Chris Bussard on Nostr: npub1hykuc…73p33 "Truly, any big number multiplied by an imaginary number can be ...
npub1hykucplphuhelaxutcw4jw3vuu7gcg42czhqmk7jhchs8vdga4fsj73p33 (npub1hyk…3p33)
"Truly, any big number multiplied by an imaginary number can be turned into an even bigger number."
But "imaginary number" is a term with a defined meaning: some real number multiplied by the square root of -1. So a big number multiplied by an imaginary number yields another imaginary number. It's still rhetorically apt though, since imaginary numbers defy common sense definitions of "positive" and "negative," much like Uber's balance sheet.
"Truly, any big number multiplied by an imaginary number can be turned into an even bigger number."
But "imaginary number" is a term with a defined meaning: some real number multiplied by the square root of -1. So a big number multiplied by an imaginary number yields another imaginary number. It's still rhetorically apt though, since imaginary numbers defy common sense definitions of "positive" and "negative," much like Uber's balance sheet.