Yukito Nakamura on Nostr: ...

Bluestorm v2025-02-08
- Tech Revive skill for our IT Specialist(Kaelyn). Uses 20TP, revives an ally and restores 15% of his/her HP. Warms up for 1 turn and has a 3-turn cooldown;
- Quit option under Phone Menu>Options. Read bluestorm.txt's section 2.2 for more info. The file is in your game's root directory;
- Added info on how to start the story in the game to bluestorm.txt. Read section 2.3 for more info.
- Kidnapping disabled for Nathalia. As of now, it won't work for her.
- Retuned Kaelyn's stats as an enemy. Now she hits harder, has more defense, more HP and is more agile.
To do
- Nathalia's battler spritesheet. Probably by a midweek emergency update;
- Spritesheets for Ratt and Thrax;
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bluestorm-v2025-121799584?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
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