What is Nostr?
Conrad Nostrhomo /
2024-12-17 23:18:50

Conrad Nostrhomo on Nostr: ...


The right side brain (the Bonobo side) doesn’t care if true or myth. Libertatia exists. A perfect society. No government. Peace. Love. Prosperity. Freedom

The left side (the pesky chimp) works hard to make it true.


For a quarter of the 17th Century on the coast of Madagascar, there was a democratic colony comprised of surprisingly cool and chilled pirates who lived together in peace and harmony. Race not an issue. Sexual orientation not an issue. Women and men equal rights. Self-sovereignty and community perfectly compatible. Hey, this is 5 centuries ago at a time of extreme prejudice when women suspected of witchcraft were burn in the village square and all ppl other than whites were considered inferior and therefor abused as slaves and killed by the Europeans.

Founded by Captain John Misson, a highborn, handsome bloke gone rogue and Father Caraccioli, pirate trade bankrolled their colony with spoils stolen from evil slave ships traversing the Indian Ocean. Opium, gold, saffron, silk. Lush
This astonishing place, next to the sea “abounding with fish,” was called Libertatia. It flourished briefly, before forces beyond its control swept it all away”

Caraccioli, the political brains behind Libertatia (sexy Misson was the executive producer) was a Dominican priest who believed organized religion was used to control the masses. Misson adopted the priest views and “began to figure to himself that all religion was no more than a curb up the minds of the weaker, which the wiser sort yielded to in appearance only.” Caraccioli also believed slavery was inherently wrong and that all men were born free and equal.

The experiment lasted just over a quarter of a century but the pattern was set.

#Libertatia.2 coming soon

#nostr #bitcoin #citizensassemblies #anarchism #compassion #community #selfsovereignty #ecoanarchy #piracy

Photo: Tolañaro. South Madagascar, the location of Libertatia according to Captain Charles Johnson (believed to be Daniel Defoe), today.
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