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phicapital / Phi Capital Investments
2023-04-29 16:35:53

phicapital on Nostr: The 11 Dimensions Explained. Took me 5hrs to write, enjoy! *A Dimension is one that ...

The 11 Dimensions Explained. Took me 5hrs to write, enjoy!

*A Dimension is one that is orthogonal from the last. Every upper dimension is an infinite probability or possibility space aka Phase Space for the previous dimension. Aka every possible iteration of the previous dimension is consolidated into the dimension above it. The effect of your observations and decisions in 5D, in the context of Schrödinger, is stronger locally to you and weakens as you extend out directionally wrt choosing the universes you traverse thru. Meaning your lived experience is local and can be affected by you with little to no energy, and everything beyond your observation is in a state of infinite flux. To affect beyond your local scope requires more active input from you aka more energy.

0D = a point (dimensionless)
1D = a line (line)
2D = LxW (flat, 0 height)

3D = Space (LxWxH, no motion) aka 1 Planck Frame. Base dimension for Matter. Aka the Realm of Your Body.

4D = Realm of Time (flow of individual 3D Planck frames; motion can exist; this is your current timeline) aka Spacetime. This is what you physically observe and experience day to day by collapsing waves available in the 5D phase space as described by Schrödinger, and witness the illusion of Entropy aka Arrow of Time.

5D = Realm of You, aka which 4D timeline you physically experience now and going forward thru your decisions (intended or not). YOUR HUMAN MIND OPERATES HERE, the driver's seat to your body. Every choice and decision you pull from the 5th Dimensional Phase Space defines your 4D lived experience going forward. You must think it before you can act it, even by milliseconds. Aka your Mind pulls the next iteration of the Universe you experience in 4D from 5D by choice! All experiences that could be had are available to you here in 5D. Once a decision is made in 5D and is executed in 4D, all other possible 4D paths or timeline branches before that decision are now closed to you. You'd need to travel thru the 6th Dimension to access them again. This illustrates the power of your Mind and your extraordinary ability to see into 5D and make decisions for your 4D lived experience. You literally create your own reality. This is where your Free Will exists. It is said when we dream, we are seeing the experiences from our other iterations that exist within 5D, perhaps beyond.

6D = Realm of All You's. All the people you could have been are contained here in the 6D Phase space, and even universes where you don't exist, or any humans exist. Simply, it is every possible timeline that could have existed since the Big Bang with the same Initial Conditions aka Universal Constants. You cannot physically access and experience other 6D timelines or your other 'selves' from your current position in 5D due to your own Initial Conditions for your current 4D lived experience (when you were born, the body you were born into, the parents you got, etc). But somewhere there in 6D, you are Drake, also a T-Rex, and also all the people you block ;) This tells us we can literally be born as anyone. In fact, we ARE everyone, all at the same time, living and experiencing different timelines all at once! We are all derivatives of the same upper 6D consolidated Being expressed uniquely as different lower dimensional lifeforms in 4D, including all animals, bugs, bacteria, even aliens! This is where the Hindu idea of Reincarnation and also the idea of One Soul comes from ;)

7D = Realm of Parallel Universes. Imagine a 6D Universe, similar to ours, but with slightly different Initial Conditions from the Big Bang. What would a Universe with a different Speed of Light or Gravitational Constant look like? As silly as it sounds, imagine a 6D Universe where the Speed of Light is 0km/s, and all other Universal Constants kept the same as ours. Now imagine a second identical 6D Universe, but the Speed of Light is Infinity km/s. The line connecting the 2 universes containing the spectrum of ALL possible universes with EVERY iteration of the Speed of Light while all other constants are held, which itself is an Infinite Subset, is in the 7th Dimension.

8D = Realm of Everything. The Set of all possible physical expressions of every possible Universe, with EVERY variation in Initial Constants from the Big Bang accounted for, aka the Phase space where all possible 7D universes exist. This is also an infinite subset. Some of these universes may not actually be able to physically exist due to incoherence in the initial constants, allowing for no cohesion for matter to manifest. You can also end up with really whacky universes, perhaps where it rains upwards!

9D = The Realm of Information. Reality only exists as data here. Infinite frequencies in all directions. Interference patterns create the derivatives of universes manifested in all dimensions below. All Information for all possible branches for all possible timelines for all the possible Universes for every possible Universal Constant are contained here. All Cosmic knowledge is contained here.

10D = Infinity of all Infinities. The Theory of Everything. The Highest Consolidation. The Final Point. The Ultimate Ensemble. The Grand Decider. Your Ultimate form. THE Soul. Where we are all One. Spirit aka Source. Source of all derivatives of realities and all the information for them to manifest. The Base Layer, aka GOD. This is who you pray to, who guides you, and IS you expressed at the highest dimension.

There is nothing logically possible beyond 10D, as there is nothing beyond the Ultimate Infinity aka GOD. 👁
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