Bullet points of Democrats’ Abortion Extremism Would Not Be Possible Without Help From Corporate Media
Bullet points of Democrats’ Abortion Extremism Would Not Be Possible Without Help From Corporate Media
- Top Democrats have rejected any limits on ending life in the womb
- Corporate media have deliberately avoided forcing pro-abortion politicians to reconcile their radicalism with Americans' widespread support for restricting abortion
- Media outlets have used euphemistic terms to describe pro-abortion activists and negatively frame pro-lifers
- The media has meddled in elections by claiming that advocating for the protection of women and babies is a losing issue
- Top Democrats have rejected any limits on ending life in the womb
- Corporate media have deliberately avoided forcing pro-abortion politicians to reconcile their radicalism with Americans' widespread support for restricting abortion
- Media outlets have used euphemistic terms to describe pro-abortion activists and negatively frame pro-lifers
- The media has meddled in elections by claiming that advocating for the protection of women and babies is a losing issue