Växẍ Säbbäth on Nostr: next up from the Akashic Messaging Service (this was a very high-bandwidth meditation ...
next up from the Akashic Messaging Service (this was a very high-bandwidth meditation session)RUSSIA IS DOOMED
sorry to say it, fam, but the Russkies don't have what it takes; they are not sophisticated enough, they are too Euro, and there are too few of them
no, I don't mean to win the war against the Ukies or against GAETO; they'll do that easily
I mean to have table stakes in the future - their karma is to be absorbed by their competitors to the south (Chinkland); the thin rump west of the Urals may be permitted to join the Euros, maybe not
the Chinese are the real global competitors for hyperscaled civilization; between their Denisovan ancestry compelling them to insectoid sociality, and the digital Panopticon they've developed as a mental-augmentation apparatus (providing them with things like "an artificial conscience") making it easy to compel obedience, they have positioned themselves perfectly into the prime competition slot for Homo cyberneticus
we have a harder time; our civilizational DNA has a lot of residual individualism in it, conflicting with the perfect harmony of the digital bughive, and it will take time to work that out if it is even possible; an enemy that dispenses with those niceties can get a lot further in a lot shorter time ("Zerg" strategy)
this would be why our retarded elites are now pivoting to oppose China; they have realized that they made a very big mistake in giving them a big boost and the keys to everything, and are now working on gingerly and diplomatically walking that back (saying "nice doggie" until they can find a rock)EAST VS WEST
the eventual matchup is between the current West (Europe, America, Japan, Australia) and Chinkland + satrapies (Russia, the rest of Asia, maybe the Middle East depending on how it works out); the allegiances of some of those might change over time, but those are the broad starting definitions
you see a lot of this kind of thought in Zeihanian lines of analysis; it is taken as axiomatically true that you need a population at rough parity with the opponent in order to be able to contend with them in any kind of equal fashion, and that's kind of true when you think about it
the initial problem is that we're dealing with a bunch of genetically-disparate brown retards imported from "everywhere", whereas they're dealing with a large number of homogeneous chink retards that are homegrown, which gives them an edge initially; it remains to be seen how large that edge is and how long it persistsTHE TELOS OF GLOBO
the equation is simple:
no kings = no purpose = no sanity
our system is literally satanic, at present; it diffuses responsibility to nobody's hands (or rather, places it in satan's hands), which causes "spreading and amplifying madness" as a side-effect
it seems very clear that we are destined, at this point in history, to explore a different order of existence; God's will was that we "be fruitful and multiply", and the question is now how we will live together in a Godly fashion as we do this
this means that we are obligated to work through the problems we encounter as we climb the scale of human development; it is not obvious that all population growth must inevitably lead to satanism and debauchery, and indeed there are times in history where such vices have been held at bay for a time; we must learn how to do this again, at larger scales
"how shall Men live together?" this is the question of our time, and it is being answered by bugmen with dildoes in their asses and a nitro-burning nanny/God-complex that brooks no contradiction and leaves no space for the wondrous or the transcendent
we must find a way to remove "homo" from "globo"; only then will our actions be pleasing to God, and only then will He bless us
sorry to say it, fam, but the Russkies don't have what it takes; they are not sophisticated enough, they are too Euro, and there are too few of them
no, I don't mean to win the war against the Ukies or against GAETO; they'll do that easily
I mean to have table stakes in the future - their karma is to be absorbed by their competitors to the south (Chinkland); the thin rump west of the Urals may be permitted to join the Euros, maybe not
the Chinese are the real global competitors for hyperscaled civilization; between their Denisovan ancestry compelling them to insectoid sociality, and the digital Panopticon they've developed as a mental-augmentation apparatus (providing them with things like "an artificial conscience") making it easy to compel obedience, they have positioned themselves perfectly into the prime competition slot for Homo cyberneticus
we have a harder time; our civilizational DNA has a lot of residual individualism in it, conflicting with the perfect harmony of the digital bughive, and it will take time to work that out if it is even possible; an enemy that dispenses with those niceties can get a lot further in a lot shorter time ("Zerg" strategy)
this would be why our retarded elites are now pivoting to oppose China; they have realized that they made a very big mistake in giving them a big boost and the keys to everything, and are now working on gingerly and diplomatically walking that back (saying "nice doggie" until they can find a rock)EAST VS WEST
the eventual matchup is between the current West (Europe, America, Japan, Australia) and Chinkland + satrapies (Russia, the rest of Asia, maybe the Middle East depending on how it works out); the allegiances of some of those might change over time, but those are the broad starting definitions
you see a lot of this kind of thought in Zeihanian lines of analysis; it is taken as axiomatically true that you need a population at rough parity with the opponent in order to be able to contend with them in any kind of equal fashion, and that's kind of true when you think about it
the initial problem is that we're dealing with a bunch of genetically-disparate brown retards imported from "everywhere", whereas they're dealing with a large number of homogeneous chink retards that are homegrown, which gives them an edge initially; it remains to be seen how large that edge is and how long it persistsTHE TELOS OF GLOBO
the equation is simple:
no kings = no purpose = no sanity
our system is literally satanic, at present; it diffuses responsibility to nobody's hands (or rather, places it in satan's hands), which causes "spreading and amplifying madness" as a side-effect
it seems very clear that we are destined, at this point in history, to explore a different order of existence; God's will was that we "be fruitful and multiply", and the question is now how we will live together in a Godly fashion as we do this
this means that we are obligated to work through the problems we encounter as we climb the scale of human development; it is not obvious that all population growth must inevitably lead to satanism and debauchery, and indeed there are times in history where such vices have been held at bay for a time; we must learn how to do this again, at larger scales
"how shall Men live together?" this is the question of our time, and it is being answered by bugmen with dildoes in their asses and a nitro-burning nanny/God-complex that brooks no contradiction and leaves no space for the wondrous or the transcendent
we must find a way to remove "homo" from "globo"; only then will our actions be pleasing to God, and only then will He bless us