I setup an automated system to water the entire garden on a timer, which allows me to go on longer adventures away from the farm without the plants dying. #gardening #outdoors #technology
"tags": [
"content":"https://ipfs.cahlen.org/ipfs/bafybeifojhlw3is54v3nptsnzmvpwe2jgubckzwxikypdiye2ljauokwmq/CahlenLee_20240423_AutomatedWatering.jpg\n\nI setup an automated system to water the entire garden on a timer, which allows me to go on longer adventures away from the farm without the plants dying. #gardening #outdoors #technology\n\nhttps://ipfs.cahlen.org/ipfs/bafybeifojhlw3is54v3nptsnzmvpwe2jgubckzwxikypdiye2ljauokwmq/CahlenLee_20240423_AutomatedWatering.mp4",