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Kind 1621
git repository issue: Handle different push and fetch remotes
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Published at
2024-08-31 14:49:53
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Event JSON
{ "id": "a5b6fda137d6a523b3423ee2f0169104409ab60e8b4d6807a8fda67ee47b9e45", "pubkey": "8685ebef665338dd6931e2ccdf3c19d9f0e5a1067c918f22e7081c2558f8faf8", "created_at": 1725115793, "kind": 1621, "tags": [ [ "alt", "git repository issue: Handle different push and fetch remotes" ], [ "r", "26689f97810fc656c7134c76e2a37d33b2e40ce7" ], [ "a", "30617:a008def15796fba9a0d6fab04e8fd57089285d9fd505da5a83fe8aad57a3564d:ngit", "wss://relay.damus.io", "root" ], [ "p", "a008def15796fba9a0d6fab04e8fd57089285d9fd505da5a83fe8aad57a3564d" ] ], "content": "Handle different push and fetch remotes\n\nMy repo can be fetched from `https://git.sprovoost.nl/instablossom.git/` by anyone. To push I use a git:// remote which goes over SSH.\n\nBut in order to use git-remote-nostr I had to replace both remotes with:\n\n```\norigin nostr://npub1s6z7hmmx2vud66f3utxd70qem8cwtggx0jgc7gh8pqwz2k8cltuqrdwk4c/instablossom\n```\n\nThis causes a problem, because git push will now update the repo on Nostr but then it fails trying to push to the https origin. I can work around this by adding a second origin and manually pushing there.\n\nI ideally I should be able to configure the push origin that git-remote-nostr uses under the hood. That URL should not be published (it's unreachable).", "sig": "9f7def3787aeb0b98c9e806bae78f7fe522dfbe55a0176c5a021a8ff257a32cee7808819b8f6221d3e3b05695636ce8678e7321676fa4d5d51aba2e68f60ad4f" }