What is Nostr?
Kind 9802
This highlight was made by https://primal.net web client
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-07-25 15:50:34
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "f4bc5439bc8f9d5c07c7a0270927fb2c8f2a114b654009640c68de8cd897aa54", "pubkey": "88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079", "created_at": 1721922634, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "p", "88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079" ], [ "a", "30023:88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079:1721833917399" ], [ "context", " that is testing various interoperability of the markdown rendering and NOSTR specific synatx, just to make sure they play nice." ], [ "alt", "This highlight was made by https://primal.net web client" ] ], "content": "markdown rendering", "sig": "24c64ce0d06f97d46ff3d21803cf3ca91ebb9b00dc47d6c41ebaaaf2fbc73e7e3b61c78335dc6ffef153ee8c3120d1056d56222468433ded94a346a59254f379" }