tallship on Nostr: "I knowed his ma. They was good folks. He was full a hell, sure, like a good boy ...
"I knowed his ma. They was good folks. He was full a hell, sure, like a good boy oughta be…He done a bad thing an’ they hurt ‘im, caught ‘im an’ hurt him so he was mad, an’ the nex’ bad thing he done was mad, an’ they hurt ‘im again. An’ purty soon he was mean-mad."
- J.S., who really just wanted to be a fucking marine biologist, as evidenced in his conributions to Between the Pacific Tides, by his friend Ed Ricketts, yet much to his chagrin was relegated to authorship in depression era grit fiction, notable for his brutally honest naturalism, social commentary on extreme hardship, heartache, and subsequently immortalized in pen and celluloid.
Now you fucking know, bitches.
#tallship #lit #history #memoriam and #heroes, both celebrated and vilified; yet still one of my all time great inspirations as an artist. But just who was it he invoked that was so injuriously transfigured?
Can you haz #Cheezburgerz? 🍔 Can you? I doubt it. lemme know :p
photo credit: Hanna Shandra - https://presentacionesjhm.blogspot.com/2016/11/flabellina-iodinea.html - My confidence in your inability to grasp this is epic. Prove me wrong.
- J.S., who really just wanted to be a fucking marine biologist, as evidenced in his conributions to Between the Pacific Tides, by his friend Ed Ricketts, yet much to his chagrin was relegated to authorship in depression era grit fiction, notable for his brutally honest naturalism, social commentary on extreme hardship, heartache, and subsequently immortalized in pen and celluloid.
Now you fucking know, bitches.
#tallship #lit #history #memoriam and #heroes, both celebrated and vilified; yet still one of my all time great inspirations as an artist. But just who was it he invoked that was so injuriously transfigured?
Can you haz #Cheezburgerz? 🍔 Can you? I doubt it. lemme know :p
photo credit: Hanna Shandra - https://presentacionesjhm.blogspot.com/2016/11/flabellina-iodinea.html - My confidence in your inability to grasp this is epic. Prove me wrong.