Alexandre on Nostr: Every day one of my starred GitHub repositories: ...
Every day one of my starred GitHub repositories:
Discover BrasilAPI, an open-source solution transforming Brazil into a powerful API. Utilize our library to boost innovation and collaboration in the Brazilian community. Licensed under MIT License (mit). #BrasilAPI #BrazilianTech #APIsForDevelopment #OpenSource #MITLicense #BrazilianInnovation #TechForSocialImpact #APIsInTheCloud
Discover BrasilAPI, an open-source solution transforming Brazil into a powerful API. Utilize our library to boost innovation and collaboration in the Brazilian community. Licensed under MIT License (mit). #BrasilAPI #BrazilianTech #APIsForDevelopment #OpenSource #MITLicense #BrazilianInnovation #TechForSocialImpact #APIsInTheCloud