bloodymary on Nostr: I didn’t say unions are a push back to decentralisation, it’s the opposite. You ...
I didn’t say unions are a push back to decentralisation, it’s the opposite. You stated
“.. American corporations have used political and military force to prevent unionisation” asking “somehow this is a push back against decentralisation “ and yes it is.
Capital ain’t nature. Ask a squirrel how he does capitalisation! What you maybe referring to is the need for safety in moments when nature isn’t giving enough product. It has nothing to do with capital.
Then again, who said there is no property in a communist system. Private belongings are not disallowed, is private property as the means for productions.
Money in Italian is soldi. Soldi where used to pay soldiers to do war, so money are basically a war tool. People did exchanges with other means than money, did you ever hear about tallies?
What you are talking about is not a communist system, it was a socialist in one country. Communism is not based on the power of a central government, its exactly the opposite. What you refer to maybe is what Marx and Engels referred to a “bridge” system, which in fact it has been tried and was clearly a failure.
But also I think the that you are mislead as violence has always been part of any society. For example soon after the WWII English basically created concentration camps for jews in Palestine!!! So.. the mistake is to put certain action in the context of today. Times where different during the XX century. I can easily imagine nazi pushing LGBT theories today, where in the 30’s they would fiercely publicly opposing those behaves while at the same time practicing them in the private sphere. So… time changes, but fascists are always the same: they are not like you expect them to be! That’s my opinion. Fascists are capable of shape mutation, they can easily switch sides, cause they are simply on the side of the stringers against the weak, by doing propaganda on the exact opposite concepts (they been attacked by the Jews at those times and, today, attacked by terrorists, or Arabs, name them as you want, but still some strong racism is going on in their minds)
“.. American corporations have used political and military force to prevent unionisation” asking “somehow this is a push back against decentralisation “ and yes it is.
Capital ain’t nature. Ask a squirrel how he does capitalisation! What you maybe referring to is the need for safety in moments when nature isn’t giving enough product. It has nothing to do with capital.
Then again, who said there is no property in a communist system. Private belongings are not disallowed, is private property as the means for productions.
Money in Italian is soldi. Soldi where used to pay soldiers to do war, so money are basically a war tool. People did exchanges with other means than money, did you ever hear about tallies?
What you are talking about is not a communist system, it was a socialist in one country. Communism is not based on the power of a central government, its exactly the opposite. What you refer to maybe is what Marx and Engels referred to a “bridge” system, which in fact it has been tried and was clearly a failure.
But also I think the that you are mislead as violence has always been part of any society. For example soon after the WWII English basically created concentration camps for jews in Palestine!!! So.. the mistake is to put certain action in the context of today. Times where different during the XX century. I can easily imagine nazi pushing LGBT theories today, where in the 30’s they would fiercely publicly opposing those behaves while at the same time practicing them in the private sphere. So… time changes, but fascists are always the same: they are not like you expect them to be! That’s my opinion. Fascists are capable of shape mutation, they can easily switch sides, cause they are simply on the side of the stringers against the weak, by doing propaganda on the exact opposite concepts (they been attacked by the Jews at those times and, today, attacked by terrorists, or Arabs, name them as you want, but still some strong racism is going on in their minds)