Project Gutenberg on Nostr: "Jeeves lugged my purple socks out of the drawer as if he were a vegetarian fishing a ...
"Jeeves lugged my purple socks out of the drawer as if he were a vegetarian fishing a caterpillar out of his salad."
The Inimitable Jeeves
English comic novelist, short-story writer, lyricist, and playwright Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse was born #OTD in 1881. He is best known as the creator of Jeeves, the supreme “gentleman’s gentleman.” He wrote more than 90 books and more than 20 film scripts and collaborated on more than 30 plays and musical comedies.
The Inimitable Jeeves
English comic novelist, short-story writer, lyricist, and playwright Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse was born #OTD in 1881. He is best known as the creator of Jeeves, the supreme “gentleman’s gentleman.” He wrote more than 90 books and more than 20 film scripts and collaborated on more than 30 plays and musical comedies.