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2023-10-24 02:45:59

Here News Chinese Channel on Nostr: #加利福尼亚州州长纽森加强与中国的气候合作伙伴关系# ...


加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)目前正在中国访问,重点关注气候变化和加强加利福尼亚与中国之间的合作伙伴关系。此次访问还涉及旅游、经济发展和反对仇外心理。纽森强调,加利福尼亚州和中国在解决气候危机中发挥着至关重要的作用,他们的合作伙伴关系至关重要。他保证,无论国内形势如何,加利福尼亚州都将始终是气候问题上的合作伙伴。纽森此次访问正值中美关系因贸易争端和其他有争议的问题而恶化。然而,合作应对气候问题被视为可能和必要的,因为两国在下一届联合国气候变化大会前重新接触。纽森的访问引起了倡导组织和非政府组织的关注,他们认为这转移了对重大人权问题的关注。然而,纽森否认了气候和人权之间的权衡,表示在这两个方面都可以取得进展。在访问期间,纽森将访问中国的各个城市和省份,包括首个拥有全电动巴士车队的中国城市和特斯拉在上海的超级工厂。他还将与中国领导人签署协议,确立双方在气候目标上的共同承诺。



California Governor Newsom Reinforces Climate Partnership with China #c8a1d505

California Governor Gavin Newsom is currently on a visit to China, focusing on climate change and strengthening partnerships between California and China. The trip also covers tourism, economic development, and combating xenophobia. Newsom emphasized that California and China play a crucial role in solving the climate crisis and that their partnership is essential. He assured that California will always be a partner on climate issues, regardless of the national situation. Newsom's visit comes at a time of deteriorating US-Chinese relations due to trade disputes and other contentious issues. However, collaboration on climate issues is seen as possible and necessary, as both countries have re-engaged in the run-up to the next UN climate change conference. Newsom's trip has drawn concerns from advocacy groups and NGOs, who believe it turns away from engaging on critical human rights issues. Newsom, however, denied the tradeoff between climate and human rights, stating that progress can be made on both fronts. During his trip, Newsom will visit various cities and provinces in China, including the first Chinese city with an all-electric bus fleet and Tesla's Gigafactory in Shanghai. He will also sign agreements with Chinese leaders to set mutual commitments on climate goals.

Newsom's visit to China is significant in strengthening the partnership between California and China on climate change. The governor's focus on climate action and economic partnership highlights the long-standing collaboration between the two entities. Newsom's visit includes discussions at the University of Hong Kong, visits to all-electric bus fleets, offshore wind facilities, and Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory. He will also sign agreements with Chinese provincial leaders. Despite concerns raised by advocacy groups and NGOs regarding human rights issues, Newsom asserts that progress on climate issues and discussions on human rights can coexist. The visit aims to foster international partnerships and demonstrate California's enduring commitment to combat climate change.

Governor Gavin Newsom's visit to China aims to strengthen communication between local US governments and China, enhance local and people-to-people exchanges, and expand California's export market in technology and agriculture. Newsom is expected to sign a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Guangdong on climate issues and meet with regional leaders to discuss the shift toward electric vehicles and public transportation. The visit follows recent visits to China by a number of Biden administration officials and is expected to offer constructive suggestions to President Biden on behalf of US leaders. Communication and exchange between US localities and China have become particularly vital and need to be strengthened in the current geopolitical climate.
#California #China #climatechange #US-Chinarelations

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