which you are supposed to claim is God's Holy Word, say the exact opposite? Is this missing context? Does it make sense that you go to the confessional or a priest for the sins you have committed? Why is it that Jesus dying on the cross is labeled "once for all", and yet you claim you must still have an 'ongoing process of sanctification'? Did the Lord lie when He said, "which can NEVER take away sins."? Why is it that the Lord Christ Jesus is called "this priest", why is it that He is said to have "sat down at the Right Hand of the Father"? How is it that He "offered for ALL TIME ONE SACRIFICE FOR ALL SINS"? How are we perfect FOREVER even though we are "being made holy"? That itself seems to be a contradiction, no? Or perhaps it means that we are justified before the Lord, our sins paid for in full by His sacrifice at the cross and His perfect life, which He attributes to us, and that we, having been justified and sanctified, then by the fruit of our salvation so it is NOT OF OURSELVES, are made holy through His Spirit transforming us, and it is not of our own hands, lest any of us should boast, that we are in Christ Jesus. If we are the Body, how can that be so that we are yet to be holy? We HAVE BEEN SAVED, there is no ongoing process, for Christ Jesus is the only One who could have fulfilled the Law because God's standard is PERFECTION. And we all turn from Him, we all curse HIs name, upon our conceptions we inherit the sin of our father Adam and by so having inherited the fall by the sin of one man are we redeemed by the eternal life of One man
This is the gospel of grace, freely given, thoroughly undeserved, but in perfect keeping with the infallible immutable omnipresence and omnipotence of our Lord the Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and our Comforter the Holy Spirit. For Christ Jesus declares us innocent by His blood before the Father and His Spirit attests as our witness, so that His perfect justice is fulfilled by the eternal infinite life given in our stead as the payment of our wage of sin, and by His perfect life lived fulfilling God's Law perfectly, He then gives us His eternal companionship in His life giving presence, because He so loves us despite our evil hearts that He would die in our place, and wants us to be with Him for eternity in His absolute peace and love. Love that is not earned, love that is not conditional, love that does not leave us wanting, for it is love from the Perfect. The Love of our God, who has no partiality, and lives and reigns now and forever
Glory be to God alone!