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2025-02-25 13:53:41

Fake money, not yours, not in the bank

Money is more abstract than most people think, as I will show in this article. Debt slavery stems from financial illiteracy, which occurs intentionally. The biggest secret is how bankers actually create currency claims out of thin air and transfer the wealth of their clients (including nation states) to themselves for free without risking a cent, real money, or currency.


Money, one of the most important things in our lives, is so important that we exchange wealth to obtain it. Not because we want it but because we need it in order to buy food, shelter, clothes, etc.

Money is not inherently bad, although some may argue that the love for money is the root of all evil, and I’ll agree. If you are willing to sacrifice your soul, honor, reputation, family, or friends for money, it indicates a lack of morality and a willingness to engage in harmful actions to satisfy your greed and materialistic desires.

Money is a technology, a tool, and like any tool or technology, it is impartial; it cannot be inherently good or bad. It can be used to help others or to destroy them. At the end of the day, it’s all about the intention behind human behavior.

Money is not just a useful tool; it’s the most important tool to have for global commerce, division of labor, specialists, and the level of sophistication and comfort we achieve as humanity. All of this will not be possible without this tool working as a common medium of exchange and standard of value, a common language for all humanity: the language of monetary value.

Money is the cornerstone of civilization. Money is the bloodstream of commerce, and commerce is the spine of civilization; it’s what made our civilization so prosperous, letting any one of us decide how we want to provide value to society.

Money is half of every transaction, and since we will always need to intermediate between every exchange, money is the perfect intermediary to help achieve millions of different combinations of exchanges. It will be practically impossible to barter on a global scale; even in a small community with a few different products, it will be a mess.

For example, if there were 10 products, there would be 45 combinations; if there were 100, there would be 4950 combinations. Imagine a scenario on a large scale, requiring the exchange of hundreds of thousands of products every second..

This issue necessitated the development of a new technology: money, which in turn led to the emergence of moneychangers (v4v). Money is a tool to exchange, measure, and store wealth. Wealth is anything we can sell: our labor (time and energy), our house, a car, a product, a service, etc.

Gold and silver were money for thousands of years because of their unique characteristics of scarcity, durability, divisibility, and transportability. The most important characteristic of these metals is that they are scarce, and they can’t be created out of thin air or reproduced with no effort.

Only God can control the supply of gold and silver found in nature. Men can only extract it, and it requires investment, work, time, and effort to find and mine it. So the common knowledge and the common sense of the people over thousands of years consensually chose gold and silver as money. And this money is the only lawful money under common law.

“Gold is money, everything else is credit”

J.P. Morgan 1912

As an interesting fact, the word “money” is used 140 times in the King James Bible, the word “gold” is mentioned 417 times, and the word “silver” over 320 times. But the word “currency” is not mentioned a single time.

The most important function of money is to exchange and store your time and energy. You work to acquire money and then use that money to acquire other goods and services.

Our time and energy is our real wealth because it’s limited. We all have a limited time on earth, and we can do certain things in the 24 hours we have every day, so we have to be conscious about how we administrate and store the fruits of our labor.

Money is a means to an end; we don’t want money; we want what money can buy, and guess what, money cannot buy more time.


Currency exists as a money substitute. Currencies began as the opposite of money, the promise to deliver money in the future: debt. Currencies can be used to exchange wealth, but they are not a fair unit of account and are never a good way to store it because men are tempted to create more and dilute its value (a process known as inflation)

Currencies have almost all the same characteristics of money, but there’s a big difference: currency is not scarce and durable. Missing the store of value characteristic of money, since its supply can be manipulated by men.

For wealth preservation and measuring, modern currencies make no sense. Men control the supply of currency; banks and governments can inflate or deflate it in any amount they please, giving them supreme power and control over wealth distribution. This creates two classes of citizens: those who work to acquire currency and those who create it instantly and for free.

International banks have stolen money (gold and silver) over the past century, replacing its supply with currency or fake money (paper receipts). [1913, 1933, 1944, 1971]

Under this monetary game, those with “fixed income,” savers, and creditors are the biggest losers, while debtors and asset owners are the winners..

The most important distinction to keep in mind is that nature controls the money supply, making artificial inflation impossible. On the other hand, men can inflate currency in unlimited amounts. It is a manifestation of God’s power on earth, as the mediums of exchange serve as the lifeblood of commerce, the backbone of our economic system, and facilitate the division of labor.

If someone can inflate the currency supply, this has the same economic effect as counterfeiting, and he’s effectively stealing from everyone contracting, trading, and saving in that currency. Manipulating the mediums of exchange in an economy enables manipulation of every security, industry, and business.

This is the reason the founding fathers of the United States made gold and silver only lawful money for the payment of debts. To give everyone equal protection under the law and to get rid of the nobility and two types of citizens: bankers and workers or nobles and plebeians.

Bank-notes are not money. It ’s currency. It’s unfair to take banks’ currency as a standard for comparison.

Bank-note currency is not “lawful money”. It never could be counted as part of banks cash reserves. It would be too much like a man writing and signing his own promissory note for a million and then claiming that this made him a millionaire.

The very grave evils any currency depreciation always impose upon businesses and the people.

Alfred Owen Crozier, US Money vs Corporate currency, 1912

So money has three very important functions that work as the pillars on which the wellness of our economic system and civilizations relies. Currency is not a store of value because its supply can be easily manipulated, men in power can create more of it, and so using this always-changing currency as a standard of value or a unit of account is like using an always-changing ruler to measure distance. A dollar today does not buy the same as a dollar one year ago. So yesterday prices are not equal to today’s prices; this is an unfair business calculation.

So money has three very important functions that work as the pillars on which the wellness of our economic system and civilizations relies. Currency is not a store of value because its supply can be easily manipulated, men in power can create more of it, and so using this always-changing currency as a standard of value or a unit of account is like using an always-changing ruler to measure distance. A dollar today does not buy the same as a dollar one year ago. So yesterday prices are not equal to today’s prices; this is an unfair business calculation.

There are several Bible verses that discuss the manipulation of weights and measures, emphasizing the importance of honesty and fairness in commercial dealings.

  1. Leviticus 19:35-36 New International Version (NIV): “Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight, or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest ephah, and an honest hin.

  2. Deuteronomy 25:13-15: Do not have two differing weights in your bag—one heavy, one light. Do not have two differing measures in your house—one large, one small. You must have accurate and honest weights and measures.

  3. Proverbs 11:1—”A “dishonest scale is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.”

Fake money (currency) is always and everywhere a dishonest scale. So if you want a real measure of value or wealth use something with real value instead, like gold, commodities, products, times, etc.

Bankers have redefined the word money to mean fake money, currency, or debt. And this is not the worst part. Let’s introduce another concept: credit.


Real credit is the promise to pay money in the future. It involves delaying the payment of money. Currency was born as credit, as a money certificate or receipt. During the last century, banks gradually replaced 100% of the money with currency and bank credit to further boost their profits and control. [1913, 1933, 1944, 1971]

But in order to achieve this goal, bankers redefined the word money to mean the opposite of money: credit/debt. This is like calling a night a day or evil a good.

When you take out a loan from a friend, you receive credit from him, but you also incur a debt with him. You promise your friends that you will pay them (asset/right), and you owe them (liability/obligation). The asset and the liability are one and part of the same deal; they cannot exist without the other. There’s no credit with no debt, no debt with no credit, and no liability with no asset.

Federal Reserve notes, commonly known as “dollars,” are a private corporate currency; they are not money because they are not gold or silver, nor receipts for these metals as many people still believe. They were not redeemable in money from the start, despite being created under the assumption.

The “peso” (Spanish word for weight) used to be a standardized amount of gold or silver, but it’s not any more; it’s just a debt denomination. And what’s owing? Currency. How can someone lend the opposite of money and charge interest? Only deceiving you into believing that he is lending you money. So they redefined the word money to mean the opposite of it.

But redefining words does not change the economic effect of the transaction.

When currencies first appeared, I can imagine people asking themselves, “How can people trust these paper certificates in exchange for their money?” Who will be that stupid?” And nowadays, people don’t understand the difference between money and currency, to the point that bankers redefined the word “money” to mean the opposite of “money.”

Lesson: Money is not just a medium of exchange; it is also a store of value and a unit of account. Currency, the opposite of money, is debt. Since it can be created in unlimited amounts, it can’t work as a store of value because its value depreciates as more units are created; for this same reason, it is not fair to denominate values in currency units since one currency unit today does not buy the same as a year ago because of inflation, the loss of purchasing power.

Summarize: While money, currency, and credit all serve as effective mediums of exchange, only money serves as a reliable store of value for saving. Currency and credit are not stores of value (not good to save), and there are not fair units of account (not good for price).

In simple terms, money is not currency, because currency is just credit and debt. We can conceptualize it as a ledger, a record of who owes what to whom. Currency is fake money since it’s the opposite of a store of value; it’s always depreciating in value while its supply is inflated. This is the definition of inflation.

Modern credit is not currency; it’s the opposite. It’s the promise to deliver currency in the future, the promise of a promise of money (in theory). But there’s no money behind. It’s an air loan.

But how did we get here? Is everyone stupid? No, we have been tricked, manipulated, and dictated to use these currencies, and this banking system was forced on us. They stole our money and replaced it with fake substitutes to boost their profits.


So nowadays we have fake money acting as cash/currency and fake currency acting as bank deposits or credit. One is worse than the other, but both of them serve only as mediums of exchange. Those who store wealth with them will be robbed, and those who calculate business will be lied to.

Today we use currencies (government notes), coins, bank deposits (currency claims), checks (bank deposit claims), credit cards, and debit cards. All of them are ‘monopoly money’ fake claims based on a big and global fraud.

  • Government notes (government debt)

Since governments are under the control of central banks, they can only create currency by borrowing. Governments must issue bonds, or debt, and the central bank can generate credit, or currency, to purchase these bonds.

The bond (government liability) is the counterpart of the ‘asset’ (the currency, a central bank asset). Bonds are debt, and currencies are credit.

When the central bank creates currency to lend it to the government at interest, it has literally the economic effect of transferring the wealth of the nation to the banks for free. The banks are not lending anything that they had to labor to produce; instead, they are creating it by printing paper notes or digital currency.

On the other side, governments have to collect money from citizens (producers, merchants, and workers) to pay the interest on the debt.

Despite their best efforts, governments are unable to repay the debt due to interest, which makes it bigger than the amount of currency. Let’s say the debt is 100 at 1% interest. So there’s only 100 in currency. But at the end of the year, there’s going to be a debt of 101. In order for the system to keep working, someone else has to go into debt to create more currency units, and governments have to keep borrowing and at least only paying the interest and rolling the debt.

The important thing is that if you have government currency debt free, you own it. This is the new ‘money.’. Government currency is the ‘real’ cash, liquidity, or water.

  • Bank deposits (bank debt)

When you deposit your government currency in the bank, you are legally lending your currency to the bank, and the bank owes you the amount you deposit. This currency is not stored by banks until you request it. Banks use this currency as if it were theirs, and they do business with it. That’s why I said, ‘Your money in the bank’ is not yours; it’s not money; it’s not in the bank. Its currency, its owe to you, is only registered on the bank ledger as a debt, not in a safe box.

The numbers you get in the bank account, or your balance, are government currency substitutes; they are bank deposits. Your currency deposit is the asset, and the number on your bank account balance is the liability.

But this is not the worst part. Banks lend around 10 times more currency than they have in deposits. So banks have more liabilities than assets (they are literally broke).

People often treat bank deposits, also known as government currency substitutes or bank tokens, as legal tender, allowing banks to create them arbitrarily and ‘lend’ them to unsuspecting clients who mistakenly believe they are receiving currency.

This is possible only because the bank’s deposit has equal cash value.

Government bonds, government currency, and bank deposits have equal value. But they are not the same.

All of them have counterparty risk, but cash, or government currency, is better or safer than bonds or bank deposits. If interest rates rise, the value of bonds can decrease, and default on bank deposits can result in total loss, a scenario that has frequently occurred.

Keep in mind that bank deposits represent the bank’s debts, also known as liabilities. Business activities and risk-taking make your currency unsecured, and they don’t compensate you enough for the loan and risk.

  • Debit cards (bank deposit transfer)

Your bank deposit is your right to get your currency back. When you use a credit card to buy something, you are transferring that right to the seller so he can redeem that bank token for currency if he wishes.

But you have to have had a deposit before you can spend it or transfer it.

  • Checks (bank deposit transfer)

The same applies to checks. Your bank deposit is your right to get your currency back. When you use a check to buy something, you are transferring that right to the seller so he can redeem that bank token for currency if he wishes.

  • Credit card (bank deposit creator)

Credit cards are different. When you use a credit card, you are creating a bank deposit backed by your promise of paying it back. By allowing the bank to create a currency substitute out of nothing and charge you high interest, you are essentially working for them for free.

Not only this, but you are also letting them collect fees from the payments processing that cost them nothing and support their fake money as a medium of exchange.

Using credit cards is literally voting for financial slavery. This is why companies make credit cards so convenient and offer benefits, with the intention of incentivizing and pushing people into the debt slavery system.


‘Loans’ = exchanges

The history of money is the history of moneychangers, money dealers, or bankers. Money is an inanimate object. Bankers are alive; they are the ones in charge of making the money, currency, and credit flow or stop.

They have been in existence for thousands of years, from Egypt to Rome, where Jesus Christ himself threw them out of the temple and called them thieves, and he was not wrong.

Moneychangers played a crucial role in facilitating trade by exchanging different forms of currency and commodities. The profession of moneychangers evolved over time, particularly during the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages when various currencies were in circulation. In these times, moneychangers would set up shop at markets or public spaces to provide their services and help merchants convert their money into a form that could be used for transactions with other traders. As banking systems developed over time, the role of moneychangers expanded to include more complex financial services.

Today, moneychangers are still an essential part of the global economy, helping people exchange currencies and facilitating international trade.

The Knights Templars were a Christian military order established in 1119 who played a crucial role in the establishment of the financial system in medieval Europe. They established a gold-backed credit system that laid the foundation for the modern banking system. Their financial services included deposit accounts, loans, and even a form of early traveler’s checks.

The history of the goldsmiths starts around 700 years ago in the year 1327. The company became responsible for hallmarking precious metals and played a significant role in regulating the quality and authenticity of gold and silver items. In exchange for written acknowledgments or “receipts,” they also provided gold deposit services.

Both groups played significant roles in the development of these early financial instruments, with goldsmiths issuing written acknowledgments for deposited gold and the Knights Templar establishing banking institutions that facilitated the use of such receipts as a form of payment.

This is a brief summary of the beginning of the moneychangers and how they discovered how to multiply money with paper receipts, better understood as counterfeiting. We now refer to it as fractional reserve banking, and let me tell you something: it’s based on fraud.

Not only do they create bank deposits when you deposit currency, but they also create them when you “take a loan.” Banks do not lend money, and they do not lend currency; they lend bank deposits (bank tokens/IOUs/currency substitutes/ paper receipts).

Banks had to redefine the word money to mean the opposite of money (debt) to trick the people. How can you lend the oposite of money and expect to be paid back plus interest? This took them thousands of years to achieve.

The fact is that this is not a loan but an exchange. When you take a loan, you sign a contract that creates a promissory note, which is your promise to pay. The bank then takes this promissory note, without your permission (steals), and sells it for cash (if you requiere it) or government bonds (to earn interest).

Your promissory note has equal value to cash and government bonds. And banks always need an asset to create a bank deposit (liability). So the banks literally steal your asset (promissory note) and sell them to create IOUs that they will ‘lend’ to you.

They ‘lend’ the oposite of money and call it a loan. The truth is that they are acting as moneychangers, and they are exchanging your IOU (promissory note) for a bank IOU (bank deposit) without your permission and pretending that you pay it back, but they never pay back theirs…

How is this possible? This is only possible because most people treat bank deposits (bank tokens, IOUs, and debts) as a medium of exchange because they trust the banks.

This is the root of inequality under the law. While one group can create IOUs from nothing and steal others, the other must work for them or exchange wealth.

If this bank defaults, its IOUs quickly vanish. This is a mathematical certainty; that’s why banks that are ‘too big to fail’ demand bailouts. Every bank is bankrupt since they have 7–10 times more liabilities than assets, and the assets they have are not theirs but their clients’ assets. The only thing that keeps them alive is the trust of the public and the bailouts of the government.

This is legalized slavery and theft. There’s no other name. Banks own every industry, government, public figure, actor, etc. They have the power of God on earth, and it’s time to stop them.

If we let the bank take our wealth for free, we will end up bankrupt, and they will end up owning everything. Every medium of exchange nowadays is an IOU or an IOU of an IOU. Ultimately, it is mathematically impossible to repay all of those IOUs, and banks pretend to keep all the assets.

Check: IOU = deposit; IOU = cash; IOU = bond; IOU + interest

The only way this system can continue is to keep creating new IOUs to pay the old ones, but even then (as it has been for over a century), the value of those IOUs keeps falling, causing hyperinflation.

If banks and governments want to ‘avoid’ (imposible) or relent to hyperinflation, they need to incur a great confiscation. So heads you lose, tails they win, playing this game doesn’t make any fucking sense.

Buy Bitcoin, self custody, and fuck the government and the banking system.

Live free or die trying.

Author Public Key