Summary of Elderly woman becomes target of overseas gold scam
Summary of Elderly woman becomes target of overseas gold scam
A 92-year-old woman in Los Angeles was scammed by overseas fraudsters who convinced her to invest her life savings in gold and then hand it over. Her daughter is now seeking to hold the bank responsible for the transactions.
quoting nevent1q…h0u8Elderly woman becomes target of overseas gold scam
A 92-year-old Los Angeles woman became the target of overseas scammers, who convinced her to put her life savings into gold and then hand the precious metal over. Now, her daughter is looking to hold the bank that allowed the transactions responsible. Jim Axelrod reports.
A 92-year-old woman in Los Angeles was scammed by overseas fraudsters who convinced her to invest her life savings in gold and then hand it over. Her daughter is now seeking to hold the bank responsible for the transactions.