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Kind 1621
git repository issue: feat: listen for new nip46 apps
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Published at
2024-07-11 11:58:00
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "5d4fe3c1a8c523e05f100ab992bc1a9d45c345781d7612ee85eb379135858c02", "pubkey": "a008def15796fba9a0d6fab04e8fd57089285d9fd505da5a83fe8aad57a3564d", "created_at": 1720699080, "kind": 1621, "tags": [ [ "alt", "git repository issue: feat: listen for new nip46 apps" ], [ "r", "2b2cdda46b9d0e0b35e565e8f8b2b066f5ffd141" ], [ "a", "30617:7579076d9aff0a4cfdefa7e2045f2486c7e5d8bc63bfc6b45397233e1bbfcb19:Amber", "wss://nos.lol/", "root" ], [ "p", "7579076d9aff0a4cfdefa7e2045f2486c7e5d8bc63bfc6b45397233e1bbfcb19" ] ], "content": "feat: listen for new nip46 apps\n\nIf I seek to initiate a nip46 login from a client amber doesn't respond.\nhowever, if a new placeholder app, amber will listen for new app connections.\nwhen I connect from this new app the placeholder will be connected to that app and amber will no longer listen for new app keys trying to connect.\n\nCan amber listen for new app keys trying to connect without me having to add a placeholder app each time?", "sig": "042b79c3b3447a6b3fb6b208ab9402f2393341f2f2f723610fb433db9bc64d2b872e8b549685bb44674ab9c079a74e371ec052e3e31092040ecc7816cdd3aa6d" }