Rusty Russell [ARCHIVE] on Nostr: 📅 Original date posted:2019-11-05 📝 Original message: Hi all, This took longer ...
📅 Original date posted:2019-11-05
📝 Original message:
Hi all,
This took longer than I'd indicated; for that I'm sorry.
However, this should give us all something to chew on. I've started
with a draft "BOLT 12" (it might be BOLT 13 by the time it's finalized
I've also appended indications where we touch other BOLTs:
1. BOLT 7 gains a message/reply system, encoded like htlc onions and
failure messages.
2. BOLT 11 gains a `q` field for quantity; this avoids changing the
description when the user requests an invoice for more than one of something
(since changing the description between offer and invoice requires user
interaction: it's the *invoice* which you are committing to).
There's definite handwaving in here; let's see if you can find it!
# BOLT #12: Offer Protocols for Lightning Payments
An higher-level, QR-code-ready protocol for dealing with invoices over
Lightning. There are two simple flows supported: in one, a user gets
an offer (`lno...`) and requests an invoice over the lightning
network, obtaining one (or an error) in reply. In the other, a user
gets an invoice request (`lni...`), and sends the invoice over the
lightning network, retreiving an empty reply.
# Table of Contents
* [Offers](#offers)
* [Encoding](#encoding)
* [TLV Fields](#tlv-fields)
* [Invrequests](#invrequests)
* [Encoding](#encoding)
* [TLV Fields](#tlv-fields)
# Offers
Offers supply a reader with enough information to request one or more
invoices via the lightning network itself.
## Encoding
The human-readable part of a Lightning offer is `lno`. The data part
consists of three parts:
1. 0 or more [TLV]( encoded fields.
2. A 32-byte nodeid[1]
3. 64-byte signature of SHA256(hrp-as-utf8 | tlv | nodeid).
## TLV Fields
The TLV fields define how to get the invoice, and what it's for.
Each offer has a unique `offer_idenfitier` so the offering node can
distinguish different invoice requests.
Offers can request recurring payments of various kinds, and specify
what base currency they are calculated in (the actual amount will be
in the invoice).
`additional_data` is a bitfield which indicates what information the
invoice requester should (odd) or must (even) supply:
1. Bits `0/1`: include `delivery_address`
2. Bits `2/3`: include `delivery_telephone_number`
3. Bits `4/5`: include `voucher_code`
4. Bits `6/7`: include `refund_proof`
`refund_for` indicates an offer for a (whole or part) refund for a
previous invoice, as indicated by the `payment_hash`.
1. tlvs: `offer`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`paths`)
2. data:
* [`u16`:`num_paths`]
* [`num_paths*path`:`path`]
1. type: 2 (`description`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`description`]
1. type: 3 (`expiry`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`]
1. type: 4 (`offer_identifier`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`id`]
1. type: 5 (`amount`)
2. data:
* [`4*byte`:`currency`]
* [`tu64`:`amount`]
1. type: 6 (`additional_data`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`rbits`]
1. type: 7 (`recurrance`)
2. data:
* [`byte`:`time_unit`]
* [`u32`:`period`]
* [`tu32`:`number`]
1. type: 8 (`recurrance_base`)
2. data:
* [`u32`:`basetime`]
* [`tu32`:`paywindow`]
1. type: 9 (`quantity`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`max`]
1. type: 10 (`refund_for`)
2. data:
* [`32*byte`:`payment_hash`]
1. subtype: `path`
2. data:
* [`u16`:`num_hops`]
* [`num_hops*hop`:`hops`]
1. subtype: `hop`
2. data:
* [`pubkey`:`nodeid`]
* [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`]
* [`u16`:`flen`]
* [`flen*byte`:`features`]
## Requirements For Offers And Invrequests
A writer of an offer or an invrequest:
- if it is connected only by private channels:
- MUST include `paths` containing a path to the node.
- otherwise:
- MAY include `paths` containing a path to the node.
- MUST describe the item(s) being offered or purpose of invoice in `description`.
- MUST include `expiry` if the offer/invrequest will not be valid after some time.
- if it includes `expiry`:
- MUST set `seconds_from_epoch` to the expiry time in seconds since 1970 UTC.
## Requirements For Offers
A writer of an offer:
- MUST use a unique `offer_idenfitier` for each offer.
- MAY include `recurrence` to indicate offer should trigger time-spaced
- MUST include `amount` if it includes `recurrence`.
- if it includes `amount`:
- MUST specify `currency` as the ISO 4712 or BIP-0173, padded with zero bytes if required
- MUST specify `amount` to the amount expected for the invoice, as the ISO 4712 currency unit multiplied by exponent, OR the BIP-0173 minimum unit (eg. `satoshis`).
- if it requires specific fields in the invoice:
- MUST set the corresponding even bits in the `additional_data` field
A reader of an offer:
- SHOULD gain user consent for recurring payments.
- SHOULD allow user to view and cancel recurring payments.
- SHOULD gain user consent to send `delivery_` fields.
- if it uses `amount` to provide the user with a cost estimate:
- MUST warn user if amount of actual invoice differs significantly
from that expectation.
- FIXME: more!
## Recurrance
Some offers are *periodic*, such as a subscription service or monthly
dues, in that payment is expected to be repeated. There are many
different flavors of repetition, consider:
* Payments due on the first of every month, for 6 months.
* Payments due on every Monday, 1pm Pacific Standard Time.
* Payments due once a year:
* which must be made on January 1st, or
* which are only valid if started January 1st 2020, or
* which if paid after January 1st you (over) pay the full rate first year, or
* which if paid after January 1st are paid pro-rata for the first year, or
* which repeat from whenever you made the first payment
Thus, each payment has:
1. A `time_unit` defining 0 (seconds), 1 (days), 2 (months), 3 (years).
2. A `period`, defining how often (in `time_unit`) it has to be paid.
3. An optional `number` of total payments to be paid.
4. An optional `basetime`, defining when the first payment applies
in seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC.
5. An optional `paywindow`, defining how many seconds into the period
a payment will be accepted: 0xFFFFFFFF being a special value meaning
"any time during the period, but you will have to pay proportionally
to the remaining time in the period".
Note that the `expiry` field covers the case where an offer is no longer
valid after January 1st 2020.
## Default Offer
The "default offer" of a node is a nominal offer used to send
unsolicited payments. It is generally not actually sent, but can be
used by any other node as if it has been. It has the following
* `offer_idenfitier`: zero-length
* `d`: any
* `n`: the node id of the recipient.
## Invoice Request Encoding
Once it has an offer, the node can request an actual invoice using the
`invoice_req` message inside `directed`'s `onion_routing_packet`. It
would expect an `invoice_or_error_tlv` inside the `directed_reply`
This includes a `tag` it can use to identify replies, the
`offer_idenfitier` from the offer, a `key` it can use to prove it was
the requester of this invoice, a `recurrence` number if this
is a payment in a recurring series, and other codes as required.
The `refund_proof` refers to a previous invoice paid by the sender for
the specific case of a `refund_for` offer. It provides proof of
payment (the `payment_preimage` and also a signature of the
`payment_hash` from the `key` which requested the being-refunded
invoice (which does *not* have to be the same as this `key`!).
1. tlvs: `invoice_request_tlv`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`tag`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`tag`]
1. type: 2 (`offer_identifier`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`id`]
1. type: 3 (`key`)
2. data:
* [`32`:`key`]
1. type: 4 (`recurrence`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`number`]
1. type: 5 (`quantity`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`n`]
1. type: 6 (`delivery_address_name`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`name`]
1. type: 7 (`delivery_address1`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`address1`]
1. type: 8 (`delivery_address2`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`address2`]
1. type: 9 (`delivery_city`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`city`]
1. type: 10 (`delivery_state_province_or_region`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`state_province_or_region`]
1. type: 11 (`delivery_zip_or_postal_code`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`zip_or_postal_code`]
1. type: 12 (`delivery_country`)
2. data:
* [`2*byte`:`country_code`]
1. type: 13 (`delivery_telephone_number`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`tel`]
1. type: 14 (`voucher_code`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`code`]
1. type: 15 (`refund_proof`)
2. data:
* [`32*byte`:`payment_preimage`]
* [`signature`:`signature`]
## Requirements
FIXME: many more
Sender MUST use ISO 3166 alpha-2 code for `delivery_country`.
Sender MUST set offer_identifier to match offer.
Sender MUST include `key`
- SHOULD use a transient unpredictable key
- MUST reuse key for successive recurring invoices.
Sender MUST set `recurrence` for recurring invoices.
Receiver MUST check `offer_identifier`
Receiver MUST check `delivery_` fields.
Receiver MUST check `recurrence`.
Receiver MUST check `amount`.
1. tlvs: `invoice_or_error_tlv`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`tag`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`tag`]
1. type: 3 (`omitted`)
2. data:
* [`...*u64`:`omitted_fields`]
1. type: 4 (`invoice`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`invoice`]
1. type: 5 (`message`)
* [`...*byte`:`message`]
1. type: 6 (`replacement`)
2. data:
* [`signature`:`signature`]
* [`...*byte`:`offer`]
- MUST copy `tag` from sender.
- MUST omit fields it does not use, and place number in order in `omitted_fields`.
- if it includes `invoice`:
- MUST not include `message`
- MUST not include `replacement`
- MUST [merkle fields it used](#merkle-calculation) and place that in invoice `s` field.
- otherwise, if it includes `replacement`:
- MAY include `message`
- otherwise:
- MUST include `message` describing the error.
- MUST check that `tag` matches req.
- if `replacement`:
- MUST fail if `signature` does not sign `offer` with same key as original.
- MUST only fetch once (no double-redirects!)
- if description or amount significantly changes, must re-ask user.
- SHOULD note if description simply has something appended (eg "+ postage").
- within invoice:
- MUST check that `s` matches merkle of fields, minus `omitted`.
- MUST check that no vital fields are in `omitted`.
- MUST check that `d` matches `description`
- MUST check that `q` DNE if `quantity` DNE, otherwise is equal.
- Must check valid signature, etc.
## Merkle Calculation
1. For each `invoice_req_tlv` field in ascending `tlv` type order:
1. If the field was omitted, it is added to `omitted_fields`.
2. Otherwise, the immediate parent merkle is:
SHA256(SHA256(`tag` | `be64-n`) | SHA256(`tlv-value`))
Where `be64-n` is a 64-bit big-endian counter starting at 0 and
incrementing for each leaf.
3. Order these nodes in increasing SHA256(`tag` | `be64-n`) order.
2. Create additional leaves until `be64-n` is the next power of 2:
SHA256(`tag` | `be64-n`)
3. Combine adjacent leaves using SHA256(leaf1 | leaf2) until none remain.
By creating adjacent leaves using the `tag` field and a counter, and
sorting the leaves, the only significant information revealed by a
merkle proof on a node is the depth of tree (which implies the total
number of TLV fields).
# InvRequests
There are times when it makes sense to request an invoice over another
medium, such as HTTP or a QR code.
## Encoding
The human-readable part of a Lightning invrequest is `lni`. The data part
consists of three parts:
1. 0 or more [TLV]( encoded fields.
2. A 32-byte nodeid[1]
3. 64-byte signature of SHA256(hrp-as-utf8 | tlv | nodeid).
## TLV Fields
1. tlvs: `invreq`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`paths`)
2. data:
* [`u16`:`num_paths`]
* [`num_paths*path`:`path`]
1. type: 2 (`description`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`description`]
1. type: 3 (`expiry`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`]
1. type: 4 (`amount`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`millisatoshis`]
The fields `paths`, `description`, and `expiry` fields are the
same as those for offers; the optional `amount` field describes the
amount an invoice will be accepted for.
Upon parsing and accepting an `invreq`, the node sends an
`invoice_or_error_tlv` within an onion. The reply is empty.
## Requirements
The requirements for `paths`, `description` and `expiry` are
[described above](#requirements-for-offers-and-invrequests).
FIXME: More.
[1] Assuming we go for Schnorr sigs and 32-byte pubkeys.
Addendum: BOLT #7: P2P Node and Channel Discovery and Directed Messages
# Directed Messages
Directed messages allow peers to use existing connections to query for
invoices (see [BOLT 12]( Like gossip messages,
they are not associated with a particular local channel.
The `id` is a unique, transient identifier between the peers, used to
identify match messages and replies.
## The `directed` and `directed_reply` Messages
1. type: 384 (`directed`) (`option_directed_messages`)
2. data:
* [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`]
* [`u64`:`id`]
* [`1366*byte`:`onion_routing_packet`]
1. type: 384 (`directed_reply`) (`option_directed_messages`)
2. data:
* [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`]
* [`u64`:`id`]
* [`u16`:`len`]
* [`len*byte`:`reply`]
## Requirements
FIXME: similar to update_add_htlc and update_fail_htlc.
FIXME: define reasonable timeout after which you can forget if not replied?
📝 Original message:
Hi all,
This took longer than I'd indicated; for that I'm sorry.
However, this should give us all something to chew on. I've started
with a draft "BOLT 12" (it might be BOLT 13 by the time it's finalized
I've also appended indications where we touch other BOLTs:
1. BOLT 7 gains a message/reply system, encoded like htlc onions and
failure messages.
2. BOLT 11 gains a `q` field for quantity; this avoids changing the
description when the user requests an invoice for more than one of something
(since changing the description between offer and invoice requires user
interaction: it's the *invoice* which you are committing to).
There's definite handwaving in here; let's see if you can find it!
# BOLT #12: Offer Protocols for Lightning Payments
An higher-level, QR-code-ready protocol for dealing with invoices over
Lightning. There are two simple flows supported: in one, a user gets
an offer (`lno...`) and requests an invoice over the lightning
network, obtaining one (or an error) in reply. In the other, a user
gets an invoice request (`lni...`), and sends the invoice over the
lightning network, retreiving an empty reply.
# Table of Contents
* [Offers](#offers)
* [Encoding](#encoding)
* [TLV Fields](#tlv-fields)
* [Invrequests](#invrequests)
* [Encoding](#encoding)
* [TLV Fields](#tlv-fields)
# Offers
Offers supply a reader with enough information to request one or more
invoices via the lightning network itself.
## Encoding
The human-readable part of a Lightning offer is `lno`. The data part
consists of three parts:
1. 0 or more [TLV]( encoded fields.
2. A 32-byte nodeid[1]
3. 64-byte signature of SHA256(hrp-as-utf8 | tlv | nodeid).
## TLV Fields
The TLV fields define how to get the invoice, and what it's for.
Each offer has a unique `offer_idenfitier` so the offering node can
distinguish different invoice requests.
Offers can request recurring payments of various kinds, and specify
what base currency they are calculated in (the actual amount will be
in the invoice).
`additional_data` is a bitfield which indicates what information the
invoice requester should (odd) or must (even) supply:
1. Bits `0/1`: include `delivery_address`
2. Bits `2/3`: include `delivery_telephone_number`
3. Bits `4/5`: include `voucher_code`
4. Bits `6/7`: include `refund_proof`
`refund_for` indicates an offer for a (whole or part) refund for a
previous invoice, as indicated by the `payment_hash`.
1. tlvs: `offer`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`paths`)
2. data:
* [`u16`:`num_paths`]
* [`num_paths*path`:`path`]
1. type: 2 (`description`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`description`]
1. type: 3 (`expiry`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`]
1. type: 4 (`offer_identifier`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`id`]
1. type: 5 (`amount`)
2. data:
* [`4*byte`:`currency`]
* [`tu64`:`amount`]
1. type: 6 (`additional_data`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`rbits`]
1. type: 7 (`recurrance`)
2. data:
* [`byte`:`time_unit`]
* [`u32`:`period`]
* [`tu32`:`number`]
1. type: 8 (`recurrance_base`)
2. data:
* [`u32`:`basetime`]
* [`tu32`:`paywindow`]
1. type: 9 (`quantity`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`max`]
1. type: 10 (`refund_for`)
2. data:
* [`32*byte`:`payment_hash`]
1. subtype: `path`
2. data:
* [`u16`:`num_hops`]
* [`num_hops*hop`:`hops`]
1. subtype: `hop`
2. data:
* [`pubkey`:`nodeid`]
* [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`]
* [`u16`:`flen`]
* [`flen*byte`:`features`]
## Requirements For Offers And Invrequests
A writer of an offer or an invrequest:
- if it is connected only by private channels:
- MUST include `paths` containing a path to the node.
- otherwise:
- MAY include `paths` containing a path to the node.
- MUST describe the item(s) being offered or purpose of invoice in `description`.
- MUST include `expiry` if the offer/invrequest will not be valid after some time.
- if it includes `expiry`:
- MUST set `seconds_from_epoch` to the expiry time in seconds since 1970 UTC.
## Requirements For Offers
A writer of an offer:
- MUST use a unique `offer_idenfitier` for each offer.
- MAY include `recurrence` to indicate offer should trigger time-spaced
- MUST include `amount` if it includes `recurrence`.
- if it includes `amount`:
- MUST specify `currency` as the ISO 4712 or BIP-0173, padded with zero bytes if required
- MUST specify `amount` to the amount expected for the invoice, as the ISO 4712 currency unit multiplied by exponent, OR the BIP-0173 minimum unit (eg. `satoshis`).
- if it requires specific fields in the invoice:
- MUST set the corresponding even bits in the `additional_data` field
A reader of an offer:
- SHOULD gain user consent for recurring payments.
- SHOULD allow user to view and cancel recurring payments.
- SHOULD gain user consent to send `delivery_` fields.
- if it uses `amount` to provide the user with a cost estimate:
- MUST warn user if amount of actual invoice differs significantly
from that expectation.
- FIXME: more!
## Recurrance
Some offers are *periodic*, such as a subscription service or monthly
dues, in that payment is expected to be repeated. There are many
different flavors of repetition, consider:
* Payments due on the first of every month, for 6 months.
* Payments due on every Monday, 1pm Pacific Standard Time.
* Payments due once a year:
* which must be made on January 1st, or
* which are only valid if started January 1st 2020, or
* which if paid after January 1st you (over) pay the full rate first year, or
* which if paid after January 1st are paid pro-rata for the first year, or
* which repeat from whenever you made the first payment
Thus, each payment has:
1. A `time_unit` defining 0 (seconds), 1 (days), 2 (months), 3 (years).
2. A `period`, defining how often (in `time_unit`) it has to be paid.
3. An optional `number` of total payments to be paid.
4. An optional `basetime`, defining when the first payment applies
in seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC.
5. An optional `paywindow`, defining how many seconds into the period
a payment will be accepted: 0xFFFFFFFF being a special value meaning
"any time during the period, but you will have to pay proportionally
to the remaining time in the period".
Note that the `expiry` field covers the case where an offer is no longer
valid after January 1st 2020.
## Default Offer
The "default offer" of a node is a nominal offer used to send
unsolicited payments. It is generally not actually sent, but can be
used by any other node as if it has been. It has the following
* `offer_idenfitier`: zero-length
* `d`: any
* `n`: the node id of the recipient.
## Invoice Request Encoding
Once it has an offer, the node can request an actual invoice using the
`invoice_req` message inside `directed`'s `onion_routing_packet`. It
would expect an `invoice_or_error_tlv` inside the `directed_reply`
This includes a `tag` it can use to identify replies, the
`offer_idenfitier` from the offer, a `key` it can use to prove it was
the requester of this invoice, a `recurrence` number if this
is a payment in a recurring series, and other codes as required.
The `refund_proof` refers to a previous invoice paid by the sender for
the specific case of a `refund_for` offer. It provides proof of
payment (the `payment_preimage` and also a signature of the
`payment_hash` from the `key` which requested the being-refunded
invoice (which does *not* have to be the same as this `key`!).
1. tlvs: `invoice_request_tlv`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`tag`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`tag`]
1. type: 2 (`offer_identifier`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`id`]
1. type: 3 (`key`)
2. data:
* [`32`:`key`]
1. type: 4 (`recurrence`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`number`]
1. type: 5 (`quantity`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`n`]
1. type: 6 (`delivery_address_name`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`name`]
1. type: 7 (`delivery_address1`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`address1`]
1. type: 8 (`delivery_address2`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`address2`]
1. type: 9 (`delivery_city`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`city`]
1. type: 10 (`delivery_state_province_or_region`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`state_province_or_region`]
1. type: 11 (`delivery_zip_or_postal_code`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`zip_or_postal_code`]
1. type: 12 (`delivery_country`)
2. data:
* [`2*byte`:`country_code`]
1. type: 13 (`delivery_telephone_number`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`tel`]
1. type: 14 (`voucher_code`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`code`]
1. type: 15 (`refund_proof`)
2. data:
* [`32*byte`:`payment_preimage`]
* [`signature`:`signature`]
## Requirements
FIXME: many more
Sender MUST use ISO 3166 alpha-2 code for `delivery_country`.
Sender MUST set offer_identifier to match offer.
Sender MUST include `key`
- SHOULD use a transient unpredictable key
- MUST reuse key for successive recurring invoices.
Sender MUST set `recurrence` for recurring invoices.
Receiver MUST check `offer_identifier`
Receiver MUST check `delivery_` fields.
Receiver MUST check `recurrence`.
Receiver MUST check `amount`.
1. tlvs: `invoice_or_error_tlv`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`tag`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`tag`]
1. type: 3 (`omitted`)
2. data:
* [`...*u64`:`omitted_fields`]
1. type: 4 (`invoice`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`invoice`]
1. type: 5 (`message`)
* [`...*byte`:`message`]
1. type: 6 (`replacement`)
2. data:
* [`signature`:`signature`]
* [`...*byte`:`offer`]
- MUST copy `tag` from sender.
- MUST omit fields it does not use, and place number in order in `omitted_fields`.
- if it includes `invoice`:
- MUST not include `message`
- MUST not include `replacement`
- MUST [merkle fields it used](#merkle-calculation) and place that in invoice `s` field.
- otherwise, if it includes `replacement`:
- MAY include `message`
- otherwise:
- MUST include `message` describing the error.
- MUST check that `tag` matches req.
- if `replacement`:
- MUST fail if `signature` does not sign `offer` with same key as original.
- MUST only fetch once (no double-redirects!)
- if description or amount significantly changes, must re-ask user.
- SHOULD note if description simply has something appended (eg "+ postage").
- within invoice:
- MUST check that `s` matches merkle of fields, minus `omitted`.
- MUST check that no vital fields are in `omitted`.
- MUST check that `d` matches `description`
- MUST check that `q` DNE if `quantity` DNE, otherwise is equal.
- Must check valid signature, etc.
## Merkle Calculation
1. For each `invoice_req_tlv` field in ascending `tlv` type order:
1. If the field was omitted, it is added to `omitted_fields`.
2. Otherwise, the immediate parent merkle is:
SHA256(SHA256(`tag` | `be64-n`) | SHA256(`tlv-value`))
Where `be64-n` is a 64-bit big-endian counter starting at 0 and
incrementing for each leaf.
3. Order these nodes in increasing SHA256(`tag` | `be64-n`) order.
2. Create additional leaves until `be64-n` is the next power of 2:
SHA256(`tag` | `be64-n`)
3. Combine adjacent leaves using SHA256(leaf1 | leaf2) until none remain.
By creating adjacent leaves using the `tag` field and a counter, and
sorting the leaves, the only significant information revealed by a
merkle proof on a node is the depth of tree (which implies the total
number of TLV fields).
# InvRequests
There are times when it makes sense to request an invoice over another
medium, such as HTTP or a QR code.
## Encoding
The human-readable part of a Lightning invrequest is `lni`. The data part
consists of three parts:
1. 0 or more [TLV]( encoded fields.
2. A 32-byte nodeid[1]
3. 64-byte signature of SHA256(hrp-as-utf8 | tlv | nodeid).
## TLV Fields
1. tlvs: `invreq`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`paths`)
2. data:
* [`u16`:`num_paths`]
* [`num_paths*path`:`path`]
1. type: 2 (`description`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`description`]
1. type: 3 (`expiry`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`seconds_from_epoch`]
1. type: 4 (`amount`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`millisatoshis`]
The fields `paths`, `description`, and `expiry` fields are the
same as those for offers; the optional `amount` field describes the
amount an invoice will be accepted for.
Upon parsing and accepting an `invreq`, the node sends an
`invoice_or_error_tlv` within an onion. The reply is empty.
## Requirements
The requirements for `paths`, `description` and `expiry` are
[described above](#requirements-for-offers-and-invrequests).
FIXME: More.
[1] Assuming we go for Schnorr sigs and 32-byte pubkeys.
Addendum: BOLT #7: P2P Node and Channel Discovery and Directed Messages
# Directed Messages
Directed messages allow peers to use existing connections to query for
invoices (see [BOLT 12]( Like gossip messages,
they are not associated with a particular local channel.
The `id` is a unique, transient identifier between the peers, used to
identify match messages and replies.
## The `directed` and `directed_reply` Messages
1. type: 384 (`directed`) (`option_directed_messages`)
2. data:
* [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`]
* [`u64`:`id`]
* [`1366*byte`:`onion_routing_packet`]
1. type: 384 (`directed_reply`) (`option_directed_messages`)
2. data:
* [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`]
* [`u64`:`id`]
* [`u16`:`len`]
* [`len*byte`:`reply`]
## Requirements
FIXME: similar to update_add_htlc and update_fail_htlc.
FIXME: define reasonable timeout after which you can forget if not replied?