What is Nostr?
danielewen / de (daniel ewen)
2024-12-12 14:03:28

danielewen on Nostr: https://m.primal.net/Mtwa.png "i AM" the creator, EXPERiENCING CREATiON, AS THE ...


This is the simplest all-encompassing explanation that I can come up with, that attempts to rationalise my experience and understanding of Being human.

Firstly, there is the use of case. lowercase implies the realm of the un-manifested, whereas UPPERCASE implies the realm of the manifested.

Secondly, there is the use of colour.
- The Dark represents the realm of the un-manifested, whereas The Light represents the realm of the manifested.
- Grey and Red are arbitrary colours used to imply additional meaning. In this instance, Red represents boundaries (perception) and Grey represents experience (interpretation).

Then, there is the use of form and movement (space and time).
- The Grey Triangle is the perception of the manifested whole, which paradoxically sits within the entirety of the un-manifested.
- The Red Triangles represent direction, the movement along the boundaries of perception.

Further explanation within The Grey Triangle:
- The lowercase "i" represents "the creator", and resides both within and without. The "i" represents the un-manifested creator, and therefore appears Dark.
- The UPPERCASE "I" represents EVERYTHiNG and appears Light.
- EVERYTHiNG always contains the lowercase "i".

Further explanation of Being human:
- The lowercase "i" represents consciousness.
- The UPPERCASE "I" represents the individual personality.

I know this because: "i AM". I EXiST.

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