Nadav Kohen [ARCHIVE] on Nostr: 📅 Original date posted:2019-10-09 📝 Original message: Hi list, I'm back again ...
📅 Original date posted:2019-10-09
📝 Original message:
Hi list,
I'm back again with another idea about Payment Points and fun things to do
with them! Hopefully this time I'm not entirely just hashing out old ideas
in public like an out-of-the-loop person :)
*TLDR: Adding and ECDH-ing points gives us AND and OR functionality which
we can compose to make cool lightning contracts like Multisig, Escrow, and
So when looking at the following (likely incomplete) list of things you can
do with payment points:
1) Payment De-correlation
2) "Stuckless" Payments
3) High AMP
4) Selling Signatures
5) Selling Pedersen De-commitment
6) Escrow Contracts
I started of trying to classify what kind of thing these new features are
in hopes of coming across new ones. The first three I clumped into a group
I called "Payment point addition allows us to do cool things while
maintaining the Proof of Payment (PoP) property". The next two (4 and 5) I
called "Commitment applications where point is public". But ZmnSCPxj's
proposal for lightning escrow contracts (
struck me as something different that might somehow be made more general.
Essentially the idea is to use the point S + ECDH(B, E) where S is the
seller's point, B is the buyer's point and E is the escrow's point. This
means that the scalar can be discovered by the seller in collaboration with
the buyer or the escrow, that is, S AND (B OR E). I propose that under
certain circumstances (such as the parties involved being able to
interact), this can be generalized to have payments conditioned on
arbitrary AND/OR circuits.
I believe that AND is very straightforward as you simply take two
conditions A and B and add them together to get a point that requires both
of their scalars are discoverable (except maybe under certain bad
circumstances that can be avoided where like B = C - A, this must be
guarded against).
OR is harder but I think that it can be achieved in the two party case by
ECDH and in the n-party case by multi-party key exchanges (which I know
pretty much nothing about other than that they exist). Given some key
exchange protocol (preferably non-interactive), KE, KE(A_1, ..., A_n)
should result in a number known only to those who know any scalar a_1, ...,
a_n and no one else. Assuming this exists and we can manage to trustlessly
(in some possibly stretched sense of the word) compute shared keys
(including such things as KE(A+B, C)), then KE(A, B) acts as A OR B in our
payment condition contract.
To restate the escrow contract idea in this setting, the payment is
conditioned on S + KE(B, E). Important to note is that not all parties must
know about the details of the payment itself: the Escrow in this example
knows nothing about this payment (other than that some payment exists)
unless there is a dispute.
Lastly, note that contracts following this scheme look indistinguishable to
normal payments on the network, and are fully compatible with High AMPs
since we can simply take the payment point specified by our contract and
add that point to each partial payment point.
Well this is all nice in theory, but is there anything that will actually
come out of this thinking? I'll detail the two things I've thought of so
far for which I'd love critique! I'd also love to hear if anyone else
things of any cool application using this line of thought (or really
anything cool with payment points :P).
Idea 1: "MultiSignature" Lightning Contracts
I mean "MultiSignature" here only in the sense that m-of-n parties must
agree to the payment in order for it to happen, no actual signatures are
used. A "MultiSignature" contract is simply a bunch of ANDs and ORs! For
example a 2-of-3 multisig between parties A, B, and C can be represented as
(A AND B) OR (B AND C) OR (C AND A). As such, if some seller has a point S
and three parties have points A, B, and C where a certain payment must go
through if any two of them think it should, then the payment point used for
the payment should be S + KE(A + B, B + C, C + A). We add S to this point
so that the scalar, s, can act as proof of payment. And that's it! I
haven't thought long enough to come up with any situation where this might
be useful but hoping someone who reads this will!
Idea 2: DLCs Routed over Lightning
Say that some DLC oracle will either broadcast s_A or s_B whose public
points are S_A and S_B (which can be computed from public information as
per the DLC scheme). Then say that Alice and Bob enter into a contract
under which Alice wins some amount if s_A is broadcasted and Bob if s_B is
broadcasted. Say Alice has a point A and Bob has a point B. They each send
the other a payment with the amount that party must receive if they win
with the payment point A + S_A for Bob's payment to Alice and B + S_B for
Alice's payment to Bob. And this is it! If s_A is broadcasted then Alice
gets paid (and Bob gets proof of payment a, which is the scalar to A),
otherwise s_B is broadcasted and Bob gets paid (with Alice receiving b as
PoP). An interesting note is that under this scheme neither party is forced
to pay extra on-chain fees in the case of a counter-party who doesn't
cooperate whilst in the wrong.
One wrinkle with this scheme is that setup isn't trustless. Although it is
generally true that one party must sign the funding transaction for a DLC
before the other party for on-chain DLCs, at least there is the mitigation
that when your counter-party goes silent, you can move your input funds
invalidating the funding transaction you signed (at a cost because fees).
So what can we do here to ensure that both payments are setup at the same
time in the case that Alice and Bob don't trust each other?
Say that although they don't trust each other, they're both willing to
trust some escrow entity who generates some point E for their payment.
Alice's payment point to Bob becomes B + S_B + E and Bob's to Alice becomes
A + S_A + E. The escrow now waits to hear from Alice and Bob that they have
incoming payments setup and only once both of them attest to this (using
signatures, for example) does the escrow release the scalar to E to them
both. The escrow can also have a timeout at which it will never reveal the
scalar to E: forcing both parties to commit to the contract well before the
DLC event. In this way, trust has been moved from counter-party to
trustworthy (hopefully) escrow in such a way that the Escrow learns nothing
about the contract itself (other than that there is one of some kind).
I believe that this scheme can be extended to more events through the use
of multiple payments being setup (usually in both directions) but this
seems complicated and I've rambled for long enough. One last note is that
DLC oracles can be composed in the usual way under this scheme (by
addition) and potentially even threshold multi-oracles can be supported in
this way, although this would require the oracles to attest to some shared
key's points with other oracles which isn't necessarily optimal.
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📝 Original message:
Hi list,
I'm back again with another idea about Payment Points and fun things to do
with them! Hopefully this time I'm not entirely just hashing out old ideas
in public like an out-of-the-loop person :)
*TLDR: Adding and ECDH-ing points gives us AND and OR functionality which
we can compose to make cool lightning contracts like Multisig, Escrow, and
So when looking at the following (likely incomplete) list of things you can
do with payment points:
1) Payment De-correlation
2) "Stuckless" Payments
3) High AMP
4) Selling Signatures
5) Selling Pedersen De-commitment
6) Escrow Contracts
I started of trying to classify what kind of thing these new features are
in hopes of coming across new ones. The first three I clumped into a group
I called "Payment point addition allows us to do cool things while
maintaining the Proof of Payment (PoP) property". The next two (4 and 5) I
called "Commitment applications where point is public". But ZmnSCPxj's
proposal for lightning escrow contracts (
struck me as something different that might somehow be made more general.
Essentially the idea is to use the point S + ECDH(B, E) where S is the
seller's point, B is the buyer's point and E is the escrow's point. This
means that the scalar can be discovered by the seller in collaboration with
the buyer or the escrow, that is, S AND (B OR E). I propose that under
certain circumstances (such as the parties involved being able to
interact), this can be generalized to have payments conditioned on
arbitrary AND/OR circuits.
I believe that AND is very straightforward as you simply take two
conditions A and B and add them together to get a point that requires both
of their scalars are discoverable (except maybe under certain bad
circumstances that can be avoided where like B = C - A, this must be
guarded against).
OR is harder but I think that it can be achieved in the two party case by
ECDH and in the n-party case by multi-party key exchanges (which I know
pretty much nothing about other than that they exist). Given some key
exchange protocol (preferably non-interactive), KE, KE(A_1, ..., A_n)
should result in a number known only to those who know any scalar a_1, ...,
a_n and no one else. Assuming this exists and we can manage to trustlessly
(in some possibly stretched sense of the word) compute shared keys
(including such things as KE(A+B, C)), then KE(A, B) acts as A OR B in our
payment condition contract.
To restate the escrow contract idea in this setting, the payment is
conditioned on S + KE(B, E). Important to note is that not all parties must
know about the details of the payment itself: the Escrow in this example
knows nothing about this payment (other than that some payment exists)
unless there is a dispute.
Lastly, note that contracts following this scheme look indistinguishable to
normal payments on the network, and are fully compatible with High AMPs
since we can simply take the payment point specified by our contract and
add that point to each partial payment point.
Well this is all nice in theory, but is there anything that will actually
come out of this thinking? I'll detail the two things I've thought of so
far for which I'd love critique! I'd also love to hear if anyone else
things of any cool application using this line of thought (or really
anything cool with payment points :P).
Idea 1: "MultiSignature" Lightning Contracts
I mean "MultiSignature" here only in the sense that m-of-n parties must
agree to the payment in order for it to happen, no actual signatures are
used. A "MultiSignature" contract is simply a bunch of ANDs and ORs! For
example a 2-of-3 multisig between parties A, B, and C can be represented as
(A AND B) OR (B AND C) OR (C AND A). As such, if some seller has a point S
and three parties have points A, B, and C where a certain payment must go
through if any two of them think it should, then the payment point used for
the payment should be S + KE(A + B, B + C, C + A). We add S to this point
so that the scalar, s, can act as proof of payment. And that's it! I
haven't thought long enough to come up with any situation where this might
be useful but hoping someone who reads this will!
Idea 2: DLCs Routed over Lightning
Say that some DLC oracle will either broadcast s_A or s_B whose public
points are S_A and S_B (which can be computed from public information as
per the DLC scheme). Then say that Alice and Bob enter into a contract
under which Alice wins some amount if s_A is broadcasted and Bob if s_B is
broadcasted. Say Alice has a point A and Bob has a point B. They each send
the other a payment with the amount that party must receive if they win
with the payment point A + S_A for Bob's payment to Alice and B + S_B for
Alice's payment to Bob. And this is it! If s_A is broadcasted then Alice
gets paid (and Bob gets proof of payment a, which is the scalar to A),
otherwise s_B is broadcasted and Bob gets paid (with Alice receiving b as
PoP). An interesting note is that under this scheme neither party is forced
to pay extra on-chain fees in the case of a counter-party who doesn't
cooperate whilst in the wrong.
One wrinkle with this scheme is that setup isn't trustless. Although it is
generally true that one party must sign the funding transaction for a DLC
before the other party for on-chain DLCs, at least there is the mitigation
that when your counter-party goes silent, you can move your input funds
invalidating the funding transaction you signed (at a cost because fees).
So what can we do here to ensure that both payments are setup at the same
time in the case that Alice and Bob don't trust each other?
Say that although they don't trust each other, they're both willing to
trust some escrow entity who generates some point E for their payment.
Alice's payment point to Bob becomes B + S_B + E and Bob's to Alice becomes
A + S_A + E. The escrow now waits to hear from Alice and Bob that they have
incoming payments setup and only once both of them attest to this (using
signatures, for example) does the escrow release the scalar to E to them
both. The escrow can also have a timeout at which it will never reveal the
scalar to E: forcing both parties to commit to the contract well before the
DLC event. In this way, trust has been moved from counter-party to
trustworthy (hopefully) escrow in such a way that the Escrow learns nothing
about the contract itself (other than that there is one of some kind).
I believe that this scheme can be extended to more events through the use
of multiple payments being setup (usually in both directions) but this
seems complicated and I've rambled for long enough. One last note is that
DLC oracles can be composed in the usual way under this scheme (by
addition) and potentially even threshold multi-oracles can be supported in
this way, although this would require the oracles to attest to some shared
key's points with other oracles which isn't necessarily optimal.
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