What is Nostr?
StillIRise1963 /
2024-03-10 22:42:14
in reply to nevent1q…kjj9

StillIRise1963 on Nostr: npub135d09…jtg9k In thinking about this a little harder, I think it's that I'm used ...

npub135d09thfh03cpu03rr9tk0kluy6suvf97afeajgsywzfgl0y973qvjtg9k (npub135d…tg9k) In thinking about this a little harder, I think it's that I'm used to the church and every other powerful entity fucking over non white people. I'm shocked to see it in Europe like this.
npub1tuk54lutrz8uvhd5nar4qdayzy7m4ztryw5dztq0tltncaaj2xgqj307wx (npub1tuk…07wx) npub1s8n2dkyhnj0w82j4v6jz2t9vx68rztpshsrmw6mghn384yr0gktsshsusg (npub1s8n…susg)
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