Vyram Kraven on Nostr: Good Morning! I'm afraid that theres fools amongst us. Whoever made this website ...
Good Morning!
I'm afraid that theres fools amongst us. Whoever made this website isn't for decentralization, they use the same ugly corperation tactics by tainting somethings name. Crime money lol this currency is only used for commiting crimes wtf is 2025 the next stupid generation?
Monero isn't a money only used to commit crimes how do you associate an attempt of use on currency? Really are we inventing prejudice creatism to digital currency? The whole purpose of not having a public ledger & triple sig encryption is so there is no record whats wrong with that?
Question why there even is a public ledger imagine if there was a website that showed every single transaction in history publically for anyone to see & all they need to do is enter your driver's license number. That's what the ledger is in a nutshell. With the address you can see address 1 sent address 2 amount date & time note.
Example address 1 sent address 2 x sats lets look up address 2 oh it's a pizza place so jan 3rd 2021 at 1:20PM John went to get pizza there. Jeanice's address is x so lets put it in oh shes done a lot of purchasing what's in this block. March 14th 2022 note: enjoy your dildo omg Jeanice bought a dildo.
You see with tools & common sense you can identify someone who leaves a public address on the internet. A permanent record of every transaction ever made shouldn't exist even though that's what makes bitcoin valuable. Yes it's not the fiat being put into it the value is the decryption of transactional reciepts that are encrypted that is the true value.
I speculate that bitcoin was really invented back in 2010 to help accelerate the advancement of cracking encryption. What better way to gain statistics & let other people pay the expense by using their own electricity instead of yours. Meanwhile someones doing something with all those decrypted blocks somewhere & probably making trillions in the process.
Bottom line don't be prejudice against digital money, don't associate a name to a category of class, question why a public record exists, & don't be afraid of Monero it's just money nobody needs to know how much you got or what you spend it on that's why it is the way it is let it be.
#gm #good #morning #sunshine #rise #shine #goodmorning #wakeup #monero #lesson #truth #Bitcoin #BTC #Nostr #Lightning #Zap #Zapathon #Zaps #Plebs #Plebchain #GrowNostr #Nostriches #Money⚡ #Zapatime #Happy #RideThe⚡ #Zapstr #Plebdrive #Zapdrive #zapchain #bitchain #boost #share #boosted #bitdrive $boost
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I'm afraid that theres fools amongst us. Whoever made this website isn't for decentralization, they use the same ugly corperation tactics by tainting somethings name. Crime money lol this currency is only used for commiting crimes wtf is 2025 the next stupid generation?
Monero isn't a money only used to commit crimes how do you associate an attempt of use on currency? Really are we inventing prejudice creatism to digital currency? The whole purpose of not having a public ledger & triple sig encryption is so there is no record whats wrong with that?
Question why there even is a public ledger imagine if there was a website that showed every single transaction in history publically for anyone to see & all they need to do is enter your driver's license number. That's what the ledger is in a nutshell. With the address you can see address 1 sent address 2 amount date & time note.
Example address 1 sent address 2 x sats lets look up address 2 oh it's a pizza place so jan 3rd 2021 at 1:20PM John went to get pizza there. Jeanice's address is x so lets put it in oh shes done a lot of purchasing what's in this block. March 14th 2022 note: enjoy your dildo omg Jeanice bought a dildo.
You see with tools & common sense you can identify someone who leaves a public address on the internet. A permanent record of every transaction ever made shouldn't exist even though that's what makes bitcoin valuable. Yes it's not the fiat being put into it the value is the decryption of transactional reciepts that are encrypted that is the true value.
I speculate that bitcoin was really invented back in 2010 to help accelerate the advancement of cracking encryption. What better way to gain statistics & let other people pay the expense by using their own electricity instead of yours. Meanwhile someones doing something with all those decrypted blocks somewhere & probably making trillions in the process.
Bottom line don't be prejudice against digital money, don't associate a name to a category of class, question why a public record exists, & don't be afraid of Monero it's just money nobody needs to know how much you got or what you spend it on that's why it is the way it is let it be.
#gm #good #morning #sunshine #rise #shine #goodmorning #wakeup #monero #lesson #truth #Bitcoin #BTC #Nostr #Lightning #Zap #Zapathon #Zaps #Plebs #Plebchain #GrowNostr #Nostriches #Money⚡ #Zapatime #Happy #RideThe⚡ #Zapstr #Plebdrive #Zapdrive #zapchain #bitchain #boost #share #boosted #bitdrive $boost
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