What is Nostr?
ButtercupRoberts /
2025-03-05 17:45:04

ButtercupRoberts on Nostr: Wanna recommend #nostr to your friends? Send them this article 🗞️😊💜🤙 ...

Wanna recommend #nostr to your friends?

Send them this article 🗞️😊💜🤙

First, some context.

I'm a child of the original internet chat-rooms on IRC, and I've tried over the last decades different applications and websites that we could all agree are "social media", but until I found NOSTR (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) I hadn't had this certainty that this isn't something that I will eventually change for something else.

Today, even with all its early stage issues, I have the certainty that NOSTR may be the ULTIMATE and FINAL HOME for my online life.

# THE PROBLEMS with the current/old social media landscape

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## I'm tired of moving from one social media to the next.

As many of you, in my digital lifetime I've had many accounts that have now become obsolete; and the "content" and followings I created during that time was lost when one tech giant lost over the other, forcing us all to "MOVE" ourselves over to the new, and start building our content and following from scratch.

Lately, it's become even worse, where many of us have seen ourselves forced to use and feed more than one social media at a time, since they all serve various purposes, with sometimes diverse functionality, besides all being catered to different segments of people to connect you to (LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube...). How much is too much, though? And how much time should we keep spending re-adapting our content to reach all of our network?

For work, I've found myself having to create accounts in several of these giant data hoarding companies, having to build each following from scratch and to create "content" for all, and having to go through the hurdle of posting everything, everywhere, all at once.

## I'm sick of ever-changing terms, conditions and capabilities.

Let's be honest, the majority of us have never ever read the full terms and conditions, let alone every time they are updated without us knowing which rights to our data we are giving away, and which terms we are accepting that may be detrimental to us and our mental health.

We've learnt to accept that we are in their playground, they make up the rules, and if they choose to change the rules mid-game we just need to swallow it. We literally have no other choice, it's either that or desertion, which basically means walking away from everything we've built on their "public square". So, like a carefully engineered detrimental incentive structure, the more time we spend building on their turf, the more we are tied to them and conditioned to never leave them. The more we build and make them grow on our content, the more we'll lose if or when we drop out.

And even if you accept all that and choose to play along, and you do your best to create the most awesome account in the neighborhood, the random changes they make to optimize ad revenue or user attention will inevitably affect you and all your work.

If you created all your feed according to Instagram's squares but they choose to change to TikTok style dimensions due to their tech positioning battle with the Chinese giant... You swallow. If you edited your reels according to what you felt was the best 100 seconds video... Not anymore, suddenly 90 seconds is the maximum you're allowed... No appeal, no options. You Swallow. What? Seeing less of the people you actually WANT TO FOLLOW because they decided to clutter your feed with ads and suggestions, guess again: YOU SWALLOW.


Living our digital lives on these platforms feels like standing on ever changing quicksand, never endingly trying to "hack the algorithm" in order to have our content placed in front of the people who should automatically be able to see us from the moment they chose to follow us; and the worst part of it is, you never know when you may lose it all.

## Let's not forget, your social media account is NOT REALLY YOURS.

Recently, a friend's social media account was hacked. She didn't know how it happened; all she knew is that she got an email from Meta saying she had acted against community guidelines and her accounts were therefore being removed (the one hacked and all those liked to her email, which meant personal and work accounts). She tried to appeal, to no avail. She hadn't done anything wrong, but suddenly her identity had disappeared from all our feeds, and her content didn't exist anywhere anymore. She lost plenty of photos she had always counted on finding on her Instagram and lost the people she followed and who followed her. It was as if she had never existed on the platform.

*(Looks like a good moment to remind you to download all your valued content from the platforms you use in case something like this happens to you)*

![image]( )And this happened to someone who hadn't done anything "to deserve it". It has actually happened to more than one person I know, and every time they've been helpless and had no recourse, and yet, found themselves having to rebuild from scratch on the same platform that de-platformed them, because they had "no other option", and "their friends are there".

Many more people have encountered this awful wake up call, some because of a hack, like my friend, others found themselves removed because they posted content critical of the platform... there are so many reasons people have gotten de-platformed and posts have gotten deleted without warning. And every time, we accept it, as if we owe them something; as if we need to settle for this kind of abusive environment that gets rich on our content and attention without having a say in anything.

But we do have another option that flips that attention retention model completely on its head and empowers the user. **That option is NOSTR, our exit from the extractive social media silos they have trapped us into.**


# NOSTR: The better social experience for the internet era.

NOSTR (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) is not a social media app, it's an Internet protocol. It's open source and many many developers around the world are creating apps on top of it and creating THE ULTIMATE SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERIENCE for users.

I first heard of NOSTR from Jack Dorsey on what used to be called Twitter, and when I joined it two years ago it was really rough around the edges, but it was FULL OF POTENTIAL and the value proposition was very clear to me from the beginning.

## Firstly, YOU OWN YOUR IDENTITY, that includes your content and your follower list.

So, what does owning you identity mean? I guess many of us have thought we owned our identity before, but the reality is that the platforms owned our identities, which is why they could delete or censor us.

Owning your identity on NOSTR is empowered by encryption and cryptography. I'm not going to go into the technical part, but to explain as simply as I can, on NOSTR no platform owns your login and password to use on their playground; you can basically use any NOSTR app to create your identity to navigate it. They give you a login (npub) and password (nsec), and the magic part is that you can USE THAT IDENTITY ON ANY NOSTR APP OR WEBSITE, no need to sign up individually on each one.

## Welcome to the beauty of INTEROPERABILITY.

I cannot emphasize enough what it feels like to be able to take your identity, your followers, your content and carry it from one app to the other.

On NOSTR there is a rich ecosystem of apps and websites that keep growing. We have "clients" that allow you to experience NOSTR in interfaces that could remind you of Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Substack, Twitch, Clubhouse, Podcast apps and many more. You can find many of them on https://nostrapps.com/ .


With that information in mind, imagine you only needed one user password, your NOSTR nsec, and with that key, you could open you Instagram, or your Twitch or your Substack. And all your followers would be there, and you could choose what type of content you wanted to link to your identity for your followers to find. No longer "find link in bio", or "go to our YouTube channel", everything you post on NOSTR is tied to your identity, and you can post it all with a single set of keys that posts your content "everywhere".

And since your content is "in every client", each of YOUR FOLLOWERS CAN CHOOSE if they are more interested in experiencing your photography content "Insta-like" or if they love your "Twitter-esque" notes better. Each user navigates NOSTR with the interface they prefer.

*(With great power comes great responsibility, and I feel obligated to tell you that if you ever lose your nsec, no platform is gonna be able to save you. It's like the keys to your house, unless you keep a copy safely, no one can open it for you (there are no locksmiths on NOSTR). And if you leave your keys lying around on a cloud server somewhere, someone may grab your keys, open your house and use it however they want).*

The beauty of this interoperability and the fact that my keys open up my identity to all the NOSTR realms is that you don't need to settle for one client. I use 5 to 6 clients regularly everyday depending on the mood I'm in, (or the bugs that still prove this is a nascent ecosystem in development). Some I use when I want a more "Twitter-like" experience, others when I want to browse photos and others just give different algorithms to choose how to view my feed, and the best part is NO ONE CAN CLUTTER MY FEED WITH ADS. I can curate my feed however is most important to me, and each "NOSTR client" is like a different skin that customizes the way I experience the content.

However, the most important reason I started to use different NOSTR apps was that when I started, not all apps had zapping integrated. Some still don't, but most do :)

## ZAPS: direct micropayments from your followers.


Zaps are tips that come directly from the people who find value in the shit that you post. They are micropayments in the form of "sats", fractions of ever-increasing in value bitcoin , and a very big reason why I'm spending less and less time on other social media accumulating valueless likes that only feed the algorithm, and more time on NOSTR interacting with humans that post valuable notes hoping the generous souls that run upon their art or creations will find them valuable enough to tip them for it.

It's crazy how the type of content you post can change when your incentive is not to feed an algo, but to give real value to other humans around the world and be your most authentic self. Where Twitter/X's algo benefited the type of incendiary content that shocked and outraged people, NOSTR's incentives benefit those who bring most value to the network and their peers.

A few sats tip may not seem much, but even if the equivalent of a small zap is merely cents, it feels a whole lot better than any like, and you can count that if the purchasing power of bitcoin continues to accrue, those value-earned tips will too. Many "nostriches" are getting tons of zaps for memes on NOSTR, valuable articles, videos or participation in zapathons .


In NOSTR is where I first heard of the concept "value for value", and the community is very adamant in making "v4v" an alternative to ad revenue driven models. **Because we need to be the change we wanna see in the world**.

We've heard it said that if you're not paying for the product, you are the product. And up until now that has meant we felt obliged to accept that since ads were paying the platforms, we were required to give them our attention. But the open source movement thinks we deserve better. We deserve a better Internet, like the decentralized promise we've slowly been robbed of to enrich 10 people out of the work of all of us. If they can't monetize our attention, they got nothing.

But why should they monetize it, instead of us?


## Even with the glitches and bugs, NOSTR ROCKS!

The things I've grown to love most about NOSTR are:

• Not having the clutter of ads on my feed and being able to ONLY SEE WHAT I CHOOSE TO SEE.


• Being able to ENJOY ALL THE BENEFITS OF INTEROPERABILITY, and use many NOSTR clients that enrich my user experience knowing I own my identity and that means I'm not locked in, I can move like a bird wherever I decide.

• ZAPPING complete strangers that made me laugh, gave me a cool insight or simply made a witty comment.

• GETTING TIPPED for memes, articles, photos, videos and any "Notes and Other Stuff" that people have found valuable.


# CONCLUSION: Join us on NOSTR, participate in claiming back your digital life.

If you've made it this far in my love letter to NOSTR, thank you for being interested. Curious minds is what the world needs more of <3.

NOSTR is an ecosystem that is being built in the open by relentless developers that are continuously striving to out compete each other to offer a better user experience, it's a many headed dragon that has constant upgrades and implementations which benefits us all, and as such it sometimes comes with bugs and glitches.

Building the future is always buggy and requires testers and early adopters that help shape the technology in the best way possible, especially if you wanna build outside the incentive models of the devouring giants we're trying to get away from.

Being such an open ecosystem can also be overwhelming for a newcomer, where to start? There are so many clients to experience; so here are some of my recommendations.

Please, don't feel you need to go through all of them now, start step by step. This article will always be here whenever you need it (this is not Instagram ;) ).

### **Creating your NOSTR identity/account** with a wallet integrated to receive zaps on both Android and iOS:

• **YAKIHONNE**: It's a Japanese client that offers a great on-boarding experience. From the app you can create the account and enable a wallet to receive zaps. In it you can view and post short and long form content, images, videos and more. (Once you have the account created on your app, you can also visit the desktop version on https://yakihonne.com/ )

• **PRIMAL**: For a while it has positioned itself as a great on-boarding NOSTR client because it offers the same things as Yakihonne, has an integrated wallet, with the added benefit that you can also "buy sats/bitcoin" directly from its wallet, which can come in handy (it comes with a 15-30% premium, so only use for small amounts). It also has the desktop version at primal.net.

### **My favorite NOSTR iOS PHONE APPS after on-boarding**, in case you wanna hop into different user experiences:

• **DAMUS**: created by the original creator of the "ZAP", Will Casarin, it's an iOS simple client that is reliable and fast with notifications. It keeps things simple, mostly focusing on short note content, although you can also see images and short video. But the feed is optimized as a more "Twitter-like" feed.

• **NOSTUR**: The iOS phone client that has it all! It's the client I've used that integrates the most of NOSTR's possibilities, you can see all of the mentioned above with the previous clients, but also view LIVE STREAMS, and have multiple accounts set up simultaneously. The enhanced capabilities can sometimes come at the cost of crashing or being slow to load.

• **FREERSE**: Nice clean user interface with plenty of functionality, with easy navigation on topics like #art #photography or any other interests. It's my always reliable back-up to upload image content.

• **OLAS**: The new kid on the block Olas client, by prolific developer Pablof7z, is trying to take on Instagram and TikTok and has developed a client mainly focused on the visual and photographic part of NOSTR.

### Desktop clients & OTHER GEMS OF THE NOSTR REALM:

There is an infinite number of clients for desktop, but I usually find myself on **ditto.pub** or **slidestr.net** for a more visual experience.

• **ALBY** is INTEROPERABILITY'S BEST FRIEND. Alby is not a NOSTR client, but it's a browser extension that makes it seamless to jump from one desktop client to another with your wallet and identity without compromising your security.


• **HIVETALK**: A video call client (reminiscent of Zoom) that doesn't track you or spy on you and that enables zapping and many other functionalities during the calls.

• **NOSTR NESTS**: Audio spaces client that allows people to listen to conversations, chat within it and zap the people involved.

### if you made it this far, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.



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