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Why Go is the worst language you could ever learn


Picture this: you’re a seasoned software developer, having mastered several programming languages. You’ve dabbled in Python’s simplicity, swum in Java’s verbose ocean, and even navigated the sharp edges of C++. And now, you hear whispers in the tech corridors about Go, the language created by Google that’s supposed to be the next big thing. But wait — before you dive in, let’s take a critical look. Despite its gleaming reputation, Go might just be the worst language you could ever learn.

The Simplicity Trap

The Illusion of Simplicity

Go is often praised for its simplicity, but this can be a double-edged sword. Sure, a language that’s easy to pick up sounds great, but what if that simplicity comes at the cost of essential features? Go’s minimalist design strips away many conveniences that other languages offer. There’s no inheritance, no generics (until recently), and error handling is rudimentary at best.


Imagine trying to build a complex data structure in Go. You’ll quickly find yourself writing repetitive, boilerplate code that a language with generics could have handled elegantly. It’s like being forced to build a skyscraper with Lego blocks — simple but painfully slow and inefficient.

Error Handling: A Nightmare

Tedious and Verbose

In Go, error handling is done by returning errors as values. This might seem straightforward, but in practice, it results in verbose and cluttered code. Every function that might fail has to return an error, and every caller has to check for that error. This leads to a pattern that looks like:

if err != nil {
    return err

Repeat ad nauseam. It’s like playing a video game where you have to press a button every two seconds to keep playing — monotonous and prone to errors if you forget.

Personal Anecdote

When I first started with Go, I was excited about its concurrency model. But the excitement faded as I spent more time handling errors than writing actual logic. It felt like I was an error handler, not a developer.

Lack of Essential Features

Missing Generics

Until very recently, Go did not support generics, which are a staple in many modern languages. Generics allow you to write flexible and reusable code. Without them, you’re stuck writing the same functions for different types. This is a massive productivity drain and leads to bloated codebases.


Consider a simple function to find an element in a slice. In Go, you need to write a separate function for each type:

func findInt(slice []int, val int) bool {
    for _, v := range slice {
        if v == val {
            return true
    return false

func findString(slice []string, val string) bool {
    for _, v := range slice {
        if v == val {
            return true
    return false

In a language with generics, you would write this once and reuse it for any type.

Concurrency Model: Overhyped

Goroutines Galore

Go’s goroutines are lightweight threads, and while they are powerful, they come with their own set of problems. Managing goroutines and channels can become incredibly complex, especially in large applications. Debugging concurrent code is notoriously difficult, and Go is no exception.

Hypothetical Scenario

Imagine you’re managing a team of junior developers. They find goroutines cool and start using them everywhere. Soon, your codebase is a tangled mess of channels and goroutines, with race conditions and deadlocks lurking in every corner. It’s like trying to untangle Christmas lights in the dark.

Interactive Elements

Thought-Provoking Questions

  1. How does Go’s simplicity compare to the complexity of other languages you’ve worked with? Do you find it beneficial or limiting?
  2. Have you encountered situations where Go’s lack of features (like generics) caused significant issues in your projects?
  3. How do you handle error management in your preferred language, and how does it compare to Go’s approach?


Try rewriting a piece of code you’ve written in another language into Go. Note down the challenges and differences you encounter. This hands-on experience will highlight Go’s limitations in a practical context.


While Go has its strengths and a strong following, it comes with significant drawbacks that can’t be ignored. Its simplicity can be deceptive, leading to verbose and repetitive code. The lack of essential features like generics, a cumbersome error handling system, and a concurrency model that’s easy to misuse make it a challenging language to master efficiently. Before you commit to learning Go, weigh these cons carefully against its pros.

Additional Resources

  1. The Go Programming Language
  2. Effective Go
  3. Go Concurrency Patterns
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