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satoroca / Sato🇦🇷🍄⚽🙏🐉
2024-03-11 13:08:30

satoroca on Nostr: Introduction Writing a book. What a journey. Here I go. I decide to put into words ...


Writing a book. What a journey. Here I go.

I decide to put into words and on the magical object of letters and paper, part of my experiences with master plants and magic mushrooms.
What you will read here is nothing more than a story. The reality of these experiences is unspeakable, indescribable, tremendously abysmal.
What I have been able to do over time is to give them a meaning that will serve, to thread a tale that will be medicinal for others as the experience itself was medicine for me.
I would like to explain this further; during mushroom trips (for example) I take mental "photographs" of what is happening on the trip and in me. These "pictures" are creative art of my mind turning the indescribable into words, synthesizing the depth of what it sees and compressing it into familiar symbols. These photographs are threaded together with the previous ones, in a temporal story. And while most of what happens exists on a psychic and astral plane that has no temporality, on our earthly three-dimensional plane it somehow did. It is not that this synthesis of symbols and words did not exist; it is simply that it falls short in describing.
It is as if I were to say that I saw lightning strike a tree in a thunderstorm, I could describe the impact, the blinding light, the shock to my cells and my racing heart. I could describe the smell of that particular storm and tie it in with scents that everyone knows. I could be the best poet, I could add music to it and create a moving image video. Still, the experience was not that. Yet the experience itself had so many nuances and differences from the story that it is ineffable and the distance between the two is infinite.

Please excuse how difficult it is to explain. Because precisely the feeling of travel is "I will never be able to describe this". As a famous viral video of a Spaniard who had an LSD trip says: "El Fuaaaa!"*.

The Tao that can be named is not the real Tao.

Still the aim of this book is not to give you the experience I had, that would be impossible, or I don't know. But my idea of writing is to touch fibers; words that can chain a series of resonance reactions in the reader. That it could be vibrated, curious, that it could entertain and we can learn from the story. To understand the journey and the integration. That we seek to see beyond the words. In short. That the book, as a magical object of hallucinations and psychedelia can expand my trip experiences in the readers. To leave questions and why not certainties. To give the same teachings that I had in baptisms of resurrection, so that each one may vivify in his own life/work the incarnation of such teachings that are, according to my understanding, universally human.

What I would like to ask you, as a favor and for the bond that unites us while we read each other, while I write and you read, is to buy it. I mean, while you read, make the exercise of believing in what I say, and if you read it a second time, be skeptical.

The first time, try to pretend that "what this bum says is true".
The second one say "he's crazy, please lock him in”

Then compare what actions come out of yourself in your daily life when you assume one of these beliefs. Know that you have the power to assume either one.

Believing the first, have you become more understanding and curious, living present, optimistic, pronoic, life is heavier or lighter to live?

Believing the second Do you fear death? Pessimism? Victimization?

Each one of us has to be his own being-science. Experience kills any lucubration.
I would also like the reading to leave a frame of set and settings. A precedent of safety and hygiene of psychonautic/entheogenic practice. Know that in my path of relationship with transformative substances, I have learned a lot about the before and after of the intake itself. Know that I have made mistakes and I hope those mistakes are reflected in these texts.

I will try to keep my language and descriptions simple. I still reiterate my apologies because I will go towards abstractions, I will poeticize, I will complexify the simple and simplify the complex. After all, I am human too and that is what I came here for. To be the nexus between spirit and matter, to unite heaven and earth, body and spirit. To leave art, to be a work of art.

All that remains is to open your eyes very wide and be surprised. The magic remains unexplained. There remains the divine.
Author Public Key