402 Payment Required on Nostr: After completing my GPG videos, many of you have been emailing me encrypted messages ...
After completing my GPG videos, many of you have been emailing me encrypted messages over the years.
Remember what I discussed about key rotation? Well, my subkeys expired this week, so here's how to update them if you already have them in your keyring.
$ gpg --refresh-keys
If it fails, specify a different key server:
$ gpg --refresh-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu[dot]com
If that doesn't work, download the public key manually from the key server providing the fingerprint of my master certifying key, and "--import" it
If you cannot verify the following signature, it cannot be said that I'm responsible for this. LOL.
Let's see who's first.
Remember what I discussed about key rotation? Well, my subkeys expired this week, so here's how to update them if you already have them in your keyring.
$ gpg --refresh-keys
If it fails, specify a different key server:
$ gpg --refresh-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu[dot]com
If that doesn't work, download the public key manually from the key server providing the fingerprint of my master certifying key, and "--import" it
If you cannot verify the following signature, it cannot be said that I'm responsible for this. LOL.
Let's see who's first.