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/ BroccoliRiceTofu
2025-03-24 11:19:26

BroccoliRiceTofu on Nostr: THE REUNION OF DARKNESS Chapter III In the 1980s things were great and the economy ...

Chapter III
In the 1980s things were great and the economy was booming. People were laughing, people had jobs, and overall everything was good. For one kid growing up in the suburbs outside of Denver. The nightmares would only begin with his birth. For this child had strong faith, from the earliest days of his memory. Maybe, this child thought, one day I could even become the pope. This all changed when the visions and nightmares that plagued his life changed the way other people saw him. Family, friends, and even society would quickly label this child as an ‘item that needed fixed.’ From the early days of his youth, events, people and items that appeared in his dreams would often be seen again when awake in the following days.
Often as a child, he would look down as he slept, and could see himself laying in bed. As he slowly drifts farther and farther up in the sky, the bed seems to get bigger. Seeing himself getting smaller in the space that he once covered. His pulse would quicken, and the hollow feeling in the throat would begin to grow. This gut reaction left him feeling lonely,and homesick for days on end. Fear would fill his heart as he saw himself laying there not being able to move. He would try and force himself to try and fall back into his body, but he keeps being pulled away.
It was in these late hours into the night when sleep paralysis had slowly been taking over his body. Pain in the feet, wrists and hands would radiate with fear and grief. He could not breathe, but with eyes open he could see the room.
He is trying to scream for help, and to wake up anyone in the house, but he still can’t breathe. No sounds come from his mouth. His mouth opens wider, and with all the force in his body, he can’t yell. His hands quiver and tighten quickly to the point where they can’t open. His wrists feel like they’re bleeding, and the pain in his feet shifts up into his legs. There is a dark presence around him, and death fills the air. He continues screaming inside of his head, hoping and wondering if anyone will wake him up. The child is confused, lost in time and space. Then suddenly gasp of air, that fills his lungs so quickly he almost chokes. He rapidly wakes up in a cold sweat, wondering if it was all real. The child is not able to know if it was just a dream, or if it was reality.
As he shifts his head trying to adjust his eyes to the light, he sees the light flicker in the hallway. The person walking through the door looks familiar, almost as if you have seen them before. As they come into view, they quickly fade. As these events continued into his adult life, family and friends that had passed would appear more often. The thoughts and dreams would linger in this child as time went on.
When he told others of the situation, they never understood. Often responses would include a swift diagnosis along with the ideals that this person must just need a little bit of medication, for ‘what they have seen is not real’. ‘This kid just has a big imagination, and is suffering from depression’. ‘I know a doctor you can take to give him medication. They will fix them up. It will just take time’.
Years later after visiting the doctor, repetitively and continuing the drug therapies prescribed. This child, who now goes by the code name, Buckley, read that this doctor lost his license to practice. This doctor gave ketamine to young adults in order to assist with mild altering hypnotherapy. This doctor utilized the drug to allow patients to get over their depression without having their default resistance to therapy. Buckley, would end up in government records, and be tracked going forward. The progress, long term side effects, mood changes, family life and grades would all become monitored. This child was incurable, and was divergent from the standard results.
For years, Buckley would spend days thinking of ways to end his own life, and how it would affect his family. The dread of thought consistently entering his mind, seemed to dominate his motivation. The world at times felt hopeless. He was in a repetitive mind loop, zombied out on anti-depressants, and lost in a changing world around him.
It was Sunday and Buckley was riding in the back of a half beaten down Chrysler minivan. The old airport in the middle of the city, was deemed no longer viable for the future of the state. The plans to build a new airport, way out of town, was anyone could talk about on AM radio. Driving through town Buckley saw many large trucks passing by. The trucks were full of dirt, but they were going towards the new airport land instead of away from it, as you would think since in order to build a large foundation there would need to be a large hole dug. It seemed that there was almost enough dirt to build a new city moving toward the airport planned spot.
Listening to his father sing along to Queen on the radio, Buckley would notice the buildings that were just built near the airport last week, were suddenly gone. This time, he tried to dig in more. Just as he turned his head to see more, the semi truck pulled alongside the van and blocked his view. The van drives west, as the family heads out across town for the regular dinner with his grandparents.
As the airport began to take shape, the new international community in the city would grow along with it. Promises of job creation fueled the home builders to set up shop. Governments all over the world were also in on the potential buying land in this high altitude city. Although homes were being erected for years, on the land owned by other countries no buildings would ever be built. The assumptions and conspiracies of underground cities and bunkers would grow, but the evidence was never seen. It was just another conspiracy that Buckley would hear and like many wonder what all the signs were pointing to.
That night he laid in bed, drifted off and immediately transitioned to a place he had never been. There were dark gray cold concrete walls towering up as high as he could see. In front of him, complete darkness. He started walking forward, each step slowly taking place as the ground began to tilt downward. He went down this tunnel, which appeared to be underground, since the damp cold air reminded him of camping. He was heading closer to what looked like the train was waiting for him.
This train took him deep underground, almost as if he were a coal miner. The train speeding up rapidly, and finally coming to an abrupt halt. Suddenly a man with a mask came forward. As Buckley tried to see the man, he only saw his own reflection in the glass. The mask was blacked out and he couldn’t see his eyes. There were small holes on the side of the mask where he would breathe, but they were covered by some kind of strange filter that he had never seen before. The filters looked as if they were glowing with UV light penetrating out the sides.
Suddenly the air became sick, it was almost too thick to breathe. He could hear children laughing in the background and then slowly fade away. A rush came over Buckley and he was transported back to where he began walking forward into the darkness again. The room was so dark you couldn’t see your hand. Then suddenly it was as if the sun rose, the room filled with bright light. He took one more step, but felt the floor had disappeared under his foot. As he tried to pull back his right foot, he noticed there was a cliff. He felt a push on his back and fell over the edge. Buckley woke up with a jolt. The feeling that your body just hit the bed knocked the wind out of him. He took a second to catch his breath since he had never been so close to hitting the bottom before.
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