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2024-04-14 23:58:17

Karnage on Nostr: All social clients ideas - Work with other stuff clients to accommodate their content ...

All social clients ideas
- Work with other stuff clients to accommodate their content types. You want that stuff to display really well and be easily shared / zapped on your client.
- Think about widgetizing / feature toggling other stuff. Allow user to enable different functionality such as galleries, pinstr boards, music lists, lists in general.
- Implement list browsing. Make its easier to discover stuff by following lists of npubs.
- Implement multi-account switching. Keep this a free function. Make it easy to switch with a few clicks without going into settings. This will help with seeding new content.
- Ads - but not just any ads, work with other stuff clients to run promotions like when there’s a Tunestr show, no reason a client couldn’t feature a full-page ad, a widget, a flyout, something to promote OTHER stuff. You’re just promoting the ecosystem itself and help existing nostr users discover other apps. Right now if you join as a newbie, it’s almost impossible to know there is other stuff and I think that has to change.
- Ambassador programs - incentivize regional “influencers” or esteemed people to promote nostr. Arm them with tools to make onboarding easy and give them priority support and first class treatment. Incentives do not need to be financial, but could be.

Haba ideas;
- Rebrand, move away from .news domain - it’s not fitting IMO.
- Ditch communities. Less is is more.
- Integrate wallet, display balance.
- Nuts for all
- Fix bookmarking
- Fix all of the design issues. Happy to help here but need someone dedicated to do it.
- Make reading list first class citizen
- Make highlighting more obvious
- SEO the shit out of it
- Make a landing page
- Work with social clients to create premium reading experiences. Emphasize outside sharing.
- Create a separate subscribe function or follow function where if you opt into that, you can get notified via DM when new content is published. Content creators must be able to reach all of their followers in an asynchronous fashion (emailing list)

Pinstr ideas:
- Implement my designs
- Add wallet integration front and center, with balance display
- Start curating trending hot topics (or pay someone to do it). I’d hire a content manager who starts making a bunch of lists.
- SEO the shit out of it
- Individual pages per content piece
- Make a landing page
- Make earnings per board most visible in your face - incentivize creators
- Make re-pinning (copying) easy. This is what makes Pinterest grow…
- Work with social clients to integrate pinstr boards into profiles

Memestr ideas:
- Put all efforts into meme creator functionality. Watermark all new images
- Import all existing meme templates (scrape them)
- Add your own popular / new templates
- Integrating cross-posting to other socials with one click if possible
- Add a button to remix from any meme page. Click that, and it gives you the blank template for that meme so you can caption it.
- SEO the shit out of it
- Make it easy to create your own collections so you can reference them quickly
- Work with social clients to integrate into a creation flow on their clients

Tunestr ideas:
- Somehow make it so anyone can try the platform. Right now there’s nothing to do on that website. You come, look around, that’s it. Not a single call to action. Let artists at least create a profile.
- Allow artists to link music - extended profile *this can be a paid feature* The idea is that people should be able to discover that website by searching their name / track titles etc. long term SEO planning.
- Integrate with Wavlake so displayed tracks are playable from wavlake (embedded player?)
- Re-focus the landing page on personalized profiles, v4v shows, easy signup
- Add a button to schedule a show - this links to a short form, allow for easy contact and screening of all who are interested

Nostr signers

- Explore passkey.
- Create / expand existing signers to allow multi-identity management
- Expand existing clients to allow granular permission granting similar to nsec bunker. I’d make all of this functionality free.
- Explore app launches directly from signers - an extension hub where you can see all the popular or bookmarked apps right in your extension and launch t hem from there with a click.
- Integrate NWC into the new “launchpad” Maybe call this whole thing “Nostr Launchpad” Draw inspiration from Metamask and others “crypto” managers who do a lot of this already and look great

Nostr App Store

I heard this was being worked on. I think the primary benefit of this besides the obvious discovery, is the ratings. It would be great to have nostr-rated clients. This incentives clients to function well and also acts as a great way to discover new clients in a launchpad.

Nostr Nests ideas

- Work with social clients to integrate into clickable / schedule-able cards where anyone can jump into a conversation live or schedule.
- A job for the founder - start scheduling / reaching out to people on various hot topic issues. Create a calendar of upcoming talks - doesn’t need to be on Bitcoin or nostr. Focus on hot issues people care about. Record, make clips with audiograms, subtitles, promote on YouTube, podcast platforms, Fountain, other channels.
- Add an intro and outro to each nest. Make it podcast style, explain nostr nests, welcome other guests, let people know how to support the platform.
- Create a landing page to show recent nest clips. SEO the shit out of those. Explain nostr
- Make its easy to add new clips that turn into full blown landing pages similar to every Spotify channel. Basically, each conversation is its own page. Add easy sharing functionality, commentary etc.. nostr is good at this.
- Improve the shit out of the brand, logo, identity, styling. I did a passable job on the UI I think, but this platform can be so much more with a proper identity.
- Integrate with future nostr-based podcasts that don’t even exist yet.(version 10…)

Zap Stream ideas

- Incentivize POPULAR content creation with a streamer fund or free streaming for pro creators.
- Auto-clip recordings, host them on the website, enable easy sharing with modal preview of the clip. Slice into 3 different lengths: super short, medium length and slightly longer clip.
- Create zapstream socials on Youtube and the likes. Upload all the clips for people there as well. Encourage people to share their own clips on those platforms.
- Build a gamification mechanism that incentivizes people to reach next “level” by streaming various things, or achieving some desired number of streams, followers etc…
- Build in a separate follow mechanism where people are notified directly every time you stream. This would be separate from the nostr follow. Basically a notification button that once you subscribe to, you get notified every time.
- Promote clips / platform on other socials. Maybe have a dedicated person to handle streamer relations, socials.

Snort ideas

- Rebrand. We tried, time for a new name.
- Improve / fix performance issues
- Enable ghost mode
- Enable theming
- Widgetize sidebar
- Fix onboarding
- Integrate list following / access / link to edit via listr
- Work on supporting more of the Other stuff.

I’ll do others later. Tired haha.
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