Sarah J Hoodlet on Nostr: npub1ve6yc…578pv Hello, and welcome! I don't know of any resources, but I'm sure ...
npub1ve6ycs0n333nu4y9kl5p2dea5pf97htg92cdavt4xg5hqzesswnsk578pv (npub1ve6…78pv) Hello, and welcome! I don't know of any resources, but I'm sure there are tons. I'll tag #WritingCommunity and
#AmWriting, in case folks there have things to add.
Also, check out #WritingWonders - there are lots of people in that community who write fantasy. Perhaps they'll offer some resources for you to check out.
#AmWriting, in case folks there have things to add.
Also, check out #WritingWonders - there are lots of people in that community who write fantasy. Perhaps they'll offer some resources for you to check out.