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2023-04-20 01:30:32

The Bitcoin Piggy Bank

The Bitcoin Piggy Bank


I am currently in the North Western part of the United States, somewhere in Washington state. I’m here meeting the newest edition of the Bond(mot my real last name) family. She wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but I sent a million sats to a bitcoin wallet created from a picture taken with my Seed Signer on the day she was born.


The Plan

I plan on giving her the seeds on her 18th birthday. Call it an Internet savings bond if you will. My aunt used to send me a $50.00 check for my birthday and Christmas. This was my favorite gift because i could use it to buy a Nintendo Game Boy games or Z. Cavarichi pants. Money is the gift that never goes out of style. Since Bitcoin works best for savings, I’m sending savings on chain, but I might also send some sats over the lightning network in the future. Hopefully she’ll be able to spend some sats by the time she wants to buy cheap plastic crap from China. I am almost certain she will be able to.

How I Did It

To do this, I created a BTCPayServer, using BTCPayJungle(I regret to inform you that this server is now offline). I should send them some sats now that I think of it, but I digress. Here’s how I did it:

  1. 1. Sign up for an account at BtcPayJungle
  2. Add a wallet, I like to just paste an xpub for wallets like these, but it’s a personal preference.
  3. In the Apps Tab, click “Create a New App.
  4. Name the App, click Create
  5. Add a title
  6. De-select “User can input discount in % ” and “Enable tips”
  7. Navigate to https://bootswatch.com/ in a new tab.
  8. Choose the theme you want. In this example. I like Quartz.
  9. Click on Quartz arrow and choose the Bootstrap.css file. You can right click it to copy the URL. Add this URL to the “Custom bootstrap CSS file” field. You can also download the file and copy and paste it into the EmbeddedCSS field. Of course, if you know CSS, you can write your own code.
  10. Delete all of the tea items except for one.
  11. Customize the last item. It’s similar to WordPress.

Here’s An example(my example no longer works)

Next, I just create a QR code using my favorite QR code generating website.

You can print the QR code onto sticker paper you find at your favorite office supply store. Then, stick it onto a piggy bank. You can really put the sticker on anything you like. You could also Make a shadowbox, place a QR Code on the wall, or underneath a mattress. You’re only limited by your imagination.


Blogging Bitcoin Block Height: 733,126

Value 4 Value

Author Public Key