What is Nostr?
nobody /
2023-02-28 12:28:53

nobody on Nostr: I shared this recently and had a lot of positive feedback so thought I’d share it ...

I shared this recently and had a lot of positive feedback so thought I’d share it here for others to use if they wanted.

Over time as I’ve read, learnt and had time to think it has become clear to that money is a representation of our time. It’s a way for us to value things and when we apply value to things we can then make a choice of whether we value those things enough to spend our time/money upon them. Money is nothing more than a language that speaks value.

Now if money is meant to be a representation of our time like litres are a representation of volume similar to how millimetres are a measurement of distance and celsius is a measurement of temperature you can come to understand that our money should represent the value of things, however this isn’t how money works and this is the bit that we aren’t educated on.

The present monetary system that we use is a system of economics called Keynesian economics it’s a made up system however we aren’t taught that there is another system of economics called Austrian that is based upon sound money. Now when I say sound money I mean money that can’t be manipulated in supply. Believe it or not the money we use isn’t of a fixed amount that is why we have inflation, sure it was once tied to gold so if the government wanted to create more they had to have the equal amount of gold in their vaults. This changed in 1971 when the US went off the gold standard and it’s when the money printing really started. Since that date the world has seen a 20X increase in the money supply.

The money we are forced to us “fiat” is of unlimited supply there is no end to the amount of money central banks and governments can print. And when they print money it creates inflation as the money that’s circulating within the system becomes less valuable. That’s the easy bit to wrap your head around you see the more of something there is the less valuable it becomes so when you see home prices and the prices of normal day goods increase it is because of monetary inflation, which in turn makes the money we have saved and that we use and earn less valuable in reality it’s just time theft. This is the key bit that governments and central banks don’t want us to know as if we did and if we understood the effects upon society that the devaluation of currency has we’d all be in the streets ready to linch them.

If you’ve made it this far well done and thanks for reading. Now think of it this way imagine trying to bake a cake or measure something if the values kept changing! Imagine how your home would look if it was built with a tape measure that kept on changing length. Imagine how that cake would turn out if the ovens temperature kept rising and falling on central banker and government whims. It’s a rigged system and it’s one that creates an awful lot of heartache in the world. This system of monetary inflation allows wars to be fought and it’s what creates the ever widening wealth gaps between the haves and have nots.

Now as I’ve learnt all of this I’ve become sick to think that I was a part of it. I never understood how things worked and now that it makes sense I’ve wanted a way to opt out. I don’t want to be a part of a system that makes it hard for those at the bottom to save and get ahead. I don’t want to be a part of a system that keeps taking but gives nothing to those that need it. A system that seems to devour peoples time like a clock on high speed. A system that leaves little time for us to reflect upon the wonderment of life and the beauty of just being. A system that wants us to be in a perpetual loop of consuming to keep those on top at the top while those at the bottom struggle to make ends meet.

It’s this knowledge that has driven us to learn more and more and to focus our time to allow us to make better and better decisions and it’s this that has driven us to look towards systems that are more fair and that are based upon stronger morals and principles. I believe we’ve found such a system and It’s why we are slowly storing more and more of our time and energy within Bitcoin. I know many people will scoff at the word Bitcoin but I doubt anyone that reads this truly understands what it is and how it works. I was one of those that scoffed at the word Bitcoin but having the time to learn and to dive deeper into the financial system has allowed me to see that it is the fairest and most empowering monetary system ever discovered. It’s a system that incentives us to be better people. It ’s a system where over time the value of your time increases not decreases and it’s a system that can’t be corrupted no matter how much you own or how much power you have. It’s a system that’s based upon a limited supply that can’t be increased. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin and unlike the unlimited and centrally controlled fiat system it’s self verifiable so no longer do we need to rely upon central bankers and their cronies manipulating the supply.

Understanding money has never been more important especially as central banks and governments around the world start to introduce CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) which will be programable money that will control where and how you spend your money. It’s paramount that we talk about and educate each other on the importance decentralised sound money and it’s effects upon the incentive structure of society. The world is facing a lot of battles at the moment but the most important I see is the restructuring and reintroduction of sound money. It will change our incentives in ways we can’t imagine. Once again we will become a society that prides itself upon saving and upon long term time preferences. We have been corrupted by debt and by cheap and easy money and it’s turned us into consumers and a throw away society that’s destroying the environment and our principles both at the sometime.

If you believe that time equals money and that money shouldn’t be controlled by a few bankers try taking a deeper look into what Bitcoin is and what it means for humanity as it’s far from what the mainstream media are portraying it to be.

Here’s a few links that are a great place to start if anyones wanting to learn more :-) Have a great day all!!

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