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Intuitive Guy☯️⚡
2025-02-27 10:59:03

Intuitive Guy☯️⚡ on Nostr: Was listening to this, and I felt the need to write it down.. "Life does not wait for ...

Was listening to this, and I felt the need to write it down..

"Life does not wait for you to be ready it moves, it flows and it transforms with
or without your consent and yet so many stand at the edge of their potential waiting for the
stars to align for the perfect moment to begin. But what they do not realize is
that progress is never about waiting, it is about stepping forward no matter how
small the step may be.
Perfection is the greatest deception of the
mind it appears as a noble Pursuit, a standard of Excellence, a goal worth
striving for, yet it is nothing more than a mirage. It lures people into endless
hesitation convincing them that they must wait until conditions are ideal, until they possess more knowledge, more
skills, more confidence.. and so they stand still, watching life unfold around them,
trapped in the belief that they are not yet ready to begin, but Readiness is an illusion.

There is no perfect moment, no Flawless starting point.. everything that grows everything
that evolves does so through imperfection, the tree does not wait for
the perfect soil before pushing its roots downward.. the river does not refuse
to flow until the path ahead is clear.. nature moves regardless of obstacles and
in that movement it finds Its strength, yet human beings burdened by
their thinking minds hesitate, they fear failure, they fear judgment, they fear that their first
step will not be good enough, forgetting that every master was once a
beginner, and that every journey starts with uncertainty.

Perfection paralyzes.. it demands the impossible. It tells you that you must have absolute certainty before you act,
that every detail must be controlled, that mistakes must be avoided at all
costs, but what is a mistake..? it is nothing more than movement in an unexpected direction, it is a necessary
part of learning, an unavoidable step toward Mastery. A child learning to walk
stumbles again and again yet never once stops to question whether it is worthy
of walking, it simply rises and continues.. only as we grow do we learn to
fear failure. To see imperfection as a flaw rather than a fundamental part of progress, to
chase Perfection is to reject the reality of how things
unfold. The artist does not create a masterpiece with the first stroke of the
brush, the musician does not compose Brilliance with the first note,
every craft every discipline every Pursuit is refined through practice,
through trial and error, through the willingness to begin imperfectly and improve along the way.

The fear of imperfection prevents people from even taking the first step, keeping
them trapped in endless preparation, endless planning.. while life passes them
by. What many fail to realize is that action itself is the cure for
imperfection, the more you move the more you refine; the more you
learn growth is not something that happens before you start, it happens because you
start. Waiting until you feel fully prepared is an excuse disguised as
wisdom, it is the mind's way of avoiding discomfort of staying in familiar
territory where it cannot fail, but also where it cannot grow.

There is no wisdom in hesitation. The moment you take a step forward however uncertain, you begin to
see that progress is not about perfection, but about persistence. Each action builds upon the
last creating momentum, shaping your abilities, sharpening your understanding.
The one who moves forward imperfectly will always surpass the one who waits
for the perfect moment, and yet so many remain stuck.. convinced that they need
more time, more knowledge, more certainty. They do not see that life itself is the
teacher, the lessons you seek are not found in endless contemplation, but in
experience. It is through action that Clarity arises through mistakes that
understanding deepens.

Perfection does not exist but progress does, and progress is only made by those willing to step beyond their
hesitation. The world does not demand flawlessness, it only asks for
movement.. the most beautiful creations, the most profound insights, the most
transformative experiences, all arise from imperfection. They are shaped refined and
evolved over time not in an instant, and yet people sabotage
themselves by believing that their first attempt must be their best attempt, that their initial efforts must
already match the vision in their mind.. but this is never how anything great is built. The only difference between those
who succeed and those who do not, is the willingness to begin without
guarantees.. the willingness to create while still learning, to act while still uncertain, to move forward while still

Every person who has achieved anything worthwhile, has done so not by
waiting for Perfection, but by embracing imperfection as part of the journey. The question is never
whether you are ready.. the question is whether you will move forward despite not feeling ready,
because the truth is, you will never feel completely prepared.
You will never reach a moment where doubt disappears entirely, but that that does not
matter, what matters is action, what matters is making progress.
No matter how small, change is often imagined as something Grand, something sudden a
dramatic shift that transforms everything overnight.. this illusion keeps people
trapped in inaction, waiting for the perfect opportunity, the right moment when everything
aligns.. but change does not happen in great leaps, it happens in the smallest of
steps repeated over time. The greatest mountains are shaped by tiny drops of water
and the strongest trees begin as fragile seeds barely visible to the eye.

People often underestimate the power of small actions because they do not see immediate results.. they take one step,
look around, and see nothing different.. they put in effort for a day or a week,
and when they do not see massive change they assume it is not working.. but transformation is not
something that announces itself loudly, it happens quietly beneath the
surface, building momentum long before it becomes visible. The shift is gradual,
so subtle that it is often unnoticed, until one day everything is different. The mind resists small steps
because it strives for immediate gratification, it wants to see
the full picture, to feel the rewards instantly.. but anything of real value,
anything that lasts, is built piece by piece.

A drop of water does not carve a stone in a day, but over time it wears down even the hardest

Alan Watts
Author Public Key